Avenues Strategies https://www.avenuestrategies.com Wed, 22 Feb 2017 15:41:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.avenuestrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/favicon.png Avenues Strategies https://www.avenuestrategies.com 32 32 Bloomberg: Trump’s K Street Office Is Open for Business https://www.avenuestrategies.com/bloomberg-trumps-k-street-office-is-open-for-business/ https://www.avenuestrategies.com/bloomberg-trumps-k-street-office-is-open-for-business/#respond Wed, 22 Feb 2017 15:40:05 +0000 https://www.avenuestrategies.com/?p=2134 “You see that window right there? The one right next to the big arch?” says Corey Lewandowski, pointing at the second floor of the White House two blocks away. “That’s gonna be Mr. Trump’s bedroom.”

Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, is standing in his corner office at Avenue Strategies, a lobbying firm he’s founded with Barry Bennett, the former campaign manager for Ben Carson who later worked for Trump. The geographic proximity to the White House is important, because it amplifies Lewandowski’s personal proximity to Trump—and that’s the basis for his new business. “We’re not here to compete with guys who are lobbying Capitol Hill,” Bennett says. “We’re here to lobby the administration.”

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