SoftPaq Solution:  SP1696
Part Number:  182255-072
Title:  Desktop Windows Supplemental Programs Diskette (DWSPD)
Version:  2.00 Revision B
Language: Spanish

CATEGORY:  Drivers / Miscellaneous

EFFECTIVE DATE:  12 May 1996

PRODUCTS AFFECTED:  ALL 386, 486, and Pentium Based Desktop PCs
NOTE:  Enhanced Prolinea 486, Presario 400, 600, and 800 units also may require Compaq Computer Setup for Windows Version 1.50 (SP1676)

Presario 500, 700, 900, 5500, 9500 units may require Desktop Computer Setup for Windows-PnP Version 3.10 (SP1686)

New Deskpro, and New Prolinea units also may require Compaq Computer Setup for Windows/VP Version 4.10 (SP1681)


SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: Windows Version 3.1 or greater


DESCRIPTION:  The Compaq Windows Supplemental Program Diskette is a group of Windows applications and device drivers that enhance Windows 3.1 and hardware features on a Compaq platform. This supplemental diskette does not include video drivers.  DWSPD can
be installed on any Compaq Desktop computer that is capable of running Windows 3.1. The WSPD contains generic and specific software for the wide range of Compaq products. The majority of the files reside in the \WINDOWS\CPQWIN subdirectory.

WSPD contains COMPAQ Welcome Center, COMPAQ Control Center, COMPAQ Learning Center, CWC_CCC.INI file, Energy Saver, Windows Power Conservation programs for Compaq Laptops,    Windows Fast 32-Bit FastDisk Driver, and related files.


1. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory.  The file downloaded to your hard drive is SP1696.EXE.

2. Obtain one (1) formatted 1.44MB diskette and place it in one of your diskette drives.

3. Execute the SoftPaq file to create the diskette:  SP1696 [ENTER]

4. After the diskette is created, you may delete the downloaded file SP1696.EXE if you wish.

5. At this point, the Windows Supplemental Program Diskette has been created and is ready to use for upgrading the WSPD programs

6. Please view all READMEs before installing this new driver.

7.  Insert the diskette into the A: drive.  From TabWorks or File Manager, select File, Run....

8.  In the Command Line, type:  A:\CPQINST [ENTER]

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