DOCUMENT:Q189208 09-DEC-2000 [mspress] TITLE :Microsoft Outlook 98 Step by Step Comments and Corrections PRODUCT :Microsoft Press PROD/VER: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbdocerr ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - MSPRESS Microsoft Outlook 98 Step by Step ISBN 1-57231-717-5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article contains information on known errors, corrections, and comments relating to the Microsoft Press book "Microsoft Outlook 98 Step by Step," ISBN 1-57231-717-5. Contents: - Page iii: Wrong Page Reference in Table of Contents - Page vii: Wrong Page References in QuickLook Guide - Page xi: Project 98 Has No MOUS Exam - Page xii: Incorrect ISBN - Page 11: Typo in Important box - Page 16: Installing file management add-on steps inaccurate - Pages 17-20: Steps for An Introduction to Journal Do Not Work - Page 37: Screenshot should reflect SBS Practice Contacts - Page 67: My Shortcut Group should be Outlook Shortcut Group - Page 73: Screenshot does not include steps 5 and 6 - Page 78: Survey responses are in your Inbox folder - Page 80, Step 2: Click the Calendar shortcut icon - Page 91: inaccurate screenshot - Page 97: Step 1 should be Define views for SBS Practice Calendar - Page 105, 112, 115 screenshots for SBS Practice Calendar - Page 108: Click Save and Close after Step 4 - Page 114: In step 3 the Date should be December 24 at 4 PM - Page 115: Additional step needed to Go To Date - Page 141: The "Check on backorder" task is not displayed - Page 149: Email message has no sender listed - Page 211: Copy Notes from Lesson 10 folder to Outlook Notes - Page 236: Typo in Important box - CD-ROM: Lesson 1 folder contains two unnecessary files MORE INFORMATION ================ Page iii: Wrong Page Reference in Table of Contents --------------------------------------------------- On page iii, the contents states that the section "New Features in Outlook 98" should be on page xi. The section is actually on page xii. Page vii: Wrong Page References in QuickLook Guide -------------------------------------------------- "Addressing and sending e-mail messages" should be on page 34, not 38 as printed. "Attaching a file to a message" should be on page 37, not 38 as printed. "Scheduling a recurring meeting" should be on page 126, not 128 as printed. Page xi: Project 98 Has No MOUS Exam ------------------------------------ In the chart for the MOUS exams there is an exam for Project 98, this reference should be removed. Page xii: Incorrect ISBN ------------------------ Page xii: Change the ISBN for Microsoft Outlook 98 Step by Step from: "1-5231-717-5" To: "1-57231-717-5" Page 11: Typo in Important box ------------------------------ Page 11, Under the heading "Important," Sentence 1: Change: " your installation of Optlook 98 has been..." To: " your installation of Outlook 98 has been..." Page 16: Installing file management add-on steps inaccurate ----------------------------------------------------------- "Install the file management add-on", bottom of Page 16: Steps 1-3 do not lead to Outlook 98 file management add-on. For instructions on how to add the file management component to Outlook 98, use your Internet browser to connect to Microsoft article on "How to Add Components to Outlook 98". The address is: Pages 17-20: Steps for An Introduction to Journal Do Not Work ------------------------------------------------------------- When the steps on page 19, under the subheading Check A Recorded Document In The Journal Folder, are followed, you will not see the "Seed Catalogs Info." message displayed. The Journal records email messages, appointments, and tasks for contacts that you specify. For instance, if you choose to record email messages, you must also choose the contacts for which you wish to record this information. The steps under the heading An Introduction To Journal, starting on page 17 and continuing through the end of page 18, fail to specify the contact for which this information should be recorded. Please substitute the following steps in place of the steps found on page 17 and 18: Add a contact to your Outlook Contacts list 1. Open Outlook if it is not already open. 2. On the Outlook Bar, click the Outlook Shortcuts group Button, and then click the Contacts shortcut. The Contacts information is displayed in the Information Viewer. 3. Click the Start button, point to Programs, and then click Windows Explorer or Windows NT Explorer. 4. Right-click any blank area of the taskbar at the bottom of your screen, and on the shortcut menu that is displayed, click Tile Vertically. 5. On the left side of the window titled All Folders, within the Exploring window, double-click the Outlook SBS Practice Files folder, and then double-click the Lesson 2 folder. The contents of the Lesson 2 folder are displayed in the right side of the Exploring window. 6. Drag the Sheila Smith file from the right side of the Exploring Window to the your Outlook Information Viewer. Select Journal options 1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then in the Options dialog box, click the Journal Options button. The Journal Options dialog box appears. 2. In the Automatically Record These Items list, click E-mail Messages, and then in the For These Contacts list, click Sheila Smith. 3. Click OK, and then in the Options dialog box, click OK. The Journal now records each instance an e-mail is sent to your contact Sheila Smith. Open and reply to an e-mail message 1. On the Outlook Bar, click the Current Reports group button, and then click the Seed Report Mail shortcut. The Seed Report Mail folder is displayed in the Information Viewer. 2. On the left side of the window titled All Folders, within the Exploring Window, double-click the Lesson 1 folder. The contents of the Lesson 1 folder are displayed in the right side of the Exploring window. 3. Drag the Seed Catalogs Info. message from the right side of the Exploring window to your Outlook Information Viewer. 4. Close the Exploring window, and then maximize Outlook. 5. Double-click the "Seed Catalogs Inf." message from Sheila Smith. The message is displayed. 6. Click Reply. 7. On the To line, highlight Sheila Smith, and then press the delete key. 8. On the To line, type "Sheila Smith", and then type "That should be fine, thanks" in the message area. Your reply is displayed in blue. The original message is displayed in the lower part of the message area. 9. Click Send, and then close the Seed Catalog Info. message. Please continue with the steps on page 19, under the subheading Check A Recorded Document In the Journal Folder. Please note: The illustration on page 19 might look slightly different from your screen. Please make sure the Day button on the toolbar is selected. Also, depending on what other applications are installed on your machine, there may be other Entry Types displayed. Once you have completed Lesson 1, please follow these steps to delete the contact Sheila Smith from your contacts list. 1. On the Outlook Bar, click the Outlook Shortcuts group button, and then click the Contacts shortcut. 2. Click on the name "Smith, Sheila", and then from the toolbar, click the Delete button. Page 37: Screenshot Should Reflect SBS Practice Contacts -------------------------------------------------------- On page 37, the screenshot should reflect the fact that you are showing names from the SBS Practice Contacts, not from Contacts. Page 67: My Shortcut Group Should Be Outlook Shortcut Group ----------------------------------------------------------- The Tip at the top of page 67 indicates that the Deleted Items folder shorcut is located in the My Shortcuts Group when it is actually in the Outlook Shortcuts Group. Change second sentence from: "The shortcut to the folder is located in the My Shortcuts group." To: "The shortcut to the folder is located in the Outlook Shortcuts group." Page 73: Screenshot Does Not Include Steps 5 and 6 -------------------------------------------------- On Page 73, the screenshot does not include steps 5 and 6, and should therefore be placed before step 5. Page 78: Survey Responses Are In Your Inbox Folder -------------------------------------------------- On page 78, under "Track survey results", the survey results will be in your Inbox folder not the SBS Practice Inbox folder. The screen shot on page 79, is an accurate reflection of this. Change the last sentence in the last paragraph from: "In this exercise, you review the responses to your survey in your SBS Practice Inbox folder and in your Sent Items folder." To: "In this exercise, you review the responses to your survey in your Inbox folder and in your Sent Items folder." Also change step 1 from: "This ensures that all responses have been delivered to your SBS Practice Inbox." To: "This ensures that all responses have been delivered to your Inbox." Page 80, Step 2: Click the Calendar Shortcut Icon ------------------------------------------------- On page 80, in Step 2, to continue to the next lesson, click the Calendar shortcut icon. Change: "To continue to the next lesson, on the Outlook Bar, in the Outlook Shortcuts group, click the Contacts shortcut icon." To: "To continue to the next lesson, on the Outlook Bar, in the Outlook Shortcuts group, click the Calendar shortcut icon." Page 91: inaccurate screenshot ------------------------------ On page 91, the screen shot may not match your computer. By default two months will be displayed in the Date Navigator. Page 97: Step 1 Should Be Define Views For SBS Practice Calendar ---------------------------------------------------------------- On page 97, in Step 1, the Define Views for SBS Practice Calendar dialog box appears. Change: "The Define Views For Calendar dialog box appears." To: "The Define Views For SBS Practice Calendar dialog box appears." Page 105, 112, 115 Screenshots For SBS Practice Calendar -------------------------------------------------------- In Lesson 5, on pages 104, 112 and 115, the screenshots display "Calendar - Microsoft Outlook" in the title bar. It should be "SBS Practice Calendar - Microsoft Outlook". Page 114: In Step 3 the Date Should Be December 24 at 4 PM ---------------------------------------------------------- On Page 114, under "Add a new category for tracking appointments", the date in Step 3 should be December 24 at 4:00 PM as the presentation date was changed earlier in the lesson. Change: "In the Appointment area, click the "CFO presentation" scheduled for December 22 at 4:00 P.M." To: "In the Appointment area, click the "CFO presentation" scheduled for December 24 at 4:00 P.M." Page 108: Click Save and Close After Step 4 ------------------------------------------- On page 108, under "Move a recurring appointment to a different date", you will need to click Save and Close to put the meeting series on the calendar. Add Step 5: Click Save and Close. Page 115: Additional Step Needed To Go To Date ---------------------------------------------- On page 115, under "Finish the lesson", Step 1 instructs you to click Go To Date from the Go menu. You can't click the Go To Date from this view, you must change the view first. Before Step 1, add: On the Outlook bar, click the SBS Practice Calendar shortcut. Page 141: The "Check on backorder" Task Is Not Displayed -------------------------------------------------------- On page 141, under "View task assignments", step 1 says that one task "Check on backorder", is displayed. This task has not been assigned and therefore is not displayed. No tasks are displayed in the Assignment list. Page 149: Email Message Has No Sender Listed -------------------------------------------- On page 149, under "Create a task from an e-mail message", in Step 2, the "Trade show plans" message is not from Howard McBaine. There is no sender identified in the e-mail. Change Step 2: "Select the 'Trade show plans' message from Howard McBaine, and ..." To: "Select the 'Trade show plans' message and ..." Page 211: Copy Notes From Lesson 10 Folder to Outlook Notes ----------------------------------------------------------- On page 211, there are no instructions to copy the Parts Price note from the Lesson 10 folder on the CD-ROM to the Notes folder in Outlook. Page 222 assumes that the Parts Price note is in the Notes folder in Outlook. The AVI demonstration file for this exercise also indicates that it should be there. On page 211, in Step 3, add: "Also copy the Parts Prices note to the Outlook Notes folder." Page 236: Typo in Important Box ------------------------------- Page 236: Typo in Important box, third sentence. Change: "Click Advanced options, click Add-On Manager, and..." To: "Click Advanced options, click Add-In Manager, and..." CD-ROM: Lesson 1 Folder Contains Two Unnecessary Files ------------------------------------------------------ The Lesson 1 folder on the CD-ROM includes two unnecessary Word Documents. The Screenshot on page 18 also shows the two unnecessary Word documents. The Word documents entitled "Briefing", and "Sprinkler Specs", can be removed from the Lesson 1 folder on the CD-ROM and from the screenshot on page 18. Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing of the book, it may already contain the above corrections. Additional query words: 1-57231-717-5 ol98 EUSBS OUTLOOK ====================================================================== Keywords : kbdocerr Technology : kbMSPressSearch Issue type : kbbug Solution Type : kbpending ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000.