DOCUMENT:Q131964 26-JUL-2001 [exchange] TITLE :XADM: How to Update a Client Install Share with SP4 PRODUCT :Microsoft Exchange PROD/VER:winnt:4.0 SP2,4.0 SP3 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbsetup exc4sp2 exc4sp3 ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0 SP2, 4.0 SP3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The following procedures allow you to update a Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3 client installation point with Microsoft Exchange Server Service Pack 4 binary files. If you have already updated your client installation point with Service Pack 3 binaries, you can use this same procedure to update it to Service Pack 4 by following the second set of instructions below. This allows new users to run the client Setup once and have all the fixes in Service Pack 4 on their workstation. This also allows an existing Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 RTM user to run client Setup just once (instead of twice) to update the workstation with all of the Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 4 binary files. NOTE: Microsoft Exchange Service Pack 4 has cumulative fixes based on Service Pack 2. Therefore, all fixes in Service Pack 3 are also included in Service Pack 4. These procedures are very detailed and require a lot of editing by the System Administrator. It is easy to make an editing mistake, so take your time and double-check your changes. These procedures will work for all client platforms and languages. Thorough testing is recommended before making this installation point available to your users. MORE INFORMATION ================ To update a Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 Service Pack 2 Client installation point with Microsoft Exchange Client Service Pack 4 binary files: 1. Create a Microsoft Exchange Server SP2 Client Administration share on your network by using setup /a. This provides all the binary files in expanded form and eliminates the CAB files. Name the directory Sp2.mod. 2. Run Setup Editor (if you have done so in the past) and do your normal modifications. 3. In a separate directory on your network, copy the contents of the Service Pack 4 client directory that matches the client you set up in Step 1. Name the directory 4. Copy the Extract.exe and Sp4extrt.bat files from the \Support directory of the Service Pack 4 compact disc to the directory. 5. From the directory, run Sp4extrt.bat. This will create an \\Rawsp4 directory and will place all the extracted Service Pack 4 binary files there. 6. Using your favorite text editor, open \Sp2.mod\Exchng.inf and \\Rawsp4\Exchng.inf. 7. For each line listed in \\Rawsp4\Exchng.inf, make the corresponding date, size, and version changes in \Sp2.mod\Exchng.inf. If the file doesn't exist in \Sp2.mod\Exchng.inf, skip it. Don't do a complete line copy; this will break Setup. VERY IMPORTANT! Only change the date, the size (if it changes), and the version. Be careful not to delete commas or additional fields. 8. After your modifications are complete, save it to its original location and close the text editor. 9. Replace the files in Sp2.mod with the corresponding files in \\Rawsp4. 10. Replace the files in \Sp2.mod\System with the corresponding files in \\Rawsp4. This will be most, but not all, of the remaining Service Pack 4 files. It may be easiest to do this in File Manager with two windows, each sorted by name. To ensure that you are able to see all files, do the following: a. In File Manager, click Options on the View menu. b. Click Show All Files and then click OK. c. Select the corresponding Service Pack 4 files and drag them to the appropriate directory. You are now ready to test your client installation. NOTE: Extract.exe is a Win16 utility. To update a Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 Service Pack 3 Client installation point with Microsoft Exchange Client Service Pack 4 binary files: 1. Copy your Service Pack 3 client installation point to a new directory called Sp3.mod. 2. In a separate directory on your network, copy the contents of the SP4 client directory that matches the client installation you copied in step 1. Call the directory 3. Copy the Extract.exe and Sp4extrt.bat files from the \Support directory of the Service Pack 4 compact disc to the directory. 4. From the directory, run Sp4extrt.bat. This will create an \\Rawsp4 directory and will place all the extracted Service Pack 4 binary files there. 5. Using your favorite text editor, open \Sp3.mod\Exchng.inf and \\Rawsp4\Exchng.inf. 6. For each line listed in \\Rawsp4\Exchng.inf, make the corresponding date, size, and version changes in \Sp3.mod\Exchng.inf. If the file doesn't exist in \Sp3.mod\Exchng.inf, skip it. Don't do a complete line copy; this will break Setup. VERY IMPORTANT! Only change the date, the size (if it changes), and the version. Be careful not to delete commas or additional fields. 7. After your modifications are complete, save it to its original location and close the text editor. 8. Replace the files in Sp3.mod with the corresponding files in \\Rawsp4. 9. Replace the files in \Sp3.mod\System with the corresponding files in \\Rawsp4. This will be most, but not all, of the remaining Service Pack 4 files. It may be easiest to do this in File Manager with two windows, each sorted by name. To ensure that you are able to see all files, do the following: a. In File Manager, click Options on the View menu. b. Click Show All Files and then click OK. c. Select the corresponding Service Pack 4 files and drag them to the appropriate directory. You are now ready to test your client installation. NOTE: Extract.exe is a Win16 utility. Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : kbsetup exc4sp2 exc4sp3 Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbZNotKeyword2 kbExchange400SP2 kbExchange400SP3 Version : winnt:4.0 SP2,4.0 SP3 Issue type : kbhowto ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.