DOCUMENT:Q165440 13-JUN-2001 [sna] TITLE :Shared Folders Gateway Only Shows Root Directory PRODUCT :Microsoft SNA Server PROD/VER:WINDOWS:3.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbnetwork ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft SNA Server, version 3.0, on platform(s): - the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== When the drive assigned to a shared folder is viewed in File Manager or Windows Explorer, only the root directory is shown. This was originally reported on the 120-day evaluation version of SNA Server 3.0, but may occur on the retail version as well. The Browse feature of the Shared Folders Gateway properties page will successfully display all of the folders. CAUSE ===== Snanls.dll was not installed unless the SNA Server Print Service was also installed. Snanls.dll does EBCDIC to ASCII translation. Here is the sample failing trace showing a folder name query to be "" ('.' is incorrectly translated a 'K' in SNA Server trace): |000000ba.0000004c DLC ---------------------------------------------- 14:40:06.79 |000000ba.0000004c DLC 01020101->06160000 DLC DATA |000000ba.0000004c DLC DAF:02 OAF:01 ODAI:off Normal |000000ba.0000004c DLC RQE FMD BC EC DR1 CD |000000ba.0000004c DLC |000000ba.0000004c DLC ---- Header at address 014A43B0, 1 elements ---- |000000ba.0000004c DLC 07050004 00002C00 02010006 0100B700 <......,.........> |000000ba.0000004c DLC |000000ba.0000004c DLC ---- Element at address 0199C11C, start 10, end 92 ---- |000000ba.0000004c DLC 03902000 50D00101 00004A10 09001111 <.. .P.....J.....> |000000ba.0000004c DLC 0E616F6F 6F6F6F6F 6F6F4B6F 6F6F0006 <.aooooooooKooo..> |000000ba.0000004c DLC 11FB0001 00061116 00400005 1133F100 <.........@...31.> |000000ba.0000004c DLC 051132F1 00141102 113A112B 11661194 <..21.....:.+.f.m> |000000ba.0000004c DLC 11321133 110E1110 00051101 00000611 <.2.3............> |000000ba.0000004c DLC 10002A <..* > Here is an example of the successful case showing the query for the folder name being "/????????.???". In this case Snanls.dll was copied to the \System directory: DLC --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- DLC 01020101->04160000 DLC DATA DLC DAF:01 OAF:01 ODAI:off Normal DLC RQE FMD BC EC DR1 PI CD DLC DLC ---- Header at address 014242E0, 1 elements ---- DLC 0705B006 00002C00 01010008 0100AA00 <......,.........> DLC DLC ---- Element at address 0191C11C, start 10, end 92 ---- DLC 03912000 50D00101 00004A10 09001111 <.j .P.....J.....> DLC 0E2F3F3F 3F3F3F3F 3F3F2E3F 3F3F0006 <./????????.???..> DLC 11FB0001 00061116 00400005 1133F100 <.........@...31.> DLC 051132F1 00141102 113A112B 11661194 <..21.....:.+.f.m> DLC 11321133 110E1110 00051101 00000611 <.2.3............> DLC 10002A <..* > NOTE: The Browse button in the Shared Folders Property page will retrieve the folder names because the EBCDIC to ASCII translation is done internally in that particular component. It does not rely on Snanls.dll. RESOLUTION ========== To work around the problem, install the Print Server feature. The final resolution has two parts: - Setup was modified to always install Snanls.dll. -and- - Shared folders gateway now reports an error if the call to SNANLS fails. STATUS ====== Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server version 3.0. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces): S E R V P A C K Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : kbnetwork Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch Version : WINDOWS:3.0 Issue type : kbbug Solution Type : kbfix ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.