DOCUMENT:Q251170 08-MAY-2002 [iis] TITLE :Malformed Argument in Hit-Highlighting Allows Access to Server PRODUCT :Internet Information Server PROD/VER::2.0,2000,4.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbnetwork kbProgramming kbWin2000PreSP1Fix kbWinNT400PreSP7Fix ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Index Server version 2.0 - Microsoft Windows 2000 Server - Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server - Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional - Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 - Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition version 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== On March 31, 2000, Microsoft re-released this patch to address a variant of this vulnerability. In addition to the information below, the latest variant, even after applying the original patch, could allow a malicious user to read the source of selected files on the server that normally get server-side processing (most notably, .ASP files). While the original vulnerability affects Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, this variant only affects Windows NT 4.0. You do not need to reapply the patch to Windows 2000-based computers. The ISAPI filter that implements the hit-highlighting (also known as "WebHits") functionality does not adequately constrain what files can be requested. If you provide a deliberately-malformed argument in a request to hit-highlight a document, it is possible to escape the virtual folder. This can allow someone without permissions to read any file residing on the same logical drive of the server that contains the Web Root folder. It does not allow anyone without permissions to add or modify files. RESOLUTION ========== Windows 2000 ------------ To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows 2000. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q260910 How to Obtain the Latest Windows 2000 Service Pack This update is also part of the Windows 2000 Critical Update, February 17, 2000 that is available on the Windows Update site. You can also download this critical update (for installation later or on a different computer) from the following Microsoft Web site: The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center: DownloadDownload Q251170_w2k_sp1_x86_en.exe now ( Windows NT 4.0 -------------- A supported fix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only intended to correct the problem described in this article and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. To resolve this problem, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain the fix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and information on support costs, please go to the following address on the World Wide Web:;EN-US;CNTACTMS NOTE: In special cases, charges that are normally incurred for support calls may be canceled, if a Microsoft Support Professional determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. Normal support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question. The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center: x86: DownloadDownload Q252463i.exe now ( Alpha: DownloadDownload Q252463a.exe now ( For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services Microsoft used the most current virus detection software available on the date of posting to scan this file for viruses. After it is posted, the file is housed on secure servers that prevent any unauthorized changes to the file. The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later: Date Time Version Size File name Platform --------------------------------------------------------------- 01/25/2000 10:07p 5.0.1781.3 193,296 Idq.dll x86 01/25/2000 10:05p 5.0.1781.3 863,504 Query.dll x86 03/27/2000 11:17a 5.0.1781.3 42,256 Webhits.dll x86 01/25/2000 10:12p 5.0.1781.3 300,304 Idq.dll Alpha 01/25/2000 10:11p 5.0.1781.3 1,952,528 Query.dll Alpha 03/27/2000 11:15a 5.0.1781.3 79,120 Webhits.dll Alpha STATUS ====== Windows 2000 ------------ Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows 2000. This problem was first corrected in Windows 2000 Service Pack 1. Windows NT 4.0 -------------- Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT 4.0. MORE INFORMATION ================ For more information, please see the security buletin information at: Q252463 Index Server Error Message Reveals Physical Location of Web Directories For additional information about how to install Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 hotfixes at the same time, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q249149 Installing Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 Hotfixes Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : kbnetwork kbProgramming kbWin2000PreSP1Fix kbWinNT400PreSP7Fix Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNT400search kbwin2000AdvServ kbwin2000AdvServSearch kbwin2000Serv kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTSEntSearch kbWinNTSEnt400 kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 kbwin2000ServSearch kbwin2000Search kbwin2000ProSearch kbwin2000Pro kbIdxServSearch kbAudDeveloper kbWinAdvServSearch kbIdxServ200 Version : :2.0,2000,4.0 Hardware : ALPHA x86 Issue type : kbbug Solution Type : kbfix ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.