DOCUMENT:Q256508 08-AUG-2001 [winnt] TITLE :Installing Routing and Remote Access Services in Unattended Mode PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT PROD/VER:winnt:4.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbsetup kbtool ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 - Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition version 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= With the advent of Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5, you can install Routing and Remote Access Services (RRAS) in unattended Setup mode, requiring little user intervention. Service Pack 6 includes updated RRAS files in Support\RRAS folder. You can use one of two different methods to perform an unattended RRAS installation. The following text is a copy of the information in the RRAS Readme.txt file included with Service Pack 6a. MORE INFORMATION ================ The first method is performed where the Remote Access Service (RAS) was previously installed during an unattended installation of Windows NT 4.0 Server. The second method is performed after the installation of the operating system and SP5. See the steps below for more detailed information. -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Method One: Installing During Windows NT Unattended Setup -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Copy all the Windows NT system files needed, usually the I386 folder (ALPHA is valid if installing on Alpha) and all its subfolders from the CD to a network share devoted to network server setup. The folder name of this network share is usually also I386 (the remainder of this article assumes I386 in the steps). 2. Delete the following 63 files from the I386 folder. It is recommended that you create a batch file to help simplify the deletion process. For more information about creating this batch file, see Section, 4.2. asyncmac.sy_ cis.sc_ inetmib1.dl_ kmddsp.ts_ modem.in_ ndistapi.sy_ ndiswan.sy_ nwlnkipx.sy_ oemnsvra.in_ pad.in_ pppmenu.sc_ rasacd.sy_ rasadhlp.dl_ rasadmin.cn_ rasadmin.ex_ rasadmin.hl_ rasapi32.dl_ rasauto.dl_ rasautou.ex_ rascauth.dl_ rascbcp.dl_ rasccp.dl_ rascfg.dl_ raschap.dl_ rascpl.cp_ rasctrs.dl_ rasdial.ex_ rasdlg.dl_ rasfil32.dl_ rasgloss.cn_ rasgloss.hl_ rasgprxy.dl_ rasgtwy.dl_ rasipcp.dl_ rasiphlp.dl_ rasipxcp.dl_ rasman.dl_ rasmon.ex_ rasmxs.dl_ rasnbfcp.dl_ raspap.dl_ rasphone.cn_ rasphone.ex_ rasphone.hl_ raspppen.dl_ raspptpe.sy_ raspptpm.sy_ raspptpu.sy_ rasread.tx_ rassapi.dl_ rassauth.dl_ rasscrpt.dl_ rasser.dl_ rassetup.cn_ rassetup.hl_ rasshell.dl_ rasspap.dl_ rastapi.dl_ script.do_ slip.sc_ slipmenu.sc_ switch.in_ ws2_32.dl_ 3. Create a new folder named $OEM$ in the I386 folder. 4. In the $OEM$ folder, create a file named CMDLINES.TXT with the following lines: [Commands] ".\UPDATE\UPDATE.EXE -U -Z -N" This file alerts Setup to install the Service Pack at the end of GUI mode setup. 5. Copy SP6 to the $OEM$ folder. If you have the Service Pack CD, copy the contents of the I386 folder to the $OEM$ folder. If you have the compressed format of the Service Pack, you need to use the "SP6I386.EXE /X" command. See ( 6. Expand the RRAS source files into the I386 folder using the "MPRI386.EXE /C" command. See ( 7. Copy four updated RRAS files, required for unattended setup, to the I386 folder, confirming any file replacement messages: - Dosnet.inf - Txtsetup.sif - Mprsetup.exe (SP5 filename: mprsetup.ste) - Rascfg.dll (SP5 filename: rascfg.ste) The first two, Dosnet.inf and Txtsetup.sif, are located in the Support\RRAS folder on the SP5 CD. The second two, Mprsetup.exe and Rascfg.dll, are located in SP6. Since they are RRAS-specific files, they have been renamed with the .ste file extension. Copy them from SP5 into the I386 folder and rename them using the proper file extension names. 8. Modify "UNATTEND.TXT", located in the I386 folder, with settings for your RRAS computer(s). Information about RRAS specific parameters is listed in this document. A sample unattend file is included for your reference in Section 4.1. See the Knowledge Base Articles documented in Section 5.2 for any non-RRAS specific settings. 9. Start unattended Setup mode using: WINNT[32].EXE /U:answer file /S:install source Examples: C:\I386\WINNT32 /U:C:\I386\UNATTEND.TXT C:\I386\WINNT /U:C:\I386\UNATTEND.TXT /S:C:\I386 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Method Two: Installing Post-Windows NT Setup -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Install Windows NT Server 4.0 (or use your existing installation). 2. Install all necessary communications devices (Modems/VPNs). Verify that the following services/protocols are not installed on the system (if any or all are, remove them): - DHCP Relay Agent - RIP for Internet Protocol - RIP for NwLink IPX/SPX compatible transport - SAP Agent - Remote Access Service - Routing and Remote Access Service 3. Install SP6 (RRAS requires SP3 or later to install). 4. Expand the RRAS source files into a temporary folder using the "MPRI386.EXE /C" command. The remainder of this method assumes you used C:\TEMP. See ( 5. Copy two updated RRAS files, required for unattended setup, to the C:\TEMP folder, confirming any file replacement messages: mprsetup.exe (SP6 file name: Mprsetup.ste) rascfg.dll (SP6 file name: Rascfg.ste) Mprsetup.exe and Rascfg.dll are located in SP6. Since they are RRAS specific files, they have been renamed with the .ste file extension. Copy and rename them from SP6 into the C:\TEMP folder using the proper file extension names. If you have the compressed format of the Service Pack, you need to use the "SP6I386.EXE /X" command to expand it. 6. Modify "$WINNT$.INF" in the "%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32" folder of your existing Windows NT Server installation with specific settings for your RRAS computer(s). Information about RRAS specific parameters is listed in Section 3.0. A sample file has also been included for your reference. If the "$WINNT$.INF" file does not exist on your computer, create it using the parameter information. 7. Start the RRAS setup using the Run command or the command line: mprsetup.exe /u install source Example: C:\TEMP\mprsetup.exe /u C:\Temp 8. Reapply SP6. -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Known Issues with Method One 1. If you want to install the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport during the unattended Setup mode, perform the following steps: - Delete NDIS.SY_ from the I386 folder - Copy NDIS.SYS from Service Pack 6 into the I386 folder - Start unattended Setup mode 2. More than one NIC can not be configured for static or DHCP TCP/IP addressing during unattended setup. It can be set manually after the restarting the computer or see Section 5.2 for information on a workaround. 3. The IPX Internal Network Number can not be configured during unattended Setup mode. It can be set manually after restarting the computer or see Section 5.2 for information on a workaround. 4. The IPX Frame Type can not be configured during unattended Setup mode. It can be set manually after first boot or see Section 5.2 for information on a workaround. 5. The "Remote Access Admin" shortcut on the Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools (Common) folder is not removed by Setup. You receive a warning if you try to use this application. To avoid this, remove the following line from the [AdminTools] block of syssetup.inf before installing: %rasadmin% = rasadmin.exe,rasadmin.exe,,0 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Known Issues with Method Two -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The RRAS parameter section located in $winnt$.inf must be named "RASParamSection" or unattended Setup fails. 2. Normally, for the PPTP Protocol to be installed, the Remote Access Service (RAS) must also be installed or NT will install it for you. RAS/RRAS cannot be currently installed if you want to use RRAS unattend Setup Method Two. The easiest way to install the PPTP Protocol without installing RAS is to perform the following steps: - Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. - Double-click Network, click the Protocols tab, and click Add. - Select the Point To Point Tunneling Protocol, and click OK. - Select the desired number of VPN Ports, and click OK. - Click OK on the Setup Message regarding RAS. - Click Cancel on the Add RAS Device dialog. - Click Cancel on the Remote Access Setup dialog. - Click Yes on the warning message, and click Close. =================================================== 3.0 NEW UNATTENDED OPTIONS =================================================== The following information is intended to be a supplement for existing Windows NT 4.0 unattended information found in the Knowledge Base. The updated configuration options described below need to be used in conjunction with previously documented unattended Setup options to successfully install the Routing and Remote Access Service during an unattended installation of Windows NT Server 4.0. See the Section 5.2 for additional Knowledge Base article information. New unattended options: [Ras PPTP Parameters] NumVPN Value: Number of VPN ports Specifies the number of Virtual Private Network (VPN) devices PPTP setup should create. You can specify the number of VPN devices from 1 to 255. The default value is 1. [RasParameters] PortSections Values: port section name The PortSections key is used to define a port section name. Multiple port section names can be specified but they must be separated by commas ",". See [Port Section Name] definition below. DialoutProtocols Value: TCP/IP | IPX | NETBEUI | All ALL implies all installed protocols. RasType Value: RAS | DemandDial | LanToLan | All The RasType key defines the type of RRAS installation you want to perform. RAS - Install as a RAS Server (default value). DemandDial - Install as a DemandDial Router/RAS Server (DemandDial option will automatically install the RAS Server option). LanToLan - Install as a LanToLan Router only (DemandDial and RAS are disabled). All - Install all of the options above. DialinProtocols Value: TCP/IP | IPX | NETBEUI | All ALL implies all installed protocols. NetBEUIClientAccess Value: Network | ThisComputer Default is Network. TcpIpClientAccessv Value: Network | ThisComputer Default is Network. UseDHCP Value: YES | NO Default is YES. StaticAddress Value: Network_ID The StaticAddress key is required if UseDHCP = NO. StaticMask Value: Subnet_Mask The StaticMask key is required if UseDHCP = NO. ClientCanRequestIPAddress Value: YES | NO Default is NO. IpxClientAccess Value: Network | ThisComputer Default is Network. AutomaticNetworkNumbers Value: YES | NO Default is YES. NetworkNumberFrom Value: IPX_net_number Valid numbers range from 1 to 0xFFFFFFFE. This key is required if AutomaticNetworkNumbers = NO. AssignSameNetworkNumber Value: YES | NO Default is YES. ClientsCanRequestIpxNodeNumber Value: YES | NO Default is NO. [Port Section Name] PortName Value: COM1 | COM2 | COM3-COM25 | VPN1 | VPN2 | VPN3-VPN8 The PortName key indicates the names of the ports to be configured in a particular port section. DeviceType Value: Modem | Vpn The DeviceType key indicates the type of device RRAS should install. ISDN devices are not currently supported. PortUsage Value: DialOut | DialIn | DialInOut | Routing | All The PortUsage key defines the dialing properties for the ports being configured. DialOut - enables the port(s) to be used for dialing out as a RAS client. DialIn - enables the port(s) to be used for dialing in as a RAS server. DialInOut - enables the port(s) to be used for dialing out/dialing in as a RAS client/server. Routing - enables the port(s) to be used for dialing out/dialing in as a Demand-dial Router. All - enables all of the port options above. ================================================= 4.0 SAMPLE FILES ================================================= ---------------------------------------- 4.1 Unattend Sample File (UNATTEND.TXT) ---------------------------------------- A sample unattended installation file has been created below for your use. This file is included for reference purposes only; it's not intended for use as your actual answer file. ;[Unattended] ;OEMPreinstall = Yes ;NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1 ;NoWaitAfterGuiMode = 1 ;FileSystem = LeaveAlone ;ExtendOemPartition = 0 ;ConfirmHardware = No ;NtUpgrade = No ;Win31Upgade = No ;TargetPath = \RRASUTND ;[GuiUnattended] ;OemSkipWelcome = 1 ;OEMBlankAdminPassword = 1 ;TimeZone = "(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada); Tijuana" ;AdvServerType = SERVERNT ;[UserData] ;FullName = UserName ;OrgName = CompanyName ;ComputerName = ComputerName ;[LicenseFilePrintData] ;AutoMode = PERSEAT ;[Display] ;BitsPerPel = 32 ;XResolution = 800 ;YResolution = 600 ;VRefresh = 85 ;AutoConfirm = 1 ;[Modem] ;InstallModem = ModemParameter ;[ModemParameter] ;COM1 = "Courier V.Everything External Plug and Play" ;[Network] ;JoinWorkGroup = WORKGROUP ;DetectAdapters = DetectNICs ;InstallProtocols = ProtocolList ;InstallServices = SevicesList ;[DetectNICs] ;DetectCount = 1 ;[ProtocolList] ;TC = InstallTCPIP ;NWLNKIPX = InstallIPX ;NBF = InstallNetBEUI ;RASPPTP = InstallPPTP ;[InstallTCPIP] ;DHCP = Yes ;[InstallIPX] ;[InstallNetBEUI] ;[InstallPPTP] ;NumVpn = 7 ;[SevicesList] ;RAS = RASParamSection ;[RASParamSection] ;PortSections = PortSection1,PortSection2 ;DialoutProtocols = All ;RasType = All ;DialinProtocols = All ;UseDHCP = No ;StaticAddress = ;StaticMask = ;IpxClientAccess = Network ;AutomaticNetworkNumbers = YES ;AssignSameNetworkNumber = YES ;ClientsCanRequestIpxNodeNumber = NO ;NetBEUIClientAccess = Network ;[PortSection1] ;PortName = COM1 ;DeviceType = MODEM ;PortUsage = All ;[PortSection2] ;PortName = VPN1-VPN7 ;DeviceType = VPN ;PortUsage = All -------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Deletion Batch File -------------------------------------------------------------- You can create a batch file for Method One by using the following lines: del asyncmac.sy_ /F del cis.sc_ /F del inetmib1.dl_ /F del kmddsp.ts_ /F del modem.in_ /F del ndistapi.sy_ /F del ndiswan.sy_ /F del nwlnkipx.sy_ /F del oemnsvra.in_ /F del pad.in_ /F del pppmenu.sc_ /F del rasacd.sy_ /F del rasadhlp.dl_ /F del rasadmin.cn_ /F del rasadmin.ex_ /F del rasadmin.hl_ /F del rasapi32.dl_ /F del rasauto.dl_ /F del rasautou.ex_ /F del rascauth.dl_ /F del rascbcp.dl_ /F del rasccp.dl_ /F del rascfg.dl_ /F del raschap.dl_ /F del rascpl.cp_ /F del rasctrs.dl_ /F del rasdial.ex_ /F del rasdlg.dl_ /F del rasfil32.dl_ /F del rasgloss.cn_ /F del rasgloss.hl_ /F del rasgprxy.dl_ /F del rasgtwy.dl_ /F del rasipcp.dl_ /F del rasiphlp.dl_ /F del rasipxcp.dl_ /F del rasman.dl_ /F del rasmon.ex_ /F del rasmxs.dl_ /F del rasnbfcp.dl_ /F del raspap.dl_ /F del rasphone.cn_ /F del rasphone.ex_ /F del rasphone.hl_ /F del raspppen.dl_ /F del raspptpe.sy_ /F del raspptpm.sy_ /F del raspptpu.sy_ /F del rasread.tx_ /F del rassapi.dl_ /F del rassauth.dl_ /F del rasscrpt.dl_ /F del rasser.dl_ /F del rassetup.cn_ /F del rassetup.hl_ /F del rasshell.dl_ /F del rasspap.dl_ /F del rastapi.dl_ /F del script.do_ /F del slip.sc_ /F del slipmenu.sc_ /F del switch.in_ /F del ws2_32.dl_ /F ======================================= 5.0 KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLES ======================================= -------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Additional Articles -------------------------------------------------------------- For additional information, see the following articles in the Knowledge Base: ARTICLE-ID: Q155197 TITLE : Unattended Setup Parameters for Unattend.txt File ARTICLE-ID: Q177267 TITLE : Unattended Setup Disables EnableDHCPFlag on Second Adapter ARTICLE-ID: Q159837 TITLE : Setting the Frame Type for IPX During Unattended Setup ARTICLE-ID: Q195178 TITLE : Setting the IPX Internal Network Number During Unattended Setup ARTICLE-ID: Q175267 TITLE : How to Install an OEM Modem .INF File In Unattended Setup ARTICLE-ID: Q168814 TITLE : Installing WinNT 4.0 Service Packs During Unattended Install REFERENCES ========== For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q219322 Unattended Setup for RRAS (Steelhead) Requires Service Pack 5 Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : kbsetup kbtool Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNT400search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTSEntSearch kbWinNTSEnt400 kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 Version : winnt:4.0 Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.