DOCUMENT:Q259052 08-NOV-2001 [homemm] TITLE :Availability of Encarta Online & Description of Support Options PRODUCT :Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles PROD/VER: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbref kbimu ====================================================================== SUMMARY ======= This article describes the Encarta Online Web site and provides information about support options for Encarta Online. MORE INFORMATION ================ Encarta Online is a learning and reference research portal for North American users located at the following MSN Web site: Encarta Online is a free Web site; no sign in is necessary. Just go to to use the free Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, and other free services at Encarta Online. is the premier resource for interactive online learning, containing a broad range of educational content and tools to help you learn almost anything. Encarta Online includes links to the the following online services and partner Web sites: - Encarta Online Atlas - Encarta Online Encyclopedia - Encarta Online Deluxe Encyclopedia (premium service) - Encarta Online World English Dictionary - Resources for students and teachers - Encarta Homework - Encarta Electric Library - Encarta Training Center - Shop Encarta International Encarta Online Sites ---------------------------------- If you are not a resident of the United States or Canada, please visit the worldwide Encarta Online sites at: Support ------- To request support for Encarta Online Deluxe Encyclopedia, use the form at the following MSN Web site: The Encarta Online Help page contains information about how to get started and how to use the encyclopedia, frequently asked questions about Encarta Online, tips and tricks, subscription, password, and account information, and links that you can use to send feedback, ask questions about the Web site, or request technical support for Internet connection and performance issues. For additional information about or support for Encarta Online or Encarta Online partner sites, visit the specific Web site, click Help, and then click the appropriate topic. There is a contact link for the specific service on the appropriate topic page. NOTE: Third-party companies offer many Encarta Online services. When you gain access to online Help, you can find the most useful support options. Most sites offer e-mail support. Encarta Online Deluxe --------------------- The Encarta Online Deluxe Encyclopedia is a premium Internet multimedia encyclopedia with 42,000 articles, an atlas, a dictionary, Web links, and more. Online Deluxe is a premium service and only accessible to members. In Encarta Online search results, Encyclopedia articles labeled to the effect of "Encarta Encyclopedia Online Deluxe" are articles in the Online Deluxe encyclopedia and are also included in the Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe CD-ROM software. These articles are only available to Online Deluxe members. Membership if free to eligible customers. Without membership to Online Deluxe, you can still use the free Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, Schoolhouse and other resources at Encarta Online at: Only the Online Deluxe Encyclopedia articles require membership. For information about obtaining access to Online Deluxe, please see the following knowledge base articles: Encarta 2001 Q259058 Encarta Online Deluxe Encyclopedia: Free Subscription Available for Encarta Users Encarta 2002 Q306747 ENC2002: How to Obtain Free Membership to Encarta Online Deluxe Encyclopedia Encarta Online currently does not sell individual memberships. Encarta Online Library ---------------------- The Encarta Online Library discontinued service on 10/13/99. Encarta Online now links to the Electric Library periodical search service. The Encarta Online Library is a separate product from the Encarta CD-ROM products. If you have questions about billing for this service, please send an e-mail message to Encarta Electric Library ------------------------ The Electric Library is a periodical research service of the Infonautics company. The Web page is Customer service options are available on the Help menu. You can contact Electric Library service and support at For questions about billing, send an e-mail message to or call (800)247-7644. Encarta Annual Update Program (AUP) ----------------------------------- If you have questions about an existing order, please contact us at (888)803-4570. The AUP has been discontinued as of July 2001, and is no longer accepting new memberships or orders. Rebates ------- If you have questions about rebates for a Microsoft Encarta program, please call the Rebate Center at (800)622-4445. Additional query words: multimedia multi media mm on-line ====================================================================== Keywords : kbref kbimu Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.