DOCUMENT:Q184426 13-JUL-1999 [mspress] TITLE :Internet Information Server Training Comments and Corrections PRODUCT :Microsoft Press PROD/VER: OPER/SYS:WINDOWS KEYWORDS:kbdocerr ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Internet Information Server Training Kit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article contains information on known errors, corrections, and comments relating to the Microsoft Press book Microsoft Internet Information Server Training Kit, ISBN 1-57231-731-0. The following topics are covered: - Proxy Server Installation Steps Do Not Match Evaluation Edition - CD-ROM: Internet.exe Has a Large Blank Area on Screen - Error When Installing NT Option Pack On A Computer With SP4 - Proxy Server Book References Internet Service Manager Instead Of MMC - Page xxiv: NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 Installation Instructions Incorrect - Page xxv: Internet Explorer 4.01 Installation Instructions Incorrect - Pages 6, 45, 53: IIS 4.0 Does Not Include The POP3 Server - Page 10 (IIS 4.0): Cannot Run Index Server On NT Workstation - Page 18: Only NT Server Lets You Install All IIS Options - Pages 18 - 20 (IIS): Corrections To IIS Installation Options - Pages 21 - 22: Corrections To IIS Installation Instructions - Page 45-46: IIS Does Not Include Mail Server - Page 88-89: Step missing when adding a WWW virtual server - Page 151: Technical Error - Page 270: How To Install SQL Server MORE INFORMATION ================ Proxy Server Installation Steps Do Not Match Evaluation Edition --------------------------------------------------------------- The text of the "Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 Training" book is written assuming that the user will be using the full retail version. This is mentioned in the introduction to the book. On page 12, the Proxy Server installation steps are correct as written for the retail version of Proxy Server. However, the evaluation version setup process is slightly different. Correction: Page 12, Step 1: Add text: If you are using the evaluation version of Proxy Server included with this kit, run the following file from the course compact disc to begin the installation: \Software\Proxy\msp2i.exe A license agreement will appear. Click Yes to accept the evaluation version license agreement. CD-ROM: Internet.exe Has a Large Blank Area on Screen ----------------------------------------------------- Page 5 indicates that for an overview of Internet concepts, the reader can run the Internet.exe presentation file on the course compact disc. In running this projector on a Win NT system (and on a win 95 system), after the initial map dissolved into focus showing internet routes, a large, empty box overlays the map for a portion of the presentation. The speaker lists several concepts, but these are not bulleted anywhere in the visual display, and the box covers most of the display. There is no resolution for this problem at this time. Microsoft Press has confirmed this to be a problem and will post further information when available. Error When Installing NT Option Pack On A Computer With SP4 ----------------------------------------------------------- When you install Windows NT Option Pack on a computer that already has Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 installed, the following message appears: Setup detected that Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or greater is installed on your machine. We haven?t tested this product on SP4. Do you wish to proceed? Click OK to continue the installation. Once the setup program has completed, and the computer has restarted, you can reapply the Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: ARTICLE-ID: Q195015 TITLE : XADM: Option Pack Installation Conflicts with Service Pack 4 Proxy Server Book References Internet Service Manager Instead Of MMC -------------------------------------------------------------------- Proxy Server 2.0 Training refers to IIS 3.0 and Internet Service manager. Everything else in this training kit is geared toward IIS 4.0 which uses Management Console (MMC) for administration. MMC is the utility installed with IIS 4.0 included in the training package. Unfortunately, this causes discrepancies between the Proxy Server book and the actual user interface, as MMC is not covered in the Proxy Server Training book. IIS 3.0, which uses Internet Service Manager, is no longer available, can not be downloaded, and is not on the CDs included with this kit. Page xxiv: NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 Installation Instructions Incorrect -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page xxiv, under the subheading To Install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3: Change: "1. From the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack compact disc, double-click nt4sp3_i.exe in the WinntSP3\i386 folder." To: "1. From the course compact disk, double-click nt4sp3_i.exe in the Software\WinntSP3\i386 folder. Page xxv: Internet Explorer 4.01 Installation Instructions Incorrect -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page xxv, under the subheading To Install Internet Explorer 4.01: Change: "1. From the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack compact disk, double-click ie4setup.exe in the ie401\x86 folder." To: "1. From the course compact disk, double-click ie4setup.exe in the Software\ie401\x86 folder." Page 6, 45, 53: IIS 4.0 Does Not Include The POP3 Server -------------------------------------------------------- Pages 6, 45, and 53: All three pages reference the POP3 service. Although the SMTP server component of IIS 4.0 will support the POP3 email service, the POP3 server is not included with IIS 4.0. Page 10 (IIS 4.0): Cannot Run Index Server On NT Workstation ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 10 and 11 of the IIS 4.0 Training book states that you can run Index Server on Windows NT Workstation 4.0. This is incorrect. Index Server can only be run on Windows NT Server 4.0. Additionally, neither Microsoft Site Server Express nor Certificate Server can be run on Windows NT Workstation 4.0. They can only run on Windows NT Server 4.0. Page 18: Only NT Server Lets You Install All IIS Options -------------------------------------------------------- Page 18, Note: The note on this page states that the different Internet Information Server installation options can also be installed on both Windows NT Workstation and Windows 95. This is not entirely true, since not all of the IIS installation options are available for Windows NT Workstation and Windows 95. For a complete list of what is not available, please refer to pages 10 and 11, under the subheadings Windows NT Workstation and Windows 95. Also, please refer to the corrections for page 10 that are included in this Knowledge Base article. Pages 18 - 20 (IIS): Corrections To IIS Installation Options ------------------------------------------------------------ Pages 18 - 20: The following is a corrected list of what is installed during the Minimum, Typical and Custom installations of Internet Information Server on Windows NT Server 4.0: Minimum: - Internet Information Server. A Web server that uses TCP/IP to host Web sites on the corporate intranet or the Internet. - Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS). A transaction processing system for developing, deploying, and managing distributed server applications. A transaction is a server operation that succeeds or fails as a whole, even if the operation involves many steps. Microsoft Transaction Server also supports process isolation of applications. The default installation installs the core components and core documentation, but does not install the development components. - Microsoft Data Access Components. Eases use of databases with support for a variety of connections including Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects with Remote Data Service, and OLE DB. OLE DB is a data-access interface that provides consistent access to Structured Query Language (SQL) and non-SQL data sources. - Active Server Pages. Enables you to use server-side scripting and components to create browser-independent dynamic content. - FrontPage Extensions. Allows the use of Microsoft FrontPage to manage your Web site, as well as create the site content. The components installed include everything but the Visual InterDev components. - Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Provides the ability to custom-design administration tools that "snap-in." Microsoft Management Console creates a uniform look and feel, regardless of the administration tool being used. - Internet Service Manager snap-in. Offers complete control of your Web and FTP sites with a wizard-driven graphical interface. - Index Server. Creates a site index and search for text in a variety of formats. - Context-sensitive Help. Supplies documentation for Microsoft Management Console and context-sensitive Help for the interfaces. Typical: - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service. Installs the necessary components to operate an FTP Server. - SMTP Service. Supports SMTP. - Windows Script Host. Enables you to use Cscript or Wscript to administer servers from the command prompt. - Internet Service Manager (HTML). Administers your Web and FTP sites from across the intranet or the Internet by using a Web browser. - Documentation. Provides online documentation covering server administration, content management, and content development, including indexing, scripting, and programming. - Programmability. The Microsoft Script Debugger provides you with a comprehensive debugging environment for testing and correcting errors in your Web document scripts. You can use Microsoft Script Debugger to debug both client scripts and server scripts. - Additional Services. The Java Virtual Machine makes it possible to run Java applications on the server. Custom: - Site Server Express. Enables you to analyze activity logs to determine site usage statistics and check links on your Web site to be sure they are functioning properly. - Web Publishing Wizard. Makes sending files to another server for publishing quick and simple. - Posting Acceptor. Makes it possible for others to upload files to your Web site. - Additional Documentation. Complete documentation for all of the installable components. - NNTP Service. Supports NNTP used for discussion groups. - Certificate Server. Enables you to issue your own client and server certificates. - Visual InterDev RAD Remote Deployment Support. Enables the remote deployment of applications on your Web server. - Internet Connection Services for RAS. A set of core Windows NT services that facilitate the creation of secure, seamless virtual private networks (VPNs), and improved dial-up connections. - Microsoft Message Queue. Allows applications to pass along transaction notification and continue processing without waiting for confirmation that the transaction has completed. Pages 21 - 22: Corrections To IIS Installation Instructions ----------------------------------------------------------- Message Queue and Visual InterDev RAD Remote Development Support are not components to be selected during the installation of Internet Information Server. Installation instructions should be modified to include other minor corrections as well. Corrected installation instructions are as follows: To install Internet Information Server 4.0: 1. From the course compact disc, double-click setup.exe in the \Software\NTOPTPAK\Winnt.srv folder. The Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click Next. The End User License Agreement appears. 3. Click Accept. You are prompted to choose Minimum, Typical, or Custom installation. 4. Click Custom. The options available for installation appear. 5. Scroll down the list and select all the components except Visual InterDev RAD Remote Development Support and Microsoft Message Queue. 6. Select Internet Information Server (IIS). 7. Click Show Subcomponents. 8. Select Internet NNTP Service. 9. Click OK. 10. Click Next. You are prompted for the default publishing folders and the application installation folders. 11. Click Next at each prompt to accept the default folders. When the Microsoft Certificate Server dialog box appears, you will need to specify the location. To add Microsoft Certificate Server: 12. Type C:\Inetpub in Shared Folder to configure the storage location for Certificate Server. Use the default database location and log location. 13. Click Next. 14. Click OK to create the C:\Winnt\System32\Certlog folder. You are prompted to enter Identifying Information according to the following table. Page 45-46: IIS Does Not Include Mail Server -------------------------------------------- The information on pages 45 to 46 could be construed to indicate that Internet Information Server is a mail server capable of handling SMTP, POP3 and IMAP messages. While Internet Information Server is designed to integrate with other Microsoft mail servers such as Microsoft Exchange, Internet Information Server is not a mail server itself. Page 88-89: Step missing when adding a WWW virtual server --------------------------------------------------------- The virtual server exercise on page 88 and 89 is missing a step. You need to add the name of the new virtual server, computernameA, to the HOSTS file for this exercise to work. On page 87, the book indicates that the HOSTS file provides name resolution for host names to IP addresses. The HOSTS file can be used as a local DNS equivalent since this is a self study kit and there is only one computer being used. You can find the HOSTS file in the winnt\system32\drivers\etc directory. Since it is a simple text file you can use a text editor, such as Notepad, to create or change the HOSTS file. Please Note: A sample versions of a HOSTS files named HOSTS.sam is added to the Windows NT \systemroot\System32\drivers\Etc directory when Microsoft TCP/IP is installed. This is only an example file; do not use this file as the primary HOSTS file. The HOSTS file format is the same as the format for host tables. For example, the entry for a computer with an address of and a host name of looks like this: The entry for this exercise can use the server's IP address, or the loopback address if you are using DHCP. For example: computernameA The Hosts file does not need to be explicitly referenced anywhere in IIS. It is a static file that is used by PING and TCP/IP utilities to resolve the name. It resides on each computer and is parsed whenever a host name is referenced. Once you have edited the HOSTS file to include the virtual domain that you created in this exercise, you will be able to bring the domain up in your browser. Page 151: Technical Error ------------------------- Page 151, bullet point 3, last sentence: Change: "...but is only supported (at this time) by Internet Explorer 3.0 and later." To: "...but is only supported (at this time) by Internet Explorer 2.0 and later." Page 270: How To Install SQL Server ----------------------------------- The instructions on page 270 of how to install Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 are correct for the released version of SQL Server, but are incorrect for the evaluation edition included on the Internet Information Server Training Kit CD-ROM. To install the evaluation version of Microsoft SQL Server, follow these steps: 1. On the IIS Training Kit CD-ROM, change to the \Software\Mssql directory. 2. Copy Sqlx86.exe to a temporary directory on your hard drive. 3. From the temporary directory on your hard drive, run the following command: Sqlx86.exe -d Sqlx86.exe is a self-extracting executable file. When run, the file will create a directory structure containing all of the files needed to set up the SQL Server Evaluation. 1. From the temporary directory, change to the \i386 directory. 2. Run Setup.exe. The Welcome dialog box should appear. Follow the steps beginning with step 3 on page 270 to continue with the installation. Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing of the book, it may already contain the above corrections. Additional query words: 1-57231-731-0 TKBOOK NTOPTPK NT40 ====================================================================== Keywords : kbdocerr Platform : WINDOWS Issue type : kbprb ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.