DOCUMENT:Q73641 10-OCT-1997 [techinfo] TITLE :DSKB Appnotes (WinSDK/DDK, Lang, VB, Fox) PRODUCT :Microsoft Product Support Information PROD/VER: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== kbref kbappnote --------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Developer Tools & Programming Language products including: - Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit - Microsoft Windows Device Driver Kit - Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit - Microsoft Win32 Device Driver Kit - Microsoft OLE Programming - Other Microsoft Software Development Kits - Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler - Microsoft Macro Assembler - Microsoft Pascal Compiler - Microsoft Programming Utilities - Microsoft C Compiler - Microsoft FoxPro products - Other Microsoft Fox products - Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows - Other Microsoft Basic products - Microsoft Test for Windows --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article lists all application notes, FastTips, Helps files, and so forth, currently available for all the Microsoft Developer Tools products listed at the beginning of this article. How to Get These References --------------------------- Using the specific reference number on the left, you can: - Fax or mail the reference to yourself using Microsoft FastTips Services. - Download the reference from the Microsoft Software Library (MSL). - Ask that the reference be faxed or mailed to you when talking to Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). Where to Find the Reference in the MSL -------------------------------------- If the reference is in the Microsoft Software Library (MSL), for information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library: ARTICLE-ID: Q119591 TITLE : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services How to Send Us Feedback ----------------------- Please feel free to send us your feedback by sending us electronic mail. On the Internet, send your e-mail to: In the body of the message, please include your name, the names of the Microsoft products you use, and your telephone number. GENERAL APPLICATION NOTES FOR DEVELOPMENT TOOLS =============================================== FastTips Map ------------ GF0852 FastTips Map for Development Tools Applies to Visual Basic, Visual C++, C, C++, Windows SDK, Win32 SDK for Windows NT, FORTRAN PowerStation, and MASM Last Update: 9/93 FastTips: (800) 936-4300 APPLICATION NOTES FOR FOXPRO AND OTHER FOX PRODUCTS =================================================== FoxBASE+ for the Macintosh (FoxBASE+/Mac) ----------------------------------------- FM0796 FoxPackage 2.07 Update Disk Included Applies to FoxBASE+ version 2.1 for the Macintosh Microsoft Software Library: S14172 Last Update: 5/93 MSDL: FM0796.SEA The enclosed FM0796 disk contains version 2.07 of Microsoft FoxPackage, dated May 1, 1992. Version 2.07, an update to FoxPackage version 2.05, enables you to compile your FoxBASE+/Mac programs in a 32-bit-enabled machine environment. FoxPackage 2.05 requires you to compile programs in a 24-bit environment. FoxPro for Macintosh -------------------- FC0956 Installation and Configuration Q&A Applies to FoxPro 2.5b for Macintosh Last Update: 12/93 MSDL: FC0956.TXT, FC0956.SEA FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FC0957 Cross-Platform Q&A Applies to FoxPro 2.5b for Macintosh Last Update: 12/93 MSDL: FC0957.TXT, FC0957.SEA FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FC0958 Interface Differences Between Platforms Q&A Applies to FoxPro 2.5b for Macintosh Last Update: 12/93 MSDL: FC0958.TXT, FC0958.SEA FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FC0959 General Interface Q&A Applies to FoxPro 2.5b for Macintosh Last Update: 12/93 MSDL: FC0959.TXT, FC0959.SEA FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FC0960 Report Writer Q&A Applies to FoxPro 2.5b for Macintosh Last Update: 12/93 MSDL: FC0960.TXT, FC0960.SEA FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FC0961 Screen Builder Q&A Applies to FoxPro 2.5b for Macintosh Last Update: 12/93 MSDL: FC0961.TXT, FC0961.SEA FastTips: (800) 936-4300 GF0963 FastTips Technical Library Catalog for FoxPro 2.5 for Macintosh Applies to FoxPro version 2.5b for Macintosh Last Update: 3/94 FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FC1024 Introduction to Using FoxPro Wizards Applies to FoxPro version 2.6a for Macintosh Microsoft Software Library: S14956 Last Update: 10/94 MSDL: FC1024.SEA FastTips: (800) 936-4300 The FoxPro wizards are specifically designed to guide new users through creating basic, flat-file (single table) application modules. These modules are tables, screens, queries, and reports. Flat files are nonrelational databases. The wizards do not support relational database features by default. The modules generated by the wizards can be modified with FoxPro's power tools to support one-to-one and one-to-many relationships. Doing so, however, requires fairly extensive knowledge of Xbase programming, and is not discussed in this document. Instead, this document presents a step-by-step process for creating a complete flat-file application. FoxPro for MS-DOS ----------------- FP0660 Updated Microsoft FoxDoc Files Disk Included Applies to FoxPro version 2.0 for MS-DOS Microsoft Software Library: S13727 Last Update: 3/93 MSDL: FP0660.EXE Microsoft FoxDoc is a code-documentation utility distributed with Microsoft FoxPro for MS-DOS. The most recent version of FoxDoc, version 2.1e, which is included on the FP0660 disk, corrects the following two problems in earlier versions of FoxDoc: - If you attempt to run FoxDoc from a network directory other than the directory in which FoxDoc is installed, a "FOXDOC.MSG file cannot be found" error occurs. - If the path to a file is specified using a macro substitution, FoxDoc appends a period to the generated filename and displays a "Program file not found" error message. FP0779 ISDISKIN Utility Disk Included Applies to FoxPro versions 2.0, 2.5, 2.5a, 2.5b for MS-DOS Microsoft Software Library: S14114 Last Update: 2/94 MSDL: FP0779.EXE FastTips: (800) 936-4300 (pointer to download locations only) This Application Note provides the file ISDISKIN.BIN, which is a binary file that provides an alternative method to deal with the MS-DOS error "Not ready reading drive A ... Abort, Retry, Ignore" in versions 2.0 through 2.5b of FoxPro for MS-DOS. GF0878 FastTips Technical Library Catalog for FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 11/93 FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0913 Installation Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0913.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0914 Network Issues Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0914.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0915 Converting to FoxPro 2.5 Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0915.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0916 New Features Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0916.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0917 Printing Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0917.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0918 Screens and Importing Data Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0918.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0919 BROWSE Command Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0919.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP0920 Creating Applications and Executables Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for MS-DOS Last Update: 09/93 MSDL: FP0920.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FP1023 Introduction to Using FoxPro Wizards Applies to FoxPro version 2.6 for MS-DOS Microsoft Software Library: S14885 Last Update: 9/94 MSDL: FP1023.EXE FastTips: (800) 936-4300 The FoxPro wizards are specifically designed to guide new users through creating basic, flat-file (single table) application modules. These modules are tables, screens, queries, and reports. Flat files are nonrelational databases. The wizards do not support relational database features by default. The modules generated by the wizards can be modified with FoxPro's power tools to support one-to-one and one-to-many relationships. Doing so, however, requires fairly extensive knowledge of Xbase programming, and is not discussed in this document. Instead, this document presents a step-by-step process for creating a complete flat-file application. FoxPro for Windows ------------------ FW0793 Chapter 15 of "Getting Started" Manual Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 3/93 MSDL: FW0793.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 This application note contains Chapter 15 from the "Getting Started" manual for Microsoft FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows. This chapter was accidentally omitted from the documentation. FW0844 FoxDoc Default Template Files Disk Included Applies to FoxPro versions 2.5 and 2.5a for Windows Microsoft Software Library: S14199 Last Update: 07/93 MSDL: FW0844.EXE The FoxDoc application uses default templates to generate printed documentation about FoxPro programs, applications, or entire projects. The disk included with this Application Note contains an updated version of FoxDoc that allows you to use different templates. This disk also contains the original template files, which you can modify and then use in FoxDoc to customize your printed documentation. GF0879 FastTips Technical Library Catalog for FoxPro 2.5 for Windows Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 11/93 FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FW0929 Installation Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 10/93 MSDL: FW0929.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FW0930 Cross-Platform Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 10/93 MSDL: FW0930.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FW0931 Interface Features Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 10/93 MSDL: FW0931.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FW0932 Report Writer Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 10/93 MSDL: FW0932.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FW0933 Screen Builder Questions & Answers Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 10/93 MSDL: FW0933.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FW0934 Using FoxPro for Windows Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 for Windows Last Update: 10/93 MSDL: FW0934.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FW0969 Coordinating Screens and Menus with Foundation READs Applies to FoxPro versions 2.5, 2.5a, & 2.5b for Windows and to FoxPro 2.5, 2.5a, & 2.5b for MS-DOS Last Update: 12/93 MSDL: FW0969.TXT FastTips: (800) 936-4300 This Application Note covers managing a menu system and accessing screen controls via a menu. FW0983 FoxPro Error Messages Help File Disk Included Applies to FoxPro versions 2.5, 2.5a, & 2.5b for Windows and to FoxPro 2.0, 2.5, 2.5a, & 2.5b for MS-DOS Microsoft Software Library: S14576 Last Update: 2/94 MSDL: FW0983.EXE FastTips: (800) 936-4300 (pointer to download locations only) This Application Note contains a Windows Help file that describes the error messages and general troubleshooting procedures for FoxPro versions 2.0, 2.5, 2.5a, and 2.5b for MS-DOS and FoxPro versions 2.5, 2.5a, and 2.5b for Windows. Error messages for FoxDoc and the distribution kits are also included. FW1003 Resource Kit Disk Included Applies to FoxPro versions 2.5, 2.5a, and 2.5b for Windows Microsoft Software Library: S14600 Last Update: 7/94 MSDL: FW1003.EXE FastTips: (800) 936-4300 (pointer to download locations only) The Resource Kit is a tool for developers and end users that answers frequently asked questions about FoxPro for Windows. The Resource Kit provides code samples and tips on topics such as troubleshooting, installation, configuration, printing, networking, and debugging. FW1022 Introduction to Using FoxPro Wizards Applies to FoxPro version 2.6 for Windows Microsoft Software Library: S14844 Last Update: 7/94 MSDL: FW1022.EXE FastTips: (800) 936-4300 The FoxPro wizards are specifically designed to guide new users through creating basic, flat-file (single table) application modules. These modules are tables, screens, queries, and reports. Flat files are nonrelational databases. The wizards do not support relational database features by default. The modules generated by the wizards can be modified with FoxPro's power tools to support one-to-one and one-to-many relationships. Doing so, however, requires fairly extensive knowledge of Xbase programming, and is not discussed in this document. Instead, this document presents a step-by-step process for creating a complete flat-file application. FW1040 Database Design (Relational vs. Flat-File) Applies to all versions of FoxPro on all platforms Microsoft Software Library: S14848 Last Update: 8/94 MSDL: FW1040.EXE FastTips: (800) 936-4300 This Application Note describes the four major areas of data processing that you should take into consideration when designing a relational database management system (RDBMS). This Application Note also illustrates the differences between relational and flat-file databases. FW1125 Combining a Browse Window with GET Fields Applies to FoxPro version 2.6a for Windows Microsoft Software Library: Last Update: 12/94 MSDL: FastTips: (800) 936-4300 FoxPro Distribution Kit ----------------------- FK0818 Corrected Version of SetupWizard Disk Included Applies to FoxPro version 2.5 Distribution Kit for Windows Microsoft Software Library: S14185 Last Update: 06/93 MSDL: FK0818.EXE This Application Note contains a corrected version of the SetupWizard for the Microsoft FoxPro Distribution Kit for Windows. This version of the SetupWizard corrects the following two problems: - If the SetupWizard has to split a file, it does not properly handle files with names that have seven letters, such as PRODUCT.EXE, or names that have seven or fewer characters but end in a number, such as FOX25.EXE. The corrected version of the SetupWizard properly handles these files. - The SetupWizard allows the disk images to be written to the directory where the program files are stored, if that is the destination directory you specified. To make distribution easier, the corrected version of the SetupWizard checks for the program files in the destination directory. If it finds them, the SetupWizard generates the error message "The source and destination directories must be different" and asks you to select another directory. APPLICATION NOTES FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTS ============================================================ Windows SDK and DDK ------------------- PW0519 Virtual DMA Services (VDS) Applies to Windows Software Development Kit Microsoft Software Library: (Pending) Describes the Virtual DMA Services (VDS), which enable a device driver or application running in a protected mode environment to obtain the address information required to program a direct memory access (DMA) transfer using either the on-board DMA controller or a bus master DMA controller. PW0562 Printer Compatibility Testing Article truncated. ====================================================================== ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1997.