Microsoft® NetShow™ Brings Broadcasting and Communications to the Web
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NetShow Screen Shot NetShow 2.0 provides an easy, powerful way to stream multimedia content across intranets and the Internet, giving content providers, corporations, developers, and Web professionals the ability to integrate audio and video into any Web application or site.

Product Overview

Only a few years ago, the business world communicated through text documents, and adding graphics to them was not easy. Now the race is on to offer Web sites that attract and retain visitors through the latest in graphics and animation. Audio- and video-enabled Web sites and applications are the next wave. The integration of audio and video into applications such as online training, corporate communications, customer and sales support, news, entertainment, and product promotions will provide individuals and organizations with new and exciting ways to communicate.

Microsoft® NetShowTM provides a complete platform for integrating audio and video into online applications, bringing the vibrant power of networked multimedia to the Internet and corporate intranets. NetShow uses a client/server architecture and sophisticated compression and buffering techniques to deliver live and on-demand audio, video, and illustrated audio (synchronized sound and still images) to Web users.

Using NetShow, organizations and individuals can offer streaming multimedia content over networks that range from low-bandwidth dial-up Internet connections to high bandwidth switched local area networks.

Key features make NetShow 2.0 the compelling choice for delivering streaming multimedia content:

How NetShow Works

NetShow provides a wide variety of features that allow customization of the system, so how NetShow is used depends on the types of media to be streamed, as well as the network used to deliver the data. Understanding these basic NetShow concepts will help users determine how to deploy NetShow for specific applications.

NetShow Streaming Video
Experience the thrill of climbing Mt. Everest with The Mountain Zone, Audionet, and NetShow.

Media Compression. To transmit multimedia files smoothly and completely, the content's data or bit rate must be smaller than the bandwidth of its target network. Codecs (compressors/decompressors) analyze the content and decide which bits of data can be removed or merged with minimum impact on viewers. Quality and fidelity levels depend on bandwidth availability and which codec is used to compress the content. That's why NetShow is codec-independent, a significant improvement over other technologies that use proprietary codecs. NetShow 2.0 offers content authors and end users a well-rounded suite of bundled and stand-alone third-party codecs for voice, music, images, and video, at a variety of bit rates. This provides more options, greater flexibility, and the ability to deliver high-quality content.

Active Streaming Format (ASF). ASF, the foundation for NetShow content creation, is an open, standards-based file format that prepares multimedia content for streaming and is the key format for the future, eventually replacing data types such as WAV and AVI. ASF adds error correction and other features necessary for streaming and content delivery. ASF content can be hosted on a local hard drive, an HTTP server, or a specialized media server such as NetShow, providing optimum flexibility.

Media Streaming. Most audio and video content currently hosted on intranets or the Internet must be copied to the user's local PC before it can be played. NetShow uses a client/server streaming architecture to deliver multimedia content. Streaming is a significant improvement over the download-and-play approach to file distribution because it allows content to be delivered to the client as a continuous flow of data with little waiting time before playback begins. NetShow gives users the benefit of instant play, and eliminates the frustration of waiting for content to download.

Delivery Techniques. NetShow combines the best of two delivery techniques, enabling network managers to choose the system best suited to their applications. Unicast is networking in which computers establish two-way, point-to-point connections. Most network operations today work this way. Multicast refers to networking in which one computer sends a single copy of the data over the network and many computers receive that data. The advantage of multicast is that only a single copy of the data is sent across the network, preserving bandwidth.

To multicast NetShow files, a channel must be created to communicate between the server and the multicast clients. Once the channel is set up, it can be populated with content. Programs can be live feeds or on-demand content scheduled at specific times.

NetShow Components: Features and Benefits

NetShow is a comprehensive, tightly integrated platform consisting of the Server, Player, Tools, and several Software Development Kits.

Ron Jon Surf Shop Example
Ron Jon Surf Shop gives viewers a virtual surfboard ride and live beach conditions.
NetShow Server: a set of services running on Windows NT Server 4.0 that allows users to unicast and multicast multimedia files to client computers. The server also includes the NetShow Administrator, a set of administrative tools to manage, configure, and monitor NetShow services.

NetShow Player: The NetShow player allows intranet and Internet surfers to play audio, illustrated audio (synchronized sound and still images), and full-motion video files. By simply activating a link to a file, the player launches automatically and begins playing the requested file within seconds, with no download required. The player has the same functions as a regular VCR, allowing the user to stop, pause, and start content.

NetShow Tools: Simple tools that allow the conversion of existing multimedia content (for example, WAV, AVI, and QuickTime files) to Active Streaming Format (ASF). NetShow provides a set of simple editors (the NetShow ASF Editor and the NetShow Add-in to PowerPoint 97®) to enable content providers to create rich mixed media. Also, NetShow provides a Real-Time Encoder for live content delivery.

Vannevar New Media uses NetShow to host an Internet Film Festival

Software Development Kits: NetShow comes with Software Development Kits for these major components:

NetShow v2.0 System Requirements

NetShow Player for Windows95/NT (NSPlay.exe)
NetShow Player for Windows NT 3.51 (NSPlay.exe)
NetShow ASF Real-Time Encoder, Content Creation Tools, Tools and Client SDK for Windows 95/NT (nstools.exe)
NetShow Server and Administration Tools (nsserver.exe)
NetShow Content Creation Authoring Guide (CCAG.exe)

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