To receive a multicast file transfer, click the Start Receive button. Cancel with the Cancel button. The transfer progress and statistics are shown below.
Data Bytes: Total Bytes: Redundancy:
Packets: Bogus: Noise:
Start the receive file operation before starting the send file operation.
The redundancy and noise calculations are shown when the transfer is complete.
The transfer progress and statistics above shows the number of data bytes received and the number of total bytes received. Data bytes do not include any headers or forward error correction redundancy. The value for redundancy includes header information but roughly corresponds to the percent of redundancy set by the sender.
The form also shows the packets transferred and the number of bogus packets received. The "noise" is the value of the bogus packets received divided by the packets transferred. The higher the number, the more unwanted packets are on the same address.
Note Make sure the IP address and port match the address and port of the server you want to listen to. This sample uses the following parameters:
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