For this sample, VBScript is used. First you must notify the browser which scripting language you intend to use, and then include the scripted commands in a comment. Put the SCRIPT tag anywhere in the BODY and embed the comment-surrounded code within the SCRIPT tags. The code will respond to events on the Web pages, such as clicking, and call methods on the NetShow RTP Audio control.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!-- Sub BtnAbout_OnClick call rtpaudio.AboutBox() End Sub Sub BtnPlay_OnClick call rtpaudio.Play() End Sub Sub BtnStop_OnClick call rtpaudio.Stop() End Sub --> </SCRIPT>
Each subroutine is attached to a specific button that was defined in the FORM section. When a click event is triggered by a button being clicked, the code makes a call (or series of calls) to the audio control.
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