The VidToAsf command-line conversion utility converts .avi (Windows) or .mov (Quicktime) files into .asf files. VidToAsf converts one format directly into Active Streaming format. VidToAsf cannot edit the source files, and it does not automatically compress the source so that the resulting .asf file fits in a particular bit rate. If you want to use a file that is not an .avi or .mov file (an MPEG file, for example) as the input source, convert that file to either .mov or .avi format before you use VidToAsf. If you need to edit the .avi or .mov file (for example, reduce the color depth, adjust the height or width of the display window, or adjust the quality of the audio track) so that the resulting .asf file can fit in a particular bandwidth, make all edits before using VidToAsf to convert the source file to .asf format. The NetShow tools installation does not provide a tool for editing video files. It is important to use a video editing tool such as Adobe Premiere to edit your video files before converting them, because once you create an .asf file, you cannot edit it. To fix a problem with an .asf file, you must go back to the source files, edit out the problem, and then re-create the .asf file.
Note Quicktime files with non-ACM or ICM data cannot be converted into .asf files. Quicktime VR is not supported. However, almost all Quicktime files found on the Internet fall into the supported category.
To convert .avi and .mov files to .asf format
vidtoasf -in {filename.avi |} -out filename.asf
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