Use the WavToAsf command-line conversion utility to convert .wav files to .asf files. WavToAsf creates audio .asf files that contain no images. WavToAsf follows the same conventions as VidToAsf in that you must do all editing or conversion to the source before you convert it to an .asf file. The input source .wav files can be compressed or uncompressed. If the .wav file is compressed, it must be compressed with one of the ACM codecs that is resident on the computer. Though there are several varieties of the .wav format, if you can play the .wav file on your computer, then you can use it to create an .asf file.
To convert a .wav file to .asf format
wavtoasf -in filename.wav -out filename.asf
The -out flag is optional. If you do not specify this flag, WavToAsf creates an output file with the same name as the input file and appends the .asf extension. For more information on the various WavToAsf flags, see the WavToAsf Flags table at the bottom of the "VidToAsf and WavToAsf Command-Line Options" section.
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