An easy way of providing NetShow Player to people who don't already have it on their computers is to embed NetShow Player in a Web page. When a user accesses the page, the player is optionally downloaded. In the script commands that you use to embed the player, you can set the property that identifies the .asf file to play as well as how to play it. You can even set one of the player's properties to check the version of the player on the computer. If the player is outdated, the computer downloads the newest version of the player.
The following script shows the NetShow Player class ID and several of its properties. To learn more about NetShow Player and its properties, see the NetShow Client SDK.
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:2179C5D3-EBFF-11cf-B6FD-00AA00B4E220" HEIGHT=240 WIDTH=320 NAME=NSOPlay ID=NSOPlay <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="mms://NSOserver/demo.asf"> </OBJECT>
How you set the parameters determines how NetShow Player will work. The FileName parameter identifies the .asf file that will play. You set the value for this parameter to be a URL just as if you were going to play the .asf file from the Open Location option on the NetShow Player File menu.
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