[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Requirement (Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo)
Starting with the releases of Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 and Microsoft Windows 98, applications must use the new installer for installing and uninstalling.
Using the new installer will greatly facilitate meeting all of the other install and uninstall requirements for the Designed for Microsoft Windows Logo program. The installer will also make your application far easier to manage in a complex environment. For more information, see Windows Installer Documentation .
While it crucial that applications comply with the requirement to use the installer, there are cases where doing so would place an undue burden on application developers. Please see the body of the document for full details.
Applications whose installation program and files must fit on a single floppy due to cost of goods constraints are exempt from this requirement.
Code fixes, service packs, or other small amounts of code meant to be added to an existing installed application are exempt from this requirement.
Applications distributed for short-term use that contain a "time-bomb" which limits the period of time in which the demo will function are exempt from this requirement.
Programming examples, sample applications, and small add-on features that rely on the existence of an application that is already installed are exempt from this requirement.