Pretesting OnNow / ACPI Support
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The following sections describe the pretesting for OnNow/ACPI support.
Productivity Applications
Productivity applications can verify compliance with OnNow/ACPI requirement using the following tests:
Open a file on a local hard disk, edit it (don't save), put the computer to sleep, and then wake the computer. Verify that the application continues to run, the file can be saved, and so forth.
Open a file on a hard disk in a docking station, edit it (don't save), put the computer to sleep, undock the computer, and then wake the computer. Verify that the application correctly informs the user of the problem and leads the user through steps to correct the problem.
Open a file on the network, edit it (don't save), put the computer to sleep, wait a few minutes for the network connection to time out, and then wake the computer. Verify that the application continues to run, the file can be saved, and so forth.
Games can verify compliance with OnNow/ACPI requirement using the following test:
While in game play, put the computer to sleep using the Sleep button or the Start menu.
Verify that the computer goes to sleep and sound stops playing.
Wake the computer.
Verify that the game play remains paused. After resuming game play, verify that the game continues to function normally (that is, graphics, sound, and input devices continue to function as before).
Event-Handling Applications
Event-handling applications can verify compliance with OnNow/ACPI requirements using the following test:
In the Power control panel, set the system idle time as low as possible.
Start the application and its event handling feature.
Put the computer to sleep using the Sleep button or the Start menu.
Start an event that will take longer to process than the system idle time.
Verify that the computer does not go to sleep while the event is being processed and that, after the event has been processed, the computer goes to sleep immediately.
Presentation Applications
Presentation applications can verify compliance with OnNow/ACPI guidelines using the following test:
In the Power control panel, set the system idle time as low as possible.
Start the application and play a presentation.
Wait for a time longer than the system idle time, and verify that the computer does not go to sleep and that the display does not blank during that time.
Applications that need the computer to wake up quickly to respond to an event can call RequestWakeupLatency to notify the operating system to configure the computer to wake as quickly as the computer allows.
Applications that need the computer to wake up at a certain time can do so by using CreateWaitableTimer and associated functions.
Messaging applications can display the number of new messages on the computer's message waiting indicator panel by calling SetMessageWaitingIndicator.