[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Requirement (Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo)
Your application must write all the information in the table below to the registry so that Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel can obtain information about the application as needed.
The registry values should be written under the following key:
Name of Value | Type | Contains |
DisplayName | REG_SZ | Display name of application. |
UninstallPath | REG_SZ* | Full path to the application uninstall program. |
ModifyPath | REG_SZ* | Full path to the application Setup/modify program. |
InstallLocation | REG_SZ* | Full path to the application (folder or *.exe). |
InstallSource | REG_SZ* | Location the application was installed from. See Implementation that follows. |
DisplayVersion | REG_SZ | Displayed version number of application. |
VersionMajor | DWORD | Major version number of application. See Implementation that follows. |
VersionMinor | DWORD | Minor version of application. See Implementation that follows. |
Publisher | REG_SZ | Publisher/developer of application. |
ProductID | REG_SZ | Product ID of installed application. |
RegOwner | REG_SZ | Registered owner of application. |
RegCompany | REG_SZ | Registered company of application. |
HelpTelephone | REG_SZ | Telephone number for support/help. |
HelpLink | REG_SZ* | Full path of Help file or Help URL for application. |
URLUpdateInfo | REG_SZ | URL of update information for application. See Implementation that follows. |
URLInfoAbout | REG_SZ | URL that provides a link to the publisher's home page or the application home page. See Implementation that follows. |
InstallSource = \\applications\sample; \\\\corpnet\\sample
Name of Value | Type | Contains |
DisplayName | REG_SZ | Sample application |
UninstallPath | REG_EXPAND_SZ | %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample\uninstall.exe |
ModifyPath | REG_EXPAND_SZ | %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample\modify.exe |
InstallLocation | REG_EXPAND_SZ | %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample |
InstallSource | REG_EXPAND_SZ | A:\ |
DisplayVersion | REG_SZ | 1.0a |
VersionMajor | DWORD | 1 |
VersionMinor | DWORD | 1 |
Publisher | REG_SZ | Sample Corporation |
ProductID | REG_SZ | 111-111-111 |
RegOwner | REG_SZ | Test user |
RegCompany | REG_SZ | Test company |
HelpTelephone | REG_SZ | 1-800-555-5555 |
HelpLink | REG_EXPAND_SZ | %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample\sample.hlp |
URLUpdateInfo | REG_SZ | http://sample.com/sampleapp/ update.html |
URLInfoAbout | REG_SZ | http://sample.com/sampleapp/ default.html |