[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Requirement (Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo)
Your application will be fully tested on the latest releases of both Microsoft Windows NT Workstation (version 4.0 at the time of publication) and Microsoft Windows 98. To receive the Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo, your application must pass this testing for all requirements on both systems.
If your application runs only on Windows 3.x or only on Windows 98, do not submit your application for this Logo (see the following Exception). Similarly, if your application runs only on Windows NT or only on Windows NT 3.51 but not on Windows NT 4.0, do not submit your application for this Logo. There is no Microsoft Logo program for software that runs only on Windows NT.
If your application does not run on Windows NT because it uses Direct3D® or DirectSound®, you can submit your application for the Designed for Microsoft Windows® 98 Logo. To license this Logo, your application must pass all the same requirements as those required for the Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo, but your application is not required to run on Windows NT.
Only applications that fail on Windows NT because of their use of Direct3D or DirectSound are eligible for the Designed for Microsoft Windows® 98 Logo. The Designed for Microsoft Windows® 98 Logo is no longer available for any other applications. For more information, review Games and Multimedia Applications.