The enclosed fix for the Exchange jet is located in two execuatables. ESEFIXI.EXE file contains the files for the i386 platform. ESEFIXA.EXE contains the files for the ALPHA platforms. Each executable will contain two files: ESE.DLL File containing Jet fix ESE.DBG Debug Symbols Installation instructions: ================================ NOTE:THIS FIX IS ONLY FOR MICROSOFT EXCHANGE SERVER VERSION 5.5 DO NOT APPLY FOR VERSION 4.0 OR 5.O Download the ESEFIX.exe file and decompress the zip2exe file by running the executable. Before replacing the files the Information Store service should be stopped. The ESE.DLL replaces the version in the \%systemroot%\system32 directory. The ESE.DBG replaces the version in the \%systemroot%\symbols directory. Additional information is available in the article Q181824.