The enclosed fix for the Exchange Message Transfer Agent (MTA) is located in two executables. MTAFIXI.EXE file contains the files for the i386 platform. MTAFIXA.EXE contains the files for the ALPHA platforms. Each executable will contain 16 files: emsmta.exe Executable located in the EXCHSRVR\BIN directory ems_rid.DBG Debug Symbols ems_rid.dll Library file located in the EXCHSRVR\BIN directory emsmta.DBG Debug Symbols File located in the EXCHSRVR\BIN and EXCHSRVR\MTADATA directory info4log.cfg Config file located in the EXCHSRVR\MTADATA directory infollog.cfg Config file located in the EXCHSRVR\MTADATA directory mtamsg.DBG Debug Symbols mtamsg.dll Library file located in the EXCHSRVR\RES directory x400om.DBG Debug Symbols x400om.dll Library file located in the EXCHSRVR\BIN directory x400omv1.DBG Debug Symbols x400omv1.dll Executable located in the EXCHSRVR\BIN directory HOTFIX.INI Text file used to install MTA Hotfix HOTFIX.EXE Hotfix executable Hotfix.txt Hotfix readme.txt Installation instructions: ================================ NOTE:THIS FIX IS ONLY FOR MICROSOFT EXCHANGE SERVER VERSION 5.5 DO NOT APPLY FOR VERSION 4.0 OR 5.O Download the MTAFIXA.exe or MTAFIXI.EXE file and decompress the zip2exe file by running the executable. Before replacing the MTA files the Information Store, Internet Mail Service and Message Transfer Agent services should be stopped (as well as any custom dependencies). The files can be manually replaced or the Hotfix utility included can be utilized. For additional assistance with the Hotfix utility Hotfix.txt contains general instructions. Additional information is available in the following Knowledge Base articles Q177820, Q175042, Q177867, Q177862, Q178376, Q152932, Q180350, Q173713, Q179739, Q169113, Q181848, Q176952, Q182758, Q181513, Q180730.