Additional Notes About Microsoft Exchange Server WARNING: You must have previously installed Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 2 in order to apply this patch. This document contains information not available in the Microsoft Exchange Server documentation, as well as information on changes that occurred after publication. If you enlarge the Write window to its maximum size, this document will be easier to read. To do so, click the Maximize button in the upper-right corner of the window. To move through the document, press PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN, or click the scroll bar along the right side of the Write window. To print the document, choose Print from the File menu. For Help on using Write, press F1. Installing Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Post SP2 patch for the Exchange Server Internet Mail Service. STEP TO INSTALL ============== Download the compressed setup file appropriate for the server for your hardware platform. Select the appropriate files as indicated by the following list: Alpha AXP(TM) PSP2IMCA.EXE Intel(R) PSP2IMCI.EXE 1. Download appropriate file to a temporary location on the servers local hard drive. Example: English version for the Intel platform will be located at : /Exchg5.5/PostSP2/IMC-fix/PSP2IMCI.EXE 2. Unzip the file by typing the file name of the self-extracting archive at the command prompt. Example: The version for the Intel platform will be PSP2IMCI. 3. Stop the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service. 4. Go to the Exchange server's CONNECT\MSEXCIMC\BIN directory Example: c:\EXCHSRVR\CONNECT\MSEXCIMC\BIN. 5. Rename the old file MSEXCIMC.EXE to MSEXCIMC.BAK. 6. Copy the new MSEXCIMC.EXE into the CONNECT\MSEXCIMC\BIN directory. 7. Go to the Exchange server's \RES directory Example: c:\EXCHSRVR\RES. 8. Rename the old file IMCMSG.DLL to IMCMSG.BAK. 9. Copy the new IMCMSG.DLL into the RES directory. 10. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service. Additional information can be located in the Microsoft Exchange Server Service Pack 2 Readme documentation. If you have the Exchange symbols installed, copy the MSEXCIMC.DBG file to \symbols\EXE and the IMCMSG.DBG to the \symbols\DLL directory. List of Bugs Fixed in Microsoft Exchange Server Post SP2 update for the Exchange Server Internet Mail Service. Note: Use the Qxxxxxx number to query the Microsoft Knowledge Base for an article about that bug. Article ID: 214407 XADM: Internet Mail Service Stops with an Access Violation 214640 XFOR: Internet Mail Service Access Violates When Sending Mail Over an SSL Session to a Remote System 216162 XFOR: Exchange IMS Can Suppress Generation of a Delivery Receipt 217194 XFOR: IMS Display Name from Sender Used Without Verification 217195 XFOR: Admin Notification Is Being Incorrectly Executed 222508 XFOR: Internet Mail Service Sends MIME Plain Text as Both HTML and Plain Text 223385 XIMS: IMS Routing Incorrectly When Directory Replication Is Enabled 228998 XADM: Trailing Space in the Domain Name Allowing Mail to Route Incorrectly 230051 XFOR: Internet Mail Connector Dial-Up Connection Stops Working 230288 XFOR: NDR from Internet Mail Service Contains Incorrect 3-Byte Reason Code Sent to X.400 Connector 231303 XFOR: New Feature for Setting Size Limit for Internet Mail Service 235533 XIMS: Refreshing MTS-OUT Queue Causes Application Error in Msexcimc.exe 235627 XIMS: AUTH LOGIN Command Must Use Base-64-Encoded User Name and Password 237327 XFOR: Server Advertises STARTTLS Even Though SSL Certificate Not Available 237927 XIMS: Messages Sent to Encapsulated SMTP Address Are Rerouted Even Though Rerouting Is Disabled THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. ©1999 Microsoft Corporation