Patch Disk for LME/LDE Version 3.2 LSV3.970423.0 DATE: August 27, 1997 ------------------------------------------------ PATCH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ********************************************************************** Please back up the linkage software directories before proceeding with the patch. The following directory should be backup prior to the patch process: \linkage \linkage\mmd \linkage\msgs \linkage\setup In case the patch process aborts, you should restore the back up copies. Check to make sure the NT Service "LinkAge Controller" and the LinkAge Administrator are not running before applying the patch. This process ensures the existing files can be overwritten by the new patch components. ********************************************************************** After installing the unpatched release, make the LinkAge directory current and issue the following command: xcopy a:* /d/s patch Substitute the directory in which the patch is located for "a:" above. PATCH RELEASE NOTES: The following fixes apply to all the LinkAge Products: 970827 ------ 7HK-J3N [lsntshc.dll] Fixes attachment problem from Exchange to Notes that was introduced in Notes 4.51. if connector has depositor access there was a problem sending WAV and ZIP files greater than 1 meg. 970825 ------ 7B3-QVM CC:Mail character conversion between CP1252 and CP850 enhanced with customizable tables, 1252_850.CSM and 850_1252.CSM. To convert between CP1252 and CP437, copy the files from \LINKAGE\CP437 to the \LINKAGE directory. Characters with diacritics that cannot be mapped between code pages are translated to the same character, without diacritic. Graphic and other characters that do not map between code pages are converted to '?'. The LANCP and RTFTXTCPID parameters in the [LME-CCMAIL] section of LINKAGE.INI have been discontinued, and must be removed prior to applying this enhancement. 970820 ------ 7AE-B9E The PROFS/SNADS Connector can now accept addresses of type IBM*. By specifying the Connector Address Space Property Page, one can route addresses of type IBM* to either the PROFS or SNADS Connector. 7DD-L3Y The Notes Connector will restart after it detects the Notes Server is not available. This was a breakage in a previous 3.2 patch that causes the Connector to stay down after Notes Server becomes unavailable. 7GB-TGH Resolves a memory leak in the SNADS and Profs Connectors' Exchange-to-DIA transform routines. 970806 ------ 7BM-AHC When processing CD streams, from Notes to Exchange, if someone wrong with the stream the Notes Connector would quit with the error code ERR_WRITE_TRUNC which caused the above error messages, and the Connector to shut down and restart, only to repeat it all over again. This has been fixed to move the item to Connector badmail NSF (a.k.a. EXCHANGE.BAD) on GRC_INVALID_SYNTAX. 970731 ------ 7FP-RMJ Certain content transformation errors were causing the OV/VM Connector to fail and stop processing mail. The connector now correctly marks the item bad and continues processing. 7FP-S7D The text-to-RTF conversion functions were not properly handling extended (accented or special) characters, causing content transformation failures. Such characters are now properly encoded in the RTF stream. 970723 ------ 7CJ-QFP The 'Convert Exchange to Notes' process can now handle Exchange messages without any RTF body part. The process previously restarted when if it encountered this kind of messages. 970722 ------ 6JR-QSW The PROFS Connector is certified for Year 2000 compliance. Specifically the 2-digit year of the ZIP5 NADIR record is correctly interpreted. The PROFS Connector will work if the NADIR 2-digit year is not same as the current year. 7E4-KVA The PROFS Connector can now detect the real PROFS NOTE CC: list if the NOTE forwarded contains embedded CC: lists. The embedded CC: list's recipients will be skipped and the real CC: list will be mapped as Exchange P2 recipients. 7BG-XJA The PROFS Connector will recover properly when it detects the RSCS link has gone into UNAVAILABLE state. The Connector will set the state to INACTIVE which in turn will allow the NJE server component to re-establish the connection again. 7E4-P3F The SNADS/PROFS Connector will use the host DIA filename to form the Exchange attachment name. Prior to this release, the Connector used the DOSXMAP.TBL to map the attachment file extension and overwrite the original host supplied file extension. You may also add a new INI parameter PassThruDocName to either [LME], [LME-SNADS] or [LME-PROFS] to determine if the Connector should pass the host filename untranslated to the Exchange recipients. When this parameter is set to Yes, the DIA filename will be passed as-is, otherwise the Connector will transform long filename to 8.3 file format. The default setting is No. 970721 ------ 7EF-X9Q The Notes Connector now correctly parses very long recipient names. Prior to fix, messages sent from Notes with very long Notes recipient names would cause the 'Convert Notes to Exchange' process to fail. 970717 ------ 7DG-53X Fixed a problem where the Notes DXA would not restart if the Notes Server was not accessible. 970716 ------ 7D4-X5M The Notes Connector now avoids loading the Notes client subsystem when pasting OLE links into messages bound for Exchange. This eliminates many performance and robustness problems which were occurring due to contention for the Notes subsystem. 7DZ-WGC For NOTESLINK=OLE, the restriction that the document database that the DocLink refers to must be replicated to the Notes Server to with the Connector is attached has not been removed. The Connector will no longer load the Notes "thin client" (NLNOTES.EXE) to perform Doclink processing. 79R-2M9 Mapping tables revised to map EBCDIC NULL ('x00') to ASCII SPACE ('x20'). 970715 ------ 7AD-X4W A new parameter CMSSubjectLine has been added to the [LME-PROFS] section. The Connector would use the value in this parameter to search for the string in the CMS Notes contents. The text follows this strings is then used as the content for the subject field in the Exchange bound message. 79A-33F By default, the PROFS or SNADS Connector displays the ADHOCID and the in-body addresses. If the INI file field 'RemoveForeignHeaders' in one of [LME-PROFS], [LME-SNADS] or [LME] section is set to 'Yes' then both the OV header and the in-body addresses will be removed from the body of the message. See LINKINI.HLP for more details on the use of this parameter. 7AZ-58Z Added documentation regarding propagation of the Notes Groups and Exchange Distribution Lists. 78H-C65 Added help for new INI file params to INI file help. See [LME-PROFS], [LME-SNADS] sections for references to CTFileName, CTMaxCompressDelay. 970711 ------ 7CN-EPL The cc:Mail DXA could not handle MMD name "last,first" as cc:Mail normalizes to "last, first" with space between comma and first name. The cc:Mail DXA now normalize name between locating the entry from the cc:Mail directory. 7BQ-N49 To conform with the standard practice adopted by other Exchange 5.0 Connectors, the proxy generators now unconditionally regenerate a proxy when the site addressing rule changes. 7BG-MKX On Exchange 4.0 SP1-4, if Exchange is not running, the Connector fails on startup and does not attempt to restart periodically. This problem does not occur on Exchange 5.0. 7D5-2TQ The Connector no longer requires the Exchange MTA to be running at startup. It still ensures that the Information Store, Directory, and System Attendant are running before attempting to process messages. 970708 ------ 7C8-MZC The PROFS Connector can accept wildcard tokens from its INSECTIONS and OUTSECTIONS parameters. This facilitates the agent to support multiple LME-PROFS-DXA* sections. Note that the * in a wild card can only appear at the end of a token. 970707 ------ 7AG-LY6 Process dispatcher was occasionally detecting a spurious Scoreboard timeout. This resulted in a process being terminated with no restart. This fix is provisional -- it simply avoids terminating processes because of a Scoreboard timeout. 970703 ------ 7CS-X3W For the SNADS and PROFS Connectors, members of a distribution list are not disclosed to recipients unless they appear explicitly in the recipient list. Only the address of the distribution list is disclosed. 970701 ------ 7AZ-CBU When the Notes Connector cannot deliver mail to Notes because the recipient list is too large, it will report the reason of error and deliver NDR to sender accordingly. Prior to this, the Connector would simply terminate. 6YC-M7Z If NOTESSERVER=LOCAL, the Connector was not able to access Notes DocLinks. This problem has been corrected. 7CQ-P4P If the OV/VM Connector received a host distribution in an unsupported format, it would fail and restart without first rejecting the incoming message. Such a distribution is now rejected properly, and will be held in the host spool queue until it is deleted. 970625 ------ 7CM-AEZ Corrected a problem where the Exchange DXA can filter unowned entries when sending reload updates to the Manager. There was a problem where the DXA would send Manager owned entries from a common source/target container. 7CK-HFV A loop printing message 44350 would occur if a message had an invalid (unmappable) sender. This problem would happen when there are multiple recipients to different target PROFS systems. 76P-SGG The Backup function on the DXM status screen no longer allows the administrator to choose a 'nul' backup device. Added documentation regarding Backup dialog box should exclude 'diskdump nul'. 7C8-WVB The PROFS DXA can handle INI parameter of up to 512 characters per line. 7BQ-LEF The SNADS/PROFS Connector can now defer invalid format messages in its file queues as BADmail and continue to process other messages. 970620 ------ 78H-C65 This enhancement supports two or more PROFS or SNADS Connectors in the same Exchange site, connected to the same host network. This is supported by three new parameters in the [LME-PROFS] and [LME-SNADS] sections of the INI file: - TempProxyDomain specifies the node id (or DGN for SNADS) to be used to create temporary proxies for non-host senders who do not have proxies assigned via an Exchange directory entry. The value specified must be different for each of the multiple Connectors. In addition, the host routing tables must route messages for this domain to the proper Connector. - CTFileName specifies the base file name for the correlation table used by the Connector to associate status messages from the host with the original message details. Each connector in the multiple connector scenario must specify this value to refer to the same physical location in the network, since all of the connectors need to share the same correlation table. Defaults to 'tables\ct2' which puts the database in the tables subdirectory of the LinkAge installation directory. To ensure the CT is available to multiple connectors, you should plan your CT location on a file server. The file specification can be in either UNC or :[]\ format. - CTCompressMaxDelay specifies how long a connector should delay message traffic to wait for exclusive access to the correlation table during scheduled cleanup, so that it can compress the database. (Multiple connectors sharing the same correlation table should also specify the same time-of-day for CT cleanup, and the server clocks should be maintained in synchronization.) Defaults to 5 minutes. When installing the alternate Connector, you might choose to skip the PROFS/SNADS proxy address generation for Exchange entries during the phase 2 installation if your primary Connector install has generated the proxy addresses. NOTE: This enhancement supports 1 Connector per Exchange Server. For each Connector, you must create an additional Exchange Server to host the Connector. 7C8-BHF The SNADS/PROFS Connector reported message 56074 with 1 parameter while the message file expects two parameters: the reason code and the CT the key value. As result, the ENS system was trying to inform the controller with 1 parameter while the LinkAge Controller process was attempting to format two parameters and crashed. The reporting of this event has been corrected. 6YE-U32 The PROFS/SNADS Connector has been enhanced to flow control messages from Exchange only when the transport queue (one of the default PROFS/SNADS queues: is within the queue threshold and storage limits. To take advantage of this flow control feature, set the [QM] queue threshold and storage limits with control values (see LINKINI.HLP for details). For instance, setting qdepththreshold parameter to n in the [QM] section will limit no more than n messages to be put in the or queue at a time. The Connector will suspend extracting messages until the queue control has improved. To operate your Connector with additional flow control checking, modify the [QM] section of the INI file to select your optimal configuration. 7BY-LM7 The PROFS/SNADS Connector will restart if the CT table is not accessible during initialization. 970619 ------ 7C3-74Z The cc:Mail DXA can now support importing both the cc:Mail Postoffice Name and the FAN to the cc:Mail address field. If the DXM cc:Mail directory class is setup properly to populate the cc:Mail address field with both the Postoffice and FAN parameters, the agent will import the concatenated field successfully. 970617 ------ 7AB-F3H, 79Y-GJ6 Special enhancement has been made to the DXA(VM) and the DXM. The scope of enhancement involves sending filename/filetype for outbound OV/VM files to be specified in the MMD rather than in the out-section. Filename/type will be specified per entry, so that there could be several unique filenames assocated with a single node. Filtering (using INCLUDENODE and EXCLUDENODE) would still work. IncludeEntriesCondition= This parameter allows you to conditionally include directory entries based on a test of the attributes stored in the MMD. You must use a SQL "where" clause acceptable to SQL Server. You must precede each column name in the agent's directory class with "d.". You can also reference attributes defined in the "Main" directory class; these must be preceded with "m.". For example, specifying: IncludeEntriesCondition= d.usernode='europe' and d.username like 'sys%' This specification would include in the output file only those MMD entries with a node ID of 'EUROPE' and a user ID beginning 'sys'. Note that case (upper or lower) is not relevant in making these comparisons. Two 'built in' attributes should be available for mapping: $$FILENAME and $$FILETYPE. These can be mapped into any MMD field desired. Added help to [LME-PROFS-DXA], [LME-PROFS-DXA-nn], [LME-PROFS-DXA-tb] sections of INI file help. Search on 'IncludeEntriesCondition'. Added documentation regarding the use of the $$FILENAME$$, $$FILETYPE$$ attributes to the LSLME.HLP file, under the topic dealing with AMAP files for the OV/VM DXA. 7AW-VGS Updated the documentation to make SQL 6.5 SP2 a pre-requisite for LDE. 7A9-93R Event message 22464 will be written to the log for all non-deliverable recipients whenever the Exchange Server returns a non delivery report to the Connector. Also message 22464 has been revised as a level 4 message as there can be many invalid recipients per distribution. 970612 ------ 7AY-ZH5,7A9-7RH There was a problem for Connectors to handle Microsoft Mail users who are not registered in the Exchange directory. For Notes Connector, the header information for the From field was incorrect. For SNADS or PROFS domain, the connector would register the same MSM user repeatedly with multiple temporary proxy addresses. The Connectors can now successful obtain the MSM sender address. 7AB-WST Address the limitation note to the README.HLP that the linkage product does not work properly if the install file path includes embedded spaces. 7AY-ZH5 Added help information on how to revise the rcsaccess parameter for national language support. 78H-JZX Correct the Connector title property pages to present the proper title line. The patch program will install these help files (*.HLP) in the linkage's install subdirectory. Please re-run LinkAge Setup program (Phase 2) to reapply the help files to the respective Exchange add-in folders or manually overwrite the Exchange add-in copies in the "" subdirectories, where is the NT share name for the Exchange Server Add-ins. 7B3-JPN Documented considerations for the INI RCSAccess parameter in non-English NT environments. 970610 ------ 7AE-J2V It is not required that all fields defined in a Telephone Book be mapped into the MMD. The DXA(OV/VM) can now continue even if some fields in the Telephone Book are not mapped into the MMD. 7AW-VGS The DX Manager's Reorganize Database function has been enhanced to do a database check and repair using the SQL Server 'DBCC CheckDB' function, prior to reorganizing database indexes. In very rare circumstances, we have observed corruption of index pages, resulting in SQL error 644, level 21 when processing directory exchange transactions. This problem happens only with SQL Server versions prior to 6.5 with Service Pack 2. 7AC-3N2 The DX Manager now sends Delete transactions first in all incremental update messages to DX Agents. 6KK-M4D The DXA generates a warning entry if there is no active Scheduler entry for the DXA's event (dxamexsched). 7AT-MQ3 Message 60924 was appearing more often than necessary. It will now appear only when the message level is set to 5. 73W-A3Y, 77U-NPY, 78L-NHK The PROFS and SNADS Connector have been enhanced to convert host messages inbound to Exchange with configurable rich text format. This feature applies only to message body text but not to attachments. The feature is enabled by the INI file keyword "HostFileFormat". If the field is not found or if it is empty, RTF formatting is off; if it is found then the string value of the entry is interpreted as a set of keywords and values describing the text formatting requirements and RTF control sequences are generated to meet them. One of the following [LME-PROFS] or [LME-SNADS] or [LME] sections will require the keyword hostFileFormat to determine the rich text foramt. The option will be applicable to a particular host connector if the keyword is applied to the subsection. hostFileFormat = font <"name"> font size regular |