Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 2 Electronic Release Notes Revision History ================ February 15, 1999 - Posted released version of SNA 4.0 SP2 ¬ Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997, 1998, 1999 These materials are provided "as-is," for informational purposes only. Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers makes any warranty, express or implied with respect to the content of these materials or the accuracy of any information contained herein, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation may not apply to you. Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers shall have any liability for any damages whatsoever including consequential incidental, direct, indirect, special, and loss profits. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation may not apply to you. In any event, Microsoft's and its suppliers' entire liability in any manner arising out of these materials, whether by tort, contract, or otherwise shall not exceed the suggested retail price of these materials. ===================================================================== Ordering the SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 2 CD ---------------------------------------------- Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 U.S. Service Pack 2 (SP2) is available in CD media format by ordering the following part number from Microsoft at (800) 936-3500: #211-00319 SNA Svr 4.0 English Patch CD SP2 Downloading SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 2 ------------------------------------------ Self-extracting executable files containing updated 4.0 SP2 SNA Server and client files can be downloaded electronically from, which points to: The following files comprise the updated SNA Server and client files for SNA Server 4.0 SP2: 40SP2TXT.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Release Notes and Help File 40SP2IS.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Server Update (Intel) (NOTE 1,2) 40SP2AS.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Server Update (Alpha) (NOTE 1,2) 40SP2IC.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Windows NT Client Update (Intel) (NOTE 2) 40SP2AC.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Windows NT Client Update (Alpha) (NOTE 2) 40SP29X.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Windows 95 Client Update (NOTE 2) 40SP2CLR.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Windows 3.x, MS-DOS, WEB Client Refresh (NOTE 3) 40SP2IHS.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Host Security Refresh (Intel) 40SP2AHS.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Host Security Refresh (Alpha) 40SP2SDK.EXE - 4.0 SP2 Software Development Kit Files 40SP2MQ.EXE - 4.0 SP2 MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge All of these files are self extracting Win32 executables. For information about changes and new features implemented in 4.0 SP2, see the SNASP.HLP file and README.TXT release notes file included in 40SP2TXT.EXE, 40SP2IS.EXE or 40SP2AS.EXE. SNASP.HLP describes new features added in the service pack and articles describing the symptoms and causes for problems fixed in the service pack. NOTE 1: The SNA Server 4.0 SP2 includes updates to the SNA Server, Print Service, COM Transaction Integrator, SNA OLE/DB Interface, TN3270 Service, TN5250 Service, AFTP, and Shared Folders Gateway. NOTE 2: Once the 4.0 SP2 update is applied, there is no way to uninstall (or "roll back") the service pack without reinstalling the previous SNA Server 4.0 release. The SNA Server, Windows 95 and Windows NT client update programs automatically invoke the MDAC installation program, required by SNA Server 4.0 SP2, regardless of what is currently installed on the server or client. Unlike SNA 4.0 SP1, the required MDAC and MMC files are already included in these self extracting images. NOTE 3: The SNA Server Windows 3.x, and MS-DOS clients are unchanged from SNA 4.0 SP1. There is no update installer for these clients. The Web-installable clients has been updated in SNA 4.0 SP2. Instructions for Decompressing the Server or Client Update Files ---------------------------------------------------------------- The SNA Server and client update files automatically extract and run the Update program. When extracted, these files require the following free disk space: Server Update (Intel) - 40SP2IS.EXE: 138 MB Server Update (Alpha) - 40SP2AS.EXE: 166 MB Windows NT Client Update (Intel) - 40SP2IC.EXE: 95 MB Windows NT Client Update (Alpha) - 40SP2AC.EXE: 121 MB Windows 95 Client Update - 40SP29X.EXE: 30 MB Microsoft recommends that these files are extracted to a persistent, shared network location and made available to server and client computers across the network. Users can then connect to this shared directory and install the service pack by running the Update program from this network location. To do this, perform the following steps: 1) Extract the desired service pack files to one or more directories on a network server: These files can be extracted to a separate directory by using the /x or /X option. For example: 40SP2IS /x 2) Share the desired service pack files to network users The full directory structure of the extracted files must be available to the user who runs the Update program, since the Update program automatically spawns the MDAC and MMC installation programs. For example, "40SP2IS /X" will extract into the following directory structure: \ \I386\... (SNA Server 4.0 SP2 files) \MMC (MMC installation) \MDAC (MS DAC installation) \REG2UDL (utility used by Setup) Similarly, the SNA Windows NT Intel client update (40SP2IC.EXE) extracts into the following directory structure: \ \CLIENTS\WINNT\I386 (SNA Server 4.0 SP2 Windows NT client files) \MMC (MMC installation) \MDAC (MS DAC installation) \REG2UDL (utility used by Setup) 3. Users must run the Update program to install the service pack To apply the service pack, the UPDATE should be run from the appropriate shared directory: SNA Server (Intel): \I386 SNA Server (Alpha): \ALPHA SNA Windows NT client (Intel): \CLIENTS\WINNT\I386 SNA Windows NT client (Alpha): \CLIENTS\WINNT\ALPHA SNA Windows 9x client: \CLIENTS\WIN9X ********************************************************************** WARNING: The UPDATE.EXE program should always be used to install the service pack, which automatically spawns the Setup program in "quiet" mode, and requires limited user interaction. The Setup program should not be run directly, since the user will be required to select the existing installation path, user credentials and components to install. If these options are chosen incorrectly, this can damage the installation of the service pack on the destination machine. ********************************************************************** If the self-extracting files are run without the /X option, the update program will be run automatically. When running Update automatically, all files are automatically extracted to the directory where the TMP, TEMP, or WINROOT environment variable is pointing (trying in that order). So, if the SET command shows that TMP=C:\TMP , and C: does not have sufficient storage to extract the files, change TMP to point to a drive which has sufficient space. For example: SET TMP=D:\TEMP NOTE: Once Update has completed, the SNA Server source installation directory will point to the directory where Update was run. If SNA Setup is run from SNA Server program group, Setup will attempt to locate this directory when adding or removing SNA Server components. For more information about the service pack installation process and possible errors that might occur, see the "More Information" section below. How To Disable the MDAC Installation ------------------------------------ The 4.0 SP2 Update program for SNA Server, Windows NT and Windows 9x will automatically spawn the MDAC installation program whenever Update is run. This new version of MDAC must be installed so that the new data access features of 4.0 SP2 will function properly. If these data access features are not being used, the automatic MDAC installation can be disabled by modifying the client SNASETUP.INI file from the service pack installation directory prior to running the UPDATE program. To disable the automatic installation of MDAC, "InstallMdac=NoInstall" should appear before the other InstallMdac lines. For example: InstallMdac=NoInstall InstallMdac=ForcedInstall InstallMdac=ContinueInstall If "InstallMdac=ForcedInstall" is listed first (the default), then MDAC is automatically installed. WARNING: No other lines of SNASETUP.INI should be modified Installing the new OLE/DB Provider and ODBC Driver for DB2 ---------------------------------------------------------- SNA Server 4.0 SP2 includes a new OLE DB Provider for DB2 and ODBC Driver for DB2. To install these new features, the server or client computer must first be upgraded to SNA 4.0 SP2 by running the Update program from a persistent location (ie. a location where the full extracted files exist). Once installed, the new drivers may be installed by running the SNA Setup program from the local SNA Server Program group and by choosing these new components after selecting Add/Remove Components. Installing the new MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge --------------------------------------- SNA Server 4.0 SP2 includes the new MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge (40SP2MQ.EXE), which can be downloaded by Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 customers. This new feature is only supported on Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP2 systems. For more information about this feature, refer to the LICENSE.TXT and README files included in 40SP2MQ.EXE . Upgrading Host Security to 4.0 SP2 ---------------------------------- The Host Security updates for SNA 4.0 SP2 (40SP2IHS.EXE, 40SP2AHS.EXE) must first be extracted to a directory. To upgrade SNA Server 4.0 or 4.0 SP1 Host Security to 4.0 SP2, the Setup program must be run and the current installation directory and Windows NT user context must be entered. No Update program is provided to upgrade to 4.0 SP2. Upgrading SNA Windows 3.x and MS-DOS clients to 4.0 SP2 ------------------------------------------------------- The 40SP2CLR.EXE file contains the SNA Server Windows 3.x, MS-DOS and OS/2 client files, and is a Win32 self extracting executable. The administrator must first run this file and choose a directory to place the extracted files. Windows 3.x clients may then connect across the network and run the Setup program to install the client files. The setup program can be used to upgrade a previous version of the SNA client software. NOTE: The SNA Windows 3.x and MS-DOS clients are unchanged from SNA 4.0 SP1. Installing the Updated 4.0 SP2 SDK ---------------------------------- The electronic images for SNA Server 4.0 SP2, Windows NT and Windows 9x do not include the updated SDK files, in order to reduce their download sizes. The SDK (40SP2SDK.EXE) may be downloaded separately, though there is no installation program. These files are intended to replace the existing 4.0 SDK files located in the server or client \sna\SDK directory tree. Installing the Service Pack Files --------------------------------- Both the SNA Server and SNA client files have been updated in 4.0 SP2. Updates may be applied in any order -- to the server and/or to the clients. It is recommended that all systems running SNA Server 4.0 (that is, SNA Servers and client computers) are updated to 4.0 SP2. It may not be necessary to update the client computers to SP2 unless you are experiencing a client problem that has been fixed in SP2. WARNING: This service pack update is intended to be applied on systems currently running SNA Server 4.0 or 4.0 SP1 server or client software. These updates cannot be applied over systems running SNA Server 3.x or 2.x releases. ** TO BE APPLIED TO SNA SERVER 4.0 SYSTEMS ONLY!! ** More Information ---------------- As noted above, if /X is not used, the file is self-extracted to the directory where the TMP environment variable is pointing. For example, if TMP=C:\TEMP , then the C: drive (where this directory exists) must have sufficient disk space to accomodate the extracted image. If there is insufficient disk space to accomodate the image size, the following error will occur: Extraction Failed Access is denied If this error occurs, a temporary read-only file may be left in the TMP directory tree (for example, in C:\TEMP\ext46000\i386\setup.tdf) which may cause the service pack file to continue to fail with "Access is denied". To correct this problem, delete the file indicated in the "To Directory:" within the progress dialog when the "Access is denied" error is displayed. This file may have the "read only" attribute set, so the ATTRIB command may be needed to remove this attribute (i.e. ATTRIB -r ) in order to delete this file. When UPDATE is run, it displays the following warning: WARNING You are about to update your current installation of SNA Server with SNA Server 4.0 with Service Pack 2. You will not be able to deinstall this Service Pack and get back to your original setup. Click Yes if you wish to proceed. Choose Yes to continue (the default is No) As mentioned above, Update always launches the MDAC setup program, which displays the following message box: Please wait while MDAC setup completes... If the following error occurs, then SNA 4.0 SP2 has already been installed: Setup Error 689 Setup cannot update an installation interactively in Quiet mode. Setup Error 723 Setup was unable to read configuration information from the first section of the setup file: C:\SNA40\setup\server\snafile.stf