Microsoft SNA Server 2.1 Description: Update to SNA Server 2.1 Windows NT core components (for SNA Server and SNA Server Windows NT clients). Date: 4/21/95 Summary: This SNA Server 2.1 hotfix update has been validated by the customers reporting these problems, though the update has not gone through full regression testing. This update should only be applied if a customer is experiencing any of these problems. All of these problems are fixed in SNA Server 2.11. MICROSOFT STRONGLY RECOMMENDS UPGRADING TO 2.11 as soon as possible. The 2.11 upgrade cost is $409 per SNA Server, regardless of the number of clients being used. There is no cost to upgrade existing SNA Server 2.1 clients to the 2.11 level. Modules updated: SNA Server Windows NT client LAN interface components (should be installed on SNA Server and the SNA Server Windows NT client machines). \system\snabase.exe 04/14/95 10:52a 131,780 (Intel version) \system\snadmod.dll 04/14/95 10:53a 351,444 \system\snalm.dll 04/14/95 10:53a 42,788 \system\snanw.dll 04/14/95 10:53a 50,980 \system\snaip.dll 04/14/95 10:53a 49,396 \system\snabv.dll 04/14/95 10:53a 52,548 \system\snaat.dll 04/14/95 10:53a 47,876 \system\snaevent.dll 04/14/95 10:53a 348,964 (Current through hotfix build 284) The following symbols should also be applied for debugging purposes: \symbols\dll: snadmod.dbg 04/14/95 10:53a 189,692 snalm.dbg 04/14/95 10:53a 30,396 snaip.dbg 04/14/95 10:53a 33,980 snanw.dbg 04/14/95 10:53a 35,004 snaat.dbg 04/14/95 10:53a 32,956 snabv.dbg 04/14/95 10:53a 36,028 snaevent.dbg 04/14/95 10:53a 1,084 \symbols\exe: snabase.dbg 04/14/95 10:52a 86,748 Description of updates: 2783 Excessive server broadcasts may occur if Banyan transport used 2784 SNA Admin security dialog may fail selecting remote domain 2854 SNA Admin application exception when inserting new user 2860 NetView alerting problem when restarting Primary SNA Server If an SNA Server supporting the Netview connection is stopped and started, other SNA Servers in the domain will not be able to send Netview alerts even after it's restarted. The following error will occur on the other SNA Servers: Event 639: Failed to open pipe SNAMETMN 10061 - Source: SnaBase now sends all service information when the service state changes. Also, the following entry must be added to the list in the registry entry below: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/ LanmanServer/Parameters: NullSessionPipes: REG_MULTI_SZ: COMNETMN This allows the link service (running under the local system context) to open a session to the node on an NT 3.5 server. 2872 Memory leak on SNA Server Windows NT client Corrects a memory leak problem when SNABASE.EXE is running on a Windows NT client machine and is configured as a "remote" named pipe client but is still in the same domain as an SNA Server. In this configuration, the Windows NT machine is receiving SNA Server mailslot messages from the servers in the local domain, but SNABASE (when configured as "remote") isn't reading the messages, causing them to be queued within Windows NT. 2875 Improve handling of service table updates to SNA clients Service table updates are sent by SNA Server(s) to each SNA client machine over it's sponsor connection, to notify the client if an SNA Server is stopped or started within the domain. Various changes have been implemented in SNA Server to improve the efficiency in sending "service table" updates to large numbers of SNA client machines (especially on ipx/spx, where server updates were getting queued, and could lead to NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTE STOP screen error). This includes: - reducing the number of updates sent to client machines - combining updates into a single message, - reduce updates forced by SNA Admin, - for IPX/SPX clients, only queue one write per client connection - limit the total number of pending updates using the following new registry settings: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/SnaBase/Parameters: UpperThreshold: REG_DWORD: 3000 (decimal) - default LowerThreshold: REG_DWORD: 1000 (decimal) - default UpperThreshold controls the total number of pending service table messages that can be written or be outstanding at any one time. Once the number of pending messages drops to LowerThreshold, SNA Server will continue to send further service table updates (if there are more to send). - Slow down the process of sending update messages. Previously, SnaBase would send out client update messages as fast as possible. With this update, if the number of clients exceeds 100, SnaBase waits a random time interval after sending to 50 clients. The following registry setting controls this random time interval: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/SnaBase/Parameters: RandomWait: REG_DWORD: 3 (decimal) - default = 3 seconds This setting controls the average time interval that SnaBase takes to distribute a service table update to all clients. 2895 Correct possible problem in SNA Server user record lookup 2901 SNABASE fails to start on 3.5 server in workgroup. SNA Server now tries the local administrator's group if the call to retrieve the "Administrator" Windows NT security identifier (SID) fails. 2969 Windows 3.x WNAP.EXE may GP-Fault at random on many client machines at once. This may occur when an administrator saves the SNA Server configuration file, or when a status change occurs on more than one SNA Server in the domain in a short time period. 3030 Problem assigning 3270 LU's to a machine (using LocalLUs) When using the LocalLUs parameter to assign a list of LU names to a specific computer, a 3270 emulator will list the LU names twice, though only one instance of the LU name should appear in the emulator session list. Note: Requires latest update to WDMOD.DLL on a Windows 3.x client (from SNA Server hotfix 282). 3087 WinAPPCStartup exception after rcGatewayLogin is called Calling WinAPPCStartup after RcGatewayLogin (included with the Exchange developer's kit or EDK) causes WinAPPCStartup to encounter an application exception. 3130 SNA Server access violation SNA Server was improperly handling a failed call to LookupAccountSid() (when authenticating a Windows NT user connection request). This call could fail if Windows NT could not contact a Windows NT domain controller (due to underlying network problem). SNA Server now defaults to an "unknown" user name if LookupAccountSid fails. 2809 Reduce 579 error to warning and improve error reporting If an Event 579 error occurs, SNA Server now treats this error as a warning condition and continues (rather than generating a debug file), reporting diagnostic information on this condition using new event ID 698 and 699. 3148 Correct problem administering SNA Server over TCP/IP only When administering a remote SNA Server over TCP/IP (once this update is applied), the administrator must enter the remote server name in the "select domain" field, rather than the domain name (there is no reliable way to locate remote servers over IP based on the Windows NT domain name). Applying the update (manual process): ------------------------------------- - First, stop the SnaBase service on the SNA Server (using "net stop snabase" command). WARNING: This will stop all other SNA Server services on the machine, causing any current client users to lose their sessions. Also, stop any SNA Server applications you may be running, as well as the NVAlert and NVRunCmd services, if you've started them. - Rename/Save the above modules located in the \SYSTEM directory. - Copy the updated modules to the \SYSTEM directory. Make sure all of the files included in this update are applied together. If not, the SnaBase service will not start properly. - Restart the SnaBase service (via NET START SNABASE) and any additional SNA services.