--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 Workstation Service Pack 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Innhold ------- 1.0 Introduksjon 2.0 Installere Service Pack 5 for Windows NT 3.51 2.1 Brukeranmerkninger 2.2 Liste over feil som er rettet i Service Pack 5 for Windows NT 3.51 1.0 Introduksjon ----------------- Denne utgivelsen av Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) 3.51 Service Pack 5 er enkel å legge til i Windows NT, og endrer bare de filene som originalt er installert på Windows NT Workstation-systemet. Service Pack-utgivelser er kumulative og inneholder dermed alle tidligere så vel som alle nye korreksjoner laget for systemet. 2.0 Installere Service Pack 5 for Windows NT 3.51 -------------------------------------------------- Installere Service Pack 5 fra diskett: 1. Sett Service Pack-diskett 1 i diskettstasjonen. 2. Endre til aktuell diskettstasjon (enten A: eller B:), og skriv UPDATE i ledeteksten til Windows NT. 3. Følg instruksjonene som blir gitt på skjermen. Installere Service Pack 5 fra CD-ROM: 1. Legg Service Pack CD-ROM inn i CD-ROM-enheten. 2. Endre til aktuell CD-ROM-stasjon, gå deretter til i386-, MIPS-, ALPHA- eller PPC-katalogen avhengig av om du har en Intel(TM)-, MIPS(R)-, ALPHA AXP(TM)- eller PowerPC(TM) CPU, og skriv UPDATE i ledeteksten til Windows NT. Installere Service Pack 5 fra nettverksstasjon: 1. Skriv kommandoen for å koble til nettverkstasjonen hvor Service Pack- filene finnes fra ledeteksten til Windows NT 2. Endre til den nettverksstasjonen, og skriv UPDATE. 3. Følg instruksjonene som blir gitt på skjermen. 2.1 Brukeranmerkninger ----------------------- *** Nytt kommandolinjeargument i ROUTE.EXE Et nytt kommandolinjeargument for ROUTE.EXE er lagt til i Service Pack 5. Den nye parameteren er METRIC, og beskrives nedenfor: ROUTE [-f] [kommando [mål] [MASK nettverksmaske] [gateway] [METRIC metrisk]] METRIC Argumentet metrisk brukes for å tilknytte en kostnad (antall steg) for målet som angis for ruten. Vanligvis angir dette avstanden i antall mellomstasjoner fra målet. Dersom ingen metrisk verdi angis, settes standardverdien 1. *** Netflex-drivere Det viser seg at Netflex-driverne ikke er installert for MIPS, ALPHA og PPC i SP2. Filene nevnes ikke i UPDATE.INF, og blir ikke kopiert over til ditt system. Derfor kan de heller ikke velges fra Kontrollpanel. Du kan omgå dette problemet på følgende måte: 1. Kopier \cd-rom\support\ndis\netflex\\oemnadnf.inf til system32-katalogen. 2. Gå til Nettverk i Kontrollpanel, velg Legg til kort og velg COMPAQ Netflex. 3. På spørsmål om banen til Windows NT-filene, skriv: \cd-rom\support\ndis\netflex\ *** Reparasjonsdisketten Hvis det noen gang blir nødvendig å bruke Windows NT Reparasjonsdiskett for å reparere ditt Windows NT-system etter at du installerte Service Pack, må du installere Service Pack på nytt etter at reparasjonen er fullført. Dette er fordi reparasjonsdisketten reparerer systemet ved å gjenopprette den originale Windows NT-installasjonen. Etter at reparasjonen er fullført, må du følge installasjonsinstruksjonene gitt over for å installere Service Pack på nytt. *** Legge til nye komponenter til systemet Hvis programvare- eller maskinvarekomponenter er endret eller lagt til i systemet etter at du installerte Service Pack, må du installere Service Pack på nytt. Dette er på grunn av at filene som tas fra det originale Windows NT- disksettet kan være forskjellige fra filene fra Service Pack-disksettet. Det er ikke mulig å installere nye komponenter direkte fra Service Pack-media (som f.eks. en ny tastatur- eller skriverdriver). Nye komponenter må være installert fra det originale produktmediet. *** Installere symbolfiler fra CD-ROM Bruk følgende kommando for å installere symbolfilene som svarer til de nye binærfilene i Service Pack 5 (antar at CD-ROM-stasjonen er D:, at symbolfilene finnes på katalogen C:\WINNT35\SYMBOLS og at du installerer filene for en x86-maskin): XCOPY /S /U /D D:\SUPPORT\DEBUG\I386\SYMBOLS C:\WINNT35\SYMBOLS Dette vil kopiere DBG-filene for Service Pack 5 over de eksisterende versjonene av disse filene. XCOPY-kommandoen over vil kun kopiere DBG-filene som allerede er installert (/U-bryter) og bare de av nyere dato (/D-bryter). *** Bekrefte korrekt fastvare for Powerized-systemer Før du installerer Service Pack 5 på et Powerized-system, bør du kontrollere at fastvaren er oppdatert. Fastvaren bør være datert 5. oktober 1995, eller senere. Denne informasjonen vises under oppstart av systemet. Bruk kommandoen fw-title i fastvaren for å kontrollere dette. Kontakt din maskinvare-fabrikant for å få siste versjon av fastvaren dersom du har en tidligere fastvare-dato. *** Nye APIer tilgjengelige med Service Pack 5 Service Pack 5 inneholder 3 tillegg til Win32 API: Fibre ------ En fiber er en lettvekts-tråd som blir planlagt manuelt. Fibre gir ingen fordeler framfor et velutviklet flertrådsprogram. Derimot kan fibre gjøre det enklere å konvertere programmer som er utviklet til å planlegge sine egne tråder. Spesifike fiber-APIer inkluderer: ConvertThreadToFiber() CreateFiber() DeleteFiber() GetCurrentFiber() GetFiberData() SwitchToFiber() Winsock-utvidelser ------------------ Windows Sockets-familien har fått to nye APIer, AcceptEx() og GetAcceptExSockaddrs(). AcceptEx() gir muligheter for å asynkront akseptere en kobling, skaffe til veie de lokale og eksterne adressene for koblingen, og motta den første datablokken, alt gjennom bare ett kall. Katalogovervåking ----------------- Det er lagt til en ny API, ReadDirectoryChangesW(), for å utvide et programs muligheter til å overvåke katalogene. Et program kan nå motta beskjed når en endring oppstår i en katalog. Disse endringene inkluderer endringer i filer, endring av filnavn og sletting av filer. I motsetning til FindFirstChangeNotification(), vil denne APIen returnere fullt navn på den berørte filen. Du kan finne komplette detaljer om disse APIene, inkludert header-filer, bibliotek og kodeeksempel, under "Win32 SDK Addendum for Service Pack 5" på Microsofts Web-område. Informasjonen ligger i avsnittet "For developers only", på adressen: http://www.microsoft.com/devonly. 2.2 Liste over feil som er rettet i Service Pack 5 for Windows NT 3.51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MERK: Bruk Qxxxxxx-nummeret som står foran tittelen på feilkorreksjonene når du kontakter Microsoft for å få nærmere informasjon om feilene. Service Pack 1 -------------- Q128453: Windows NT 3.51 Hangs (Memory Access Violation) Running Exchange Q128454: Windows NT 3.51 Hangs with Office 95 (Word) Help File Wizard Q130093: Err Msg: Incorrect Response from the Network Q130292: Windows NT Win16 Subsystem Crashes Printing from Quicken 4.0 Q130677: TCP/IP Generates Frames with Loopback Address as Source Address Q131343: "Invalid Page Fault" Running Office 95 Help Wizard Q131427: Windows NT 3.51 TCP/IP System Network Interface Hang Q131683: Help File Opens Very Slowly with Office 95 Applications Q131779: Help Fails for VB Modules in Excel Q131865: SMC Elite Ultra NIC Causes UNIX Computers to Disconnect TCP/IP Q132198: Middle Mouse Button Does Not Work Under Windows NT 3.51 Q132466: Problems Printing From DCA IRMA Workstation for NT 1.1 Q132470: STOP Msg: 0x0000000A or 0x0000001E When Using PING Q132858: PowerStack with Cirrus Video Adapter Hangs During Startup Service Pack 2 -------------- Q112665: UPDATE.EXE Starts Setup Help If Space Exists in Directory Path Q128567: Landscape Orientation Reversed With Postscript Driver Q129670: GSNW Not Releasing Session to NetWare Server Q129724: Macintosh Client Has Slow Access to Windows NT 3.5x SFM Volume Q130226: Banner Always Printed When Using GSNW Print Gateway Q130783: STOP Msg: 0x0000003F NO_MORE_SYSTEMS_PTES Repetitive I/O on MIPS Q130932: Desktop Remains Active At Logoff Q130979: User Environment Variables Set Before Default Home Directory Q131073: Datagram Sends Fail if Route is Not in IPX Cache Q131241: FTPSVC Orphans Connections, Uses Up Virtual Memory Q131428: DHCPADMN Reports Error 14 After You Select Local Machine Q131689: Postscript Jobs Do Not Print Correctly Over SFM and AppleTalk Q132085: Applications Hang When Opening Files when CSNW is Installed Q132394: Streaming Mode NPMCA.SYS NIC Sleeps on Transmit. Q132511: Windows NT 3.51 Hangs on Shutdown With Some S3 Based Video Cards Q132722: Server Instability After Reboot Caused by NDIS Driver Problem Q132896: FTP Client Scripts Terminate Without Completing Q132903: Err Msg Using NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NETBT.SYS): STOP 0x0000000A Q133112: NetWkstaSetUid2 API Returns Access Denied Q133128: Printing From Windows NT 3.51 to an HP4 at 600 DPI is Slow Q133252: Windows NT 3.51 GSNW Help Reports The File Is Corrupted Q133280: FTPSVC: Delay Receiving FTP Directory Annotation and Prompt Q133303: WINFILE.EXE Application Error When Associating a Searched File Q133306: Maximum Disk Space of 1.99 GB Displayed for NetWare Volume Q133384: Event ID 2019: Nonpaged Memory Pool Empty Q133410: The Breakpoint "{,,} ." Cannot Be Set Q133488: LPR Printing Fails After Setting Up Security Q133701: Forward Slash May Be Ignored As A Path Delimiter In 3.51 Q133757: Performance Monitor SQLServer-Log Object Corrupted Q134250: No Compaq Netflex Drivers in Windows NT 3.51 for RISC Platforms Q134285: STOP Msg: 0x0000007B or "0x4,0,0,0 Error" in WinNT 3.51 Setup Q134286: Windows NT 3.51 LsarLookupSids errors from Big Endian Servers Q134386: Computers Using QVision Display Driver Lock Up Q134427: Dr. Watson Access Violation Occurs Sending Mail Attachments Q134701: Uninitialized Pointers in DHCPSSVC.DLL Cause Access Violation Q134765: Unknown Software Exception When Application Calls OpenGL Q134959: Cannot copy Icons From a Common Group to a Personal Group Q134968: NetWare Connections Remain Connected After You Log Q134969: Faxing from 16-bit Program Using Separate Memory Space Fails Q134985: Browsing & Other Traffic Incur High Costs over ISDN Routers Q134988: Access Violation in glsbCreateAndDuplicateSection API on PowerPC Q135065: Windows NT 3.51 Hangs on Shutdown Q135275: Windows NT Backup : Incorrect Date in "Tape Name" Text Q135277: WINS Records of Multi-homed Computers Do Not Replicate Q135291: Print Manager: Owner Appears as System Printing from Macintosh Q135308: Disk Administrator Corrupts Partitions Q135471: Cannot Reconnect to OS/2 Name Space Resources on NetWare Server Q135548: PIF Editor Reserve Shortcut Keys Settings May Be Ineffective Q135553: IOCTL_NDIS_QUERY_ALL_STATS Causes STOP Msg in Windows NT 3.51 Q135621: NetWare Transaction Tracking System (TTS) Not Detected Q135667: STOP 1E When Using File Manager and Services for Macintosh (SFM) Q135692: "List Name From" List Box Shows Only 20 Trusted Domains Q135724: Deleted Disk Space Not Released on Converted NTFS Volume Q135774: Performance Monitor Counters Produce Unlikely Results Q135777: Unable to Connect Using Cabletron EISA F70XX FDDI NIC Q135856: RIP Table Does Not Update When New RIPX Response Is Received Q136023: Batch Files Stop Executing with Windows NT version 3.51 Q136024: Tape Hardware Data Compression Disabled After Running NTBackup Q136334: Access Violation in LSASS.EXE During User Password Change Q136336: Windows NT Fails Because of an Access Violation in WINLOGON Q136375: NTFS directory corruption with more than 100,000 files Q136402: IniFileMapping for 16-Bit Windows Apps Fail in Windows NT 3.51 Q136472: NE3200 NIC Driver Can Lose Locally Administered Address Q136627: Layered Drivers Never See WINSOCK IRPs for the TCP/IP Device Q136780: WinFax Pro Software Causes 16-bit Applications To Hang Q136782: Unable To Connect To AT&T Advanced Server For UNIX Printer Share Service Pack 3 -------------- Q126688: Stack Overflow with Windows NT 3.51 RAS Q126689: STOP Msg: c000021a Logging on a Second Time to WinNT 3.51 w/ SP2 Q126967: New TCP/IP Registry Parameter Ignores Push Bit on Receives Q139281: STOP Msg: 0x0000004E or 0x0000000A Under Heavy Computer Usage Q139535: Some TrueType Fonts Do Not Produce Glyphs on Windows NT 3.51 Q139635: RAS Authentication of Third Party PPP SPAP Clients Fail Q139714: RAS Stop 0x000000a 6194ea98 00000002 00000001 80115534 Service Pack 4 -------------- Q134959: Cannot copy Icons From a Common Group to a Personal Group Q137857: Errorlevel Paradigm Behaves Differently in Windows NT 3.51 Q137968: Perfmon and Network Monitor Counters Show Incorrect Values Q138415: Windows NT Fails to Check for Low Disk Space (No Admin Alerts) Q138700: ARP -s Fails After Applying SP2 to Windows NT 3.51 Q138737: Directory Synchronization May Fail with Windows NT 3.51 Mail Q138794: Out of Memory Error Installing Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 2 Q138854: Connecting Using NBT.SYS Causes Windows NT Session to Hang Q138987: Novell Clients are Denied Access Logging on to FPNW Servers Q138995: Updating to WinNT 3.51 SP2 Causes Loss of Persistent IP Routes Q139015: Trap 0xA in ExFreePool of NTOSKRNL.EXE Q139057: NET STOP WINS Fails to Stop WINS Service Q139058: Battery Shutdown Signal Delayed Using Windows NT UPS Service Q139065: Services For Macintosh on Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 2 Hangs Q139171: Compaq System Hangs with Incomplete IRP in Cpqarray Q139207: S3 Driver Doesn't Correctly Support 72Hz on Some IBM PS/2 Models Q139208: Instability in RAS using TAPI X25 Ndiswan Driver Q139274: Updated System Environment Variables Result in STOP 0x0000021a Q139338: WINS Counters Disappear from Performance Monitor Q139350: WinNT General Protection Fault Exiting 16-bit Access Version 2.0 Q139351: STOP Msg: c000021a - Using Mandatory Profile w/o Access Rights Q139380: Multi-homed WINS Server Replication Partner Failures Q139415: New TCP/IP ArpCacheLife Parameter in Windows NT 3.51 Q139494: Multiple CRC Errors and Hardware Overruns Using RAS Q139619: Printing From a Service To A Network Printer Fails Q139649: Windows NT Service Can't Connect to Network Printer on 3.51 Q139691: International Characters in User Names Not Handled Properly Q139929: SNMP Queries Of Very Long OID's May Cause SNMP Service To Hang Q139956: RPC from a Big Endian Computer Causes GP Fault Q139985: WINS Client Fails to Reach a Multi-homed Server Q140008: Seed Routing Network Range Options Grayed Out with DEC FDDI Q140258: Incomplete Server List in File Manager's Connection Dialog Box Q140329: Trust Relationships Fail with Large Number of Trusted Domains Q140364: Registry Size Limit Change Results in Pagedpoolsize Change Q140400: GSNW/CSNW Creates 8.3-Format Directory Names in Uppercase Only Q140408: Access Denied Attempting to Rename File Across the Network Q140463: SNMP Agent Hangs on Very Long Queries Q140506: Print Jobs Sent to SFM Printer Hang in Spooler After Printing Q140603: SNMP Trap Frames Appear to be Dropped Q140639: Daylight Savings Time Not Advancing Q140675: Windows NT Doesn't Show All Files on OS/2 Server Q140685: MAC Clients Get Access Denied on Newly Created Folders Q140783: Access Violation on RAS Client Dialing Into Windows 95 Q140784: Call to NetUserGetLocalGroups results in NERR_UserNotFound Q140818: STOP Message: After "DIR ..\" is Issued from a Samba Client Q140973: Inaccessible Floppy Disk Drive on Toshiba Portege 610CT Q140978: WINS Does Not Replicate <1c> Names Properly Q141019: SNMP Debug Messages Are Written to Eventlog Q141156: STOP Msg: 0x0000000A in SFMATALK.SYS After Receiving ATP Packet Q141344: Network Connections Refused Over NetBT Q141371: STOP Msg: STOP 0x0000000A from DLC.SYS Q141467: Macintosh RPC Client Fails Across AppleTalk Zone Q141520: Generic Text Driver Prints Control Characters and Blank Lines Q141732: Adaptec AHA154x Driver Fails to Install Second Adapter Q141753: Memory Violation Running Attachmate Extra! for Windows in WOW Q142060: BackupExec 6.0 Not Backing Up WFW in Windows NT 3.51 SP3 Q142204: CSNW Drive Mappings Incorrect Q142371: Perfmon Counter DISK QUEUE LENGTH Gives Incorrect Report Q142695: SP3 Localized SERVER.HLP (On-line Books) Causes Dr. Watson Error Q142696: WinNT 3.51 SP3 GARAM4.TTF Font Not Displayed Properly Q142697: Unlocked Workstation Not Returned to Full Screen Application Q142698: Service Pack Overwrites Localized Version of Windows NT Q142699: WinNT 3.51 w/ CPU Maxed Prints Very Slowly to Banding Printers Q142700: WinNT 3.51 SP2 SFM Share Can Only be Created on NTFS Q142701: SAM Does Not Replicate Members of the Administrators Alias Q142704: Windows NT Mail Client Does Not Handle Long Filenames Correctly Q142708: WinNT 3.51 SP2 w/ UK Keyboard Gives Wrong Accented Characters Q142709: Big Files Copy Slowly from Mac to SFM Over AppleTalk Router Q142710: Lock Violation Opening NetWare Server File w/ Shareable Bit Set Q142711: Windows NT Hangs on Alpha with > 1 GB System Memory Q142714: RAS Does Not Hang Up Immediately If Usernames Are Different Q142866: Alpha Computer w/ Proteon P139x-Plus Revision J NIC Doesn't Work Service Pack 5 -------------- Q126967: New TCP/IP Registry Parameter Ignores Push Bit on Receives Q129129: Windows NT SNMP Agent Allows Only Read Access Q130876: Printing Through HPMON(DLC) May Cause Print Subsystem to Hang Q135609: WINS Fails on RAS Server with Multiport Adapter Installed Q135692: "List Name From" List Box Shows Only 20 Trusted Domains Q135700: Modifications to NETBT.SYS to Support Layered Drivers Q137155: Users Without System32 Permissions Cannot Logon Q137522: FPNW Keeps Directory Handles Open, Preventing Deletion Q138222: DHCP Server Delays Release of Client-Rejected IP Addresses Q138244: Printing Fails with "RPC Procedure Call Failed" Q138257: Inconsistent Print Results Using HP LaserJet 5L Q138713: Err Msg: Driver Entry Point Not Found After Service Pack Upgrade Q138792: TCARC.SYS Causes Trap 0xA or Hangs Windows NT Q140641: Updated Samsrv.dll Supports AppleTalk and Banyan Vines Clients Q140891: Remote Shutdown May Fail Q141118: No FPNW "NetWare Compatible Password Expired" Check Box Q142608: Windows for Workgroups fails to print to Apple IIG through NTS. Q142610: Err Msg: OS Loader V3.51 TRAP 0000000E PAGE FAULT Q142611: WOW: GP Fault in DDEML.DLL Using Visual Basic Application Q142612: TrueImage errors 4041 when printing from a Macintosh Q142613: System Control Application Shows Insufficient Memory Dialog Box Q142615: Event Log Service Fails to Check Access to Security Log File Q142617: Server Rejects TreeConnectAndX and DirectorySearch SMB Q142620: Access Violation in Nwsvc.exe Q142621: OS/2 Application Does Not Return DOSREADQUEUE Properly Q142622: Repeated Automatic Logons in Windows NT May Fail Q142623: Encryption Keys of 768 & 1024 Bits Unavailable in Int’l WinNT Q142624: Err Msg: "Unable to connect to target machine" Q142625: NETBIOS Defaults To 16 Sessions on Windows NT Q142626: LogonUser API Now Has Support for Network Logons Q142627: NTDETECT.COM Incorrectly Detects Some S3 Video Controllers Q142628: Stop 0x23 Errors in FASTFAT.SYS Q142630: NTFS with Full Logfile Condition May Cause Trap Q142631: Internet Information Server Directory Access Issue Resolved Q142645: FPNW Stops w/ Win3.x Client Directory Search: "********.***" Q142646: Upgrading To SP4 Can Overwrite Newer Versions of OLEAUT32.DLL Q142647: Callback Field for RAS May Not Be Viewable From Rasadmin.exe Q142648: STOP 0x00000024 in NTFS.SYS Q142649: STOP 0x0000000A on ALR Revolution Q142650: Netlogon Stops when Mailslot Message Is Larger than Specified Q142651: Third-Party Cursor Hangs Cirrus Driver Q142680: Modification to Support Direct Host IPX Acceleration Drivers Q142874: Services for Macintosh Reports Incorrect Free Volume Space Q142880: NetBT Fails to Bind to a Large Number of IP Addresses Q143143: Error Printing From Macintosh to LPT Port of Windows NT Server Q143329: Serial Mouse Does Not Work on a DEC Alpha Computer Q145623: Access Violation in LSASS.EXE On Primary Domain Controller Q145796: Print Manager Displays Macintosh EPS Document As File Name Q146114: Heavy Load of FTP Service Results in Access Violation Q146880: Logon/Logoff Events Logged Out of Order in Security Log Q146905: Remote Pipe DosWaitNmPipe to OS/2 Subsystem Gives Error 123 Q147204: Stop 0x0000000A in NDIS.SYS on a Multi-Processor Computer Q147246: Using Direct Hosting over IPX Causes STOP 0x0000000A Q147349: No Sound On Some PCMCIA Modems in Windows NT 3.51 Q147372: Problem Using Full Tape Backup Requiring More than One Tape Q147458: End of Media Crossing During Windows NT Tape Backup Q147601: Problem Switching From Office 95 to 16-bit Application Window Q147642: NetWare Files Overwritten When Updating To Windows NT 3.51 SP4 Q147661: MSMail32 Message With Hyphens Results In Access Violation Q147695: MEMBER OF in FPNW Login Script Returns Incorrect Results Q147697: Turning Off Auditing of Security Policy Changes Not Audited Q148174: NWCONV.EXE Does Not Give Correct Permissions Q148188: Internet Information Server Security .CMD /.BAT Patch Q148353: Access Denied Using CHGPASS with DSMN Q148485: Service Pack 4 Causes Some Installation Programs To Fail Q148487: MS-DOS "For" Command Fails when Run Against an FPNW Server Q148501: Preventing PCI Resource Conflicts on Intel-based Computers Q148646: Stop 0x0000000A When Referencing Empty Sent Queue Q148845: Access Violation in RASMAN.EXE Under Windows NT 3.51 Q148846: RAS Port Instance Names in Performance Monitor Are Corrupted Q148929: Security Event ID 642 Logged Incorrectly for Audits Q148939: DHCP Server Creates Unnecessary Lease Q148957: NTBACKUP Fails With Application Error During Verify Process Q149112: Some Image Maps Do Not Work with IIS Q149167: Unable to Allocate Resources from the NDIS Wrapper Q149214: Windows NT Server Stops Responding To Macintosh Clients Q149293: File Manager Can Not View Permissions After NWCONV.EXE Is Q149344: NWCONV.EXE Does Not Correctly Apply Permissions Q149393: CrashOnAuditFail Activates on Shutdown with ProcessTracking Q149394: CTRL+BREAK Does Not Work for 16-Bit Applications Q149395: Stop Msg: 0x0000001E in RDR.SYS Caused by Corrupted SMBs Q149468: CSNW Clients May Cause Clipper Index Corruption Q149525: Poor Performance May Occur During FTP File Transfers Q149528: FTP Client Uses Only One IP Address on Multihomed Workstations Q149532: Windows NT Clients Run Out of Ports Q149534: Windows NT Socket Apps Run Out of Ports Q149559: FPNW LOGIN.EXE Doesn't Handle Password Expiration Q149643: Printing to NetWare Deallocates Directory Handle Q149722: Windows NT Registry Has a Limit of 300 Interfaces Q149819: RPC Causes Exchange Server to Hang All Connected Clients Q149857: MoveFileEx API Does Not Work After Applying SP4 Q149891: Programmatic System Shutdown Fails Q149949: Some Browsers May Fail to Connect When IIS Uses SSL Q149955: Random Users Do Not Appear in SYSCON Viewed w/ FPNW Server Q150008: DOS Applications Receive Wrong Error Code in FPNW Q150009: WinNT System Shutdown/Power Off Causes Boot-Sector Corruption Q150047: NetWare Drives Inaccessible to CIM and MMTA Q150048: Syscon Changes Maximum Password Age on FPNW Server Q150059: Cannot Perform a NET VIEW Across RAS to Windows 95 Client Q150060: Cannot Delete Directory Structure on FPNW Volume Q150097: cc:Mail Clients Lock Up Through FPNW Q150124: Cannot Access CD-ROM After Installing SP4 Q150140: STOP Msg: 0xC000021a as Application Terminates Q150152: Printing from Mac to HP 3x with 52.2 HP Postscript Cartridge Q150158: NTFS: Directory Changes Reported to LMREPL Erroneously Q150172: FPNW Will Not Create File Larger Than 2.14GB Q150275: Redirector Doesn't Close the Session After User Logs Off Q150302: Overlapped I/O to Tape Results In Data Corruption Q150305: DEC FDDI Adapters Fail to Respond to Broadcasts Q150337: Simultaneous Dr. Watsons Stop Windows NT Q150350: NetLogon Maximum Value of Pulse Should Exceed 3600 Q150355: Windows NT Nonresponsive During NTFS Directory Traversal Q150410: Having 300+ Print Queues Causes Access Violation in Localmon Q150508: Netscape Clients Hang While Posting Data to SSL Forms on IIS Q150559: New Windows NT TCP/IP Registry Parameter: ArpTRSingleRoute Q150729: Err Msg: "Access Denied" When Using Account Operator Q150736: Stopping SNA Server Service Leads to Perpetual Stopping State Q150823: Trap 0xA When Token Ring Source Routing Data Exceeds 18 Bytes Q150831: Stop 0x0000000A in NBF.SYS When Running Under Stress Q150833: Memory Deallocation Failure in SRV.SYS Directory Notification Q150838: NWLNKSPX May Reset Connection With Out-Of-Sequence Packet Q150847: File Manager Truncates Long File Names Containing Spaces Q150904: DDE Link Stops Updating After Closing Another Link Q150918: FPNW Event ID 2630 Unable to Access PDC for Write Q150938: Printer Resident Fonts not Available w/ "Print Text as Graphics" Q150996: Session Canceled Error Using IBM 16/4 Adapter II Q151007: IBM ThinkPad Drives Have Problem w/ Read/Write and Media Change Q151008: Sony 7000 and DEC TZ09 4mm DAT Not Supported Under 3.51 Q151010: IIS IDC: Err Msg: Error Performing Query Q151183: WWW Clients Using Basic Authentication May Fail with IIS 1.0 Q151216: NTVDM May Leak Memory When Opening/Closing COMM Ports Q151222: Stop A in FLNK.SYS While Copying From FPNW Server Q151226: FPNW Grace Logins Are Not Reset When Password Is Changed Q151235: FPNW Does Not Search Trusted Domains for Object Names Q151259: New Netlogon Registry Entry for Dialup Routers Q151306: WINS Partner Registry Settings May be Deleted Q151432: Invalid File Handle with SP4 Nwrdr.sys Q151448: Trap 0x50 and Trap 0xA Under Heavy Stress Q151453: Netscape 2.01 Clients Hang While Getting SSL Pages w/ Graphics Q151471: Processes Do Not Respond When NTFS Encounters an Error Q151714: WinNT RPC Client May Fail Against DCE Server Q151824: FoxPro Query May Return Inaccurate Results with FPNW Q151962: System Appears to Stop When Adding Users to Large Global Groups Q151977: FPNW Not Responding Correctly to Record Locking and Logging Q151989: Novell 32-bit Client for Win95/WinNT Doesn't See FPNW Volume Q151991: FPNW Writes Incorrect Last Modified Date on Files from OS/2 Q151997: DECMON Can Cause Spoolss to Generate an Access Violation Q152051: IBM Gothic Box Font Appears Garbled Q152121: Windows NT Logon to NetWare Is Slow & Causes Event 8007 Errors Q152156: Access Violation in Client Process During Authenticated RPC Q152270: CreateProcessAsUser() Fails After Applying Service Pack 3 Q152271: EnumServicesStatus() Results in Services.exe Memory Leak Q152272: GetSecurityDescriptorGroup() Returns Incorrect Primary Group Q152273: DHCP Server May Give Out Duplicate IP Addresses Q152304: Random Blue Screens Caused by Bad Packet and DLC.SYS Q152348: Block Writes Across Net May Cause Performance Hit Q152398: Login.exe Now Sets Primary Server After Successful Login Q152428: Initialization Failure in Rasman.dll When Shutting Down Q152448: Mouse Cursor Freezes Intermittently in Windows NT Q152450: Change Password Dialog Text Changed for NetWare Q152474: Window Socket Application Failure with Connection Reset Event Q152547: GP Fault in Windows NT VDM When Using SCROLL_LOCK/UNLOCK Key Q152589: Netscape 2.01 Clients Hang While Getting SSL Pages w/ Graphics Q152625: Ibmtok.sys Generates Event Message ID:5002 Error Q152705: Multihomed WINS Servers Send Name Query Responses Q152719: WAN and Trust: Traffic On the Wire Q152837: ControlService() Results in Services.exe Memory Leak Q152986: CSNW Does Not Report Directory Restrictions Q152992: Netlogon Service Does Not Start After Applying SP4 Q153157: WNetGetUser Returns ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED Q153202: Duplex Printing Causes Problems After Applying SP4 Q153237: File Manager Unable to Copy Long File Names to Write-Only Volume Q153332: ECHO Command in a Batch File Does Not Echo /Q Q153462: Err Msg: Event 4010: Unable to Get the Local Computer Name Q153504: PCL5EMS Does Not Support All Memory Available on HP LJ 5Si MX Q153596: TCP/IP Performance Degrades When Resuming Large Data Transfer Q153665: SPX Data Stream Type Header May Reset Unexpectedly Q153666: Updated TCP/IP Printing Components for Windows NT 3.51 Q153706: WINS Service Terminates During Replication Q153949: CSNW Does Not Support MS-DOS NAME SPACE Correctly Q153953: Log on Locally Permission Not Required for Client Access Q153993: Windows NT May Cache Data Even if Write-through Flag is Set Q154067: System Error: The WIN 16 SubSystem Was Unable to Allocate Memory Q154090: Installing Too Many OLE Applications May Cause System to Lock Q154117: No Drive Letter When Using PC-Card Type III Slot Q154145: SSL: ISAPI Secure Transmissions Limited to 32K of Data Q154175: Users May Lose Designated Default Printer After Multiple Logins Q154183: CreateFile API with Delete-on-Close Option May Fail Q154355: How to Tune Trusts for Dialup Routers in a WAN Q154444: EPS Files Larger Than Page Fail to Print Q154485: Disabling Keep Alive Connections in IIS 1.0 Q154563: FPNW Search Drive Vector Not Set Q154564: Access Denied Using CHNGPASS When Logged On to FPNW Q154688: DPT PCI-SCSI Fails on PPC if IRQ Greater Than 15 Q154700: HALMCA Does Not Check for PCI Q154783: Msg Sent from MSMail Windows NT Client Undeliverable Q154784: Windows NT Operating System SNMP OID Incorrect Q154785: WinNT 3.51 Service Packs (SPs) Incorrectly Update Newer SPs Q154790: Weitek PCI Video Fails to Load on PowerPC Secondary PCI Bus Q154797: SP5 Adds Code Pages for Central European Language Support Q154799: Update.exe in 3.51 Service Packs May Use Wrong Patchdll.dll Q154832: Disabling Thread Creation for CGI I/O in IIS 1.0 Q154833: Automatic Logoff After Screen Saver Fails Q154841: Problem Connecting to Xylogics Annex-3 Terminal Server Q154845: Bugcheck in Fastfat.sys Q154846: AP Error Running Gdsset.exe in Japanese IIS Q154847: WINMSD May Not Report Correct Service Pack Version Q154854: Trap 0xA in AtalkBPFreeBlock Q154862: Web Browsers May Fail When Accessing SSL Secure Pages Q154865: Datatype Misalignment in inetsloc Q154933: Err Msg: The LsaCreateSecret Call Failed Q154938: Bugcheck 0xA - Saving 64K File to NetWare in Notepad Q154939: CreateQueueJobAndFile Fails w/ Queues Other Than Print Queue Q154942: IIS Virtual Root Cannot Be Browsed on a SAMBA or WIN95 Share Q154944: Power PC (PPC) Only: OldIrql Is Stored Before Spinlock Q154945: FlushFileBuffers Not Committing Filesize Properly in NT3.51 SP4 Q154946: Bugcheck 93 in the RDR Q154948: S3.sys Driver Does Not Work with Dell Optiplex Q154950: SPX Header Not Available for a Terminate Packet Q154951: Blue Screen w/ S3 Video Driver Upgrading from 3.51 to SP3 or SP Q154952: Remote Admin Can Access a File for Which Everyone Has No Access Q154953: Setup Unable to Create IUSR_computername Account Q154963: DosSetSigHandler API Not Behaving as Expected in OS/2 Subsystem Q154982: ATDISK Reports Huge Disk Size on IDE Greater Than 2 GB Q154983: Dual Screens at High Resolutions Don't Display Correctly Q154990: SETPASS May Change Password of Wrong User Q155026: Stop 0xC000021a in Windows Subsystem with Status c00000005 Q155052: IIS Server Handling of URLs Using "\", "<", and ">" Q155056: IIS Security Concern Using Batch Files for CGI Q155057: ScanLogicalLocksByName Supported in FPNW with Service Pack 5 Q155058: IIS Server May Hang After Processing Several Client Queries Q155138: Stop 0x00000077 in FPNWSRV.SYS During Burst Mode Read Q155330: FPNW Utility to Setup Subauthentication on Domain Controller