DIRMON: A Sample Directory Monitor Service
Written by Irving De la Cruz (irvingd@microsoft.com)
Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Revision: May 8, 1997

This sample is a Windows NT service that demonstrates how to logon onto
the messaging subsystem with the Exchange service provider in the login
profile, from the context of a Windows NT server. Once logged, the service
watches file activity (CREATE, MODIFY, DELETE, and RENAME changes) on the
specified directory and posts these changes to a public folder in the
Exchange public folder store.
The sample also demonstrates how to grant the proper rights to the
account the service uses when the service is installed.
The NT service must login to the DOMAIN account associated with the
Exchange account in the MAPI profile. The Microsoft Exchange server account
used by the service must have the proper rights on the Exchange server installation
to create a folder in the public folder hierarchy and post messages in it.

To compile this program you must have:
	Windows NT 3.51 or later.
	Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.0 or later.
To run the service you must have installed:
    Microsoft Exchange client 4.0 or later with an account in a
    Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 or later.

This sample was developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x. Its associated 
make file is DIRMON.MAK.

If you find bugs, or have questions please send mail to irvingd@microsoft.com