Education Solutions Directory

Core Curriculum: Business Software

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Course Technology

Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis

Target Market: · Colleges and Universities

Instructional Solution: · Core Curriculum

A Practical Approach to Management Science.

Developed for a course in Quantitative Methods, Management Science, Quantitative Decision Making, or Operations Research, this text provides a complete introduction to the most often taught Management Sciences techniques and integrates Microsoft Excel as a problem-solving tool. Every problem throughout is set up in Excel and includes steps for solving the problem in Excel. This text will significantly enhance students' spreadsheet modeling skills.

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Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Multimedia MBA™ Corporate Edition

Target Market: · Colleges and Universities

Instructional Solution: · Core Curriculum

Multimedia for schools of business emphasizing a corporate environment. Nine multimedia textbooks for core courses (corporate finance, principles of accounting, business law, human resource management, organizational behavior, principles of marketing, advertising and promotion, strategic management, and international business) with full search capabilities. Over 50 videos and animations linked into the texts; productivity tools related to topics in the text (e.g., annotated outline and financial templates for both a marketing plan and a strategic plan); 18 tutorials, or "mini-courses," on important topics (e.g., firing an employee); and a business dictionary. Briefcase feature allows easy customization of material for repeated use.

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Products Used

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Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Multimedia MBA™ Small Business Edition

Target Market: · Colleges and Universities

Instructional Solution: · Core Curriculum

The first true use of multimedia for schools of business. Seven multimedia textbooks for core courses (introduction to business, entrepreneurship, human resource management, advertising and promotion, retail management, principles of accounting, and business law) in a hypertext format with full search capabilities. Includes an hour of video and animations linked into the texts; productivity tools related to the topics in the text (e.g., a general ledger accounting package, a template for a business plan, and templates for accounting); and a business dictionary. Briefcase feature allows easy customization of material for repeated use.

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This page was last modified by a-cbarne on July 27, 1995.