DOCUMENT:Q303076 16-APR-2002 [mspress] TITLE :Academic Learning Series Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Dire PRODUCT :Microsoft Press PROD/VER:: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - MSPRESS Academic Learning Series Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure ISBN 0-7356-1267-6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article contains comments, corrections, and information about known errors relating to the Microsoft Press book Academic Learning Series Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure, ISBN 0-7356-1267-6. The following topics are covered: - Lab Manual, page iii: Incorrect Number of Core Elective Exams - Page xxiv: Incorrect Hardware Requirements - Page 30: Incorrect Information About Host Name And Computer (NetBIOS) Name - Page 61: Incorrect Weighted Total - Page 80: NT DNS Does Not Meet Active Directory DNS Requirements - Page 146: "Domains" Should Be "Trees" - Page 195: Correction To Point 3 - Page 201: Publish Should Be Assign - Page 202: Incorrect Caption In Figure 5.11 - Page 221: Incorrect Domain Local Group Membership In Figure 5.9 - Page 253: "Pull" Should Be "Push" For Intrasite Replication In Table 6.2 - Page 306: Incorrect Child Domain Names In Figure 7.6 - Page 346: Incorrect Subdomain Names In Illustration - Page 363: Incorrect Information About Schema Master And Domain Naming Master MORE INFORMATION ================ Lab Manual, page iii: Incorrect Number of Core Elective Exams ------------------------------------------------------------- On page iii, in the third paragraph, Change: "The new certification program is composed of four core requirement exams and three core elective exams." To: "The new certification program is composed of four core requirement exams and four core elective exams." Page xxiv: Incorrect Hardware Requirements ------------------------------------------ On page xxiv, under Hardware Requirements, Change: "32-bit 166MHz Pentium processor 64-MB memory for networking with one to five client computers; 128 MB minimum is recommended for most network environments" To: "133 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM recommended minimum; 128 MB minimum supported" Page 30: Incorrect Information About Host Name And Computer (NetBIOS) Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On page 30, in the second Note section, Change: "The host name does not have to be the same as the computer name, NetBIOS, or any other naming protocol." To: "The host name is always the same as the computer (NetBIOS) name. In Windows 2000, you cannot specify different host (Directory Naming Service, or DNS) and computer (NetBIOS) names." Page 61: Incorrect Weighted Total --------------------------------- On page 61, in Table 2.1, change: "Maximum: 35" To: "Maximum: 25" Page 80: NT DNS Does Not Meet Active Directory DNS Requirements --------------------------------------------------------------- On page 80, in the paragraph above the Note section, in the last sentence, change: "If you organization is currently running Windows NT 4 DNS, your DNS service is also compatible with Active Directory DNS requirements." To: "If you organization is currently running Windows NT 4 DNS, your DNS service is not compatible with Active Directory DNS requirements." Page 146: "Domains" Should Be "Trees" ------------------------------------- On page 146, in the first paragraph under "Implications of Using Multiple Trees", Change: "When determining whether to define multiple domains" To: "When determining whether to define multiple trees" Page 195: Correction To Point 3 ------------------------------- On page 195, in point 3, change: "3. If the OU is allowed to set its own membership, place the administrator group inside the OU. If the OU is not allowed to set its own membership, place the administrator group outside the OU." To: "3. If the administrator group is allowed to set its own membership, place the administrator group inside the OU. If the administrator group is not allowed to set its own membership, place it outside the OU." Page 201: Publish Should Be Assign ----------------------------------- On page 201, Change: "..and another group policy to publish software on management workstations" To: "..and another group policy to assign software on management workstations" Page 202: Incorrect Caption In Figure 5.11 ------------------------------------------ On page 202, in Figure 5.11, change: "OUs defined to hide objects" To: "OUs defined to implement Group Policy" Page 221: Incorrect Domain Local Group Membership In Figure 5.9 --------------------------------------------------------------- On page 221, in Table 5.9, groups with both read-only access and full access needs to the Customer database and Tracking database (as defined in Table 5.8) are being incorrectly made members of the same domain local groups: "CustDatabase" and "TrackDatabase". Only global groups that share the same access needs should be made members of the same domain local group to ensure proper access permission assignment. There should be separate domain local groups created for different access needs. Change: "CustDatabase - Security, domain local - Domestic Dispatchers, International Dispatchers, Managers, Delivery Representatives TrackDatabase - Security, domain local - Distribution Trackers, Managers, Distribution Handlers" To: "CustDatabase - Security, domain local - Domestic Dispatchers, International Dispatchers, Managers CustDatabase2 - Security, domain local - Delivery Representatives TrackDatabase - Security, domain local - Distribution Trackers, Managers TrackDatabase2 - Security, domain local - Distribution Handlers" Page 253: "Pull" Should Be "Push" For Intrasite Replication In Table 6.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On page 253, in Table 6.2, in the "Instrasite replication" - "Replication model" cell, "pull" should be "push". Change: "To reduce replication latency, replication partners notify each other when changes need to be replicated and then pull the information for processing." To: "To reduce replication latency, replication partners notify each other when changes need to be replicated and then push the information for processing." Page 306: Incorrect Child Domain Names In Figure 7.6 ---------------------------------------------------- On page 306, in Figure 7.6, Change: ",," To: ",," Page 346: Incorrect Subdomain Names In Diagram ---------------------------------------------- On page 346, in the diagram, the subdomain names listed are incorrect. Change: To:" Page 363: Incorrect Information About Schema Master And Domain Naming Master ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On page 363, the diagram lists multiple schema masters (SM) and domain naming masters (DN) in different domains. This is incorrect. At any time, there can be only one schema master and one domain naming master in the forest. In the diagram, please remove all the SMs and DNs, except for the SM and DN at And in the last bulleted item on the same page: Change: "... the forest-wide roles were assigned to DC1s." To: "... the forest-wide roles were assigned to DC1 at" Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections. Additional query words: ALS TKBOOK 0-7356-1267-6 ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbMSPressSearch Version : : Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.