MySQL 5.5.11 Setting Security April 27, 2011 April 21, 2011 Jonathon Byrd Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, and Format Fixes for Text by CW Cyrix Original link If you’re coming from the installation tutorial, congratulations! I’m glad that you made it this far. It took me three days to figure that out myself. Restarting MySQL Without Permissions Table The first step to setting your administrative password is to shutdown MySQL, because we have to restart it without the ACL loading. $ /etc/init.d/mysql stop Alright, so now restart MySQL using this command in order to ignore the permissions system. $ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & Setting your Passwords There’s a couple ways to reset your password, this is just one way. $ mysql -u root mysql> use mysql; mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("NEW-ROOT-PASSWORD") where User= 'root'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> quit You can’t just use restart at this point, you’ll need to stop mysql first and then start it. $ /etc/init.d/mysql stop $ /etc/init.d/mysql start Now you can load mysql and test it out. $ mysql -u root -p