Intel(R) Corporation

Intel® Server Board S815EBM1

The products you are looking for are no longer manufactured by Intel. Additionally, Intel no longer provides interactive support for these products via telephone or e-mail, nor will Intel provide any future content updates or software updates to support new operating systems or improve compatibility with third party devices and software products.


Information on currently available Intel products is available at and/or

+ Identify your products
+Product Discontinuance Announcement
Intel® will no longer provide interactive support for these products via telephone or e-mail

+ Software and drivers
BIOS/Firmware, drivers, and utilities

+ Technical specifications
+Technical Product Specifications
Product overview, including descriptions and diagrams of the integrated features
icon Technical Product Specifications [PDF]

+ Installation and use
+Intel® Active Monitor Error Messages and Possible Causes
An essential file is missing. The name of the missing file will appear after the error message. That file has been deleted or moved from its original location. Reinstall the application.
An unspecified internal error occurred during initialization. The system may be low on resources. The service may not be running with adequate security privileges.
No sensors were detected in your system. You are running this application on a system without functioning monitoring hardware. Fan x has stopped or slowed (fan x can represent either fan 1 or fan 2).
Your fan could be failing because:
  • A foreign object is preventing the fan from spinning.
  • A bearing within the fan is failing.
  • The fan is no longer connected to the motherboard.
  • The fan has been moved to a different fan sensor connector on the motherboard.
Recommended resolutions Your system may have more than one fan.
  1. Check all of the fans to see if any of them have been disconnected or are blocked by a foreign object. If all fans are connected and free of foreign objects, a fan may need to be replaced. Contact your system manufacturer for technical support.
  2. If you have added, changed, or removed a fan, you need to reinstall Intel® Active Monitor to accurately monitor your system's fan(s). The application may generate alerts continually until reinstalled.
An unknown fan in your system has stopped or slowed. An application DLL is invalid. Reinstall the application.
Voltage Error Messages:
These are the possible voltage error messages. In the case of the voltages, voltage x can represent any voltage from voltage 1 to voltage 4. The voltages those labels may represent include: 12 Volt, -12 Volt, 5 Volt, -5 Volt, 3.3, CPU Core, CPU I/O, and 1.5 Volt.
Voltage x has gone outside of its recommended range.
Power supply could be failing, there may be an electrical short somewhere in the system, or the power supply fan may have failed
Recommended resolutions
  1. Ensure adequate cooling and/or a surge protector.
  2. Check that the power supply fan is disconnected or blocked by a foreign object. If the fan is connected and free of foreign objects, it may need to be replaced.
  3. Make sure your system is not located near walls or in corners. If vents in the system become blocked, airflow to the fans may be restricted.
  4. Replace your power supply
An unknown power supply voltage has gone outside of its recommended range. The CPU in the system runs at a voltage that was not known at the time this software was released.
Temperature Error Messages:
Your processor has exceeded its recommended maximum temperature.
Your system has exceeded its recommended maximum temperature
  • The heatsink and/or fan have become detached from the processor (or were not installed).
  • The heatsink may not have adequate thermal grease.
  • The processor fan(s) may have slowed or stopped.
  • The system does not have adequate airflow to keep the processor cooled.
  • The system is in a location that is not allowing optimal airflow or is too hot.
  • One or more of the system's fans have slowed or stopped, reducing airflow to the system.
  • Dust has accumulated in your system, reducing airflow to the system.
Recommended resolutions
  1. Check the processor and system fan(s) to see if any have been disconnected or are blocked by a foreign object. If they are still connected and free of foreign objects but are still not operating properly, they may need to be replaced.
  2. Make sure that there is proper airflow in and around your system. Make sure your system is not located near walls or in corners. If vents in the system become blocked, airflow to the fans may be restricted. Your system should be kept in a room that has adequate cooling; the room's ambient temperature should be below 90 °F (32 °C).
  3. Check that the processor's heatsink has been installed properly. Inadequate thermal grease on the heatsink can cause unusually high processor temperatures.
  4. Make sure your system's I/O (disk, floppy, CD-ROM, etc.) cables aren't restricting airflow in the system.
An unknown temperature sensor reading has exceeded its recommended maximum temperature. The DLL version does not match the application. Reinstall the application.

+Intel® Active Monitor Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I get an alert?
If active alerting is enabled, Intel® Active Monitor will detect if a sensor has crossed a threshold. If you have all alerting methods enabled (refer to Active Alerting Options), you will be notified of the alert with a pop-up message, an audio alert, and the Intel Active Monitor icon in your system tray turning red and flashing. Double-clicking on that icon opens Intel Active Monitor. The application opens to the scene displaying the alert.
If active alerting is disabled, Active Monitor is not monitoring your system and will neither detect nor notify you of an alert, if the application is closed. Click the Help button to open the Alert Response topic, designed to provide you information in the event of an alert. Click on the Alert History button to open the View Alert History window, where you can view all recent alert activity.
Where can I get more information about heatsinks and fans?
Check your Product Guide, Technical Product Specification (TPS), or installation instructions for your specific Intel® Board. Active Monitor has been qualified only with the heatsink, fan, and processor combinations listed for Intel® Boxed Processors. The heatsink must also be properly installed with adequate thermal grease.
Why are some of my system fan(s) not spinning without an alert appearing?
Variable fans will only come on when the system requires extra cooling. In this case, no alert message is generated by the sensors.
How does a variable fan work?
The variable speed fan turns on and off in response to your system's thermal conditions. The speed of fan rotation (rpm) depends on the specific temperature in the monitored system zone. For example, the fan speed increases as temperature in the zone rises.
Why do I receive an alert after I removed a fan?
Active Monitor assumes the removed fan has failed. You need to redetect all fans in the system. Please reinstall the Active Monitor program so the system can correctly detect all fans in the new configuration.
Why is the System Info screen reporting a PC100 memory speed when I have some PC133 DIMMs installed?
System memory runs at the lowest memory module speed that's installed in your system. If you have a PC133 mixed with a PC100, the system will report a PC100. Please ensure that all installed memory modules are of the same type to obtain optimal performance. To obtain more information about your memory configurations, please contact your manufacturer.

+Intel® Active Monitor Troubleshooting Tips
Intel® Active Monitor does not display all of my fans. Intel® Active Monitor supports up to three fans. The fan must be a three-wire fan capable of transmitting a signal from the fan to a tachometer. Not all fan connectors support monitoring.
I changed my fan and now the fan sensor generates alerts continually. If you have added, changed, or removed a fan, you need to reinstall Intel Active Monitor to accurately monitor your system's fan(s). Otherwise, the application may generate an alert until you've reinstalled the Intel Active Monitor application.
Intel Active Monitor conflicts with other monitoring software. Intel Active Monitor may conflict with other monitoring software like LANDesk* Client Manager (LDCM) that uses the same resources, the Heceta ASIC chip and the SM Bus driver, causing Intel Active Monitor to fail.
The application window does not resize. Intel Active Monitor was not designed to be resized.
The word "Unknown " appears in the System Info scene or the View System Report window. Intel Active Monitor may not display all features on older Intel motherboards and in older BIOSs.
The Active Alerting Options window is grayed out, so I cannot select any options. Restart the system or reinstall the application.

+Product Guide
icon Product Guide [PDF]

+Quick Start Guide
icon Quick Start Guide [PDF]

+Troubleshooting Guide
icon Troubleshooting Guide [PDF]

+ Compatibility
+Tested Chassis
icon Advanced Industrial Computer RMC1R2 [PDF]
icon California PC 8K2A00 [PDF]
icon Chenbro RM12100 [PDF]
CiDesign RS1100 (no datasheet available)
icon CiDesign RS1201 [PDF]
icon Compucase RA155C [PDF]
icon Evercase ECR9102 [PDF]
Supplier Model PSU Form Factor
Addtronics N90 Tower SFX
Avance* CI-4004 SFX
A-Open* MT-85 SFX
Axxion* 539 SFX
CasEdge* 2200SF ATX/PS3
CaseTek* CK-168 SFX
Chenbro* B6591-200 PS3
Chenming* MTX-601NA PS3
Chieftec* TS-01W PS3
Compucase* 6B06ATX ATX/PS3
Denco* D714J-01 ATX/PS3
ElanVital* MX-5 ATX/PS3
Enlight* EN-7180 SFX
Enlight EN-73080A PS3
Inwin* IW-V500F ATX/PS3

+Tested Hardware and Operating Systems
Supported Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows* 2000 Advanced Server
Red Hat Linux* 7.1
Red Hat Linux* 7.2
icon Tested Hardware and Operating Systems [PDF]

+Tested Memory
icon Tested Memory [PDF]

+Tested Processors
icon Tested Processors [PDF]

+ Technical advisories
+TA 0438: PCI Video Adapter Requires BIOS 3 or later
icon TA_438 [PDF]

+TA 0510: Expired License Agreements on Resource CD
To resolve this issue, please download and run LICENSE.HTM
icon TA_510 [PDF]