Mystery Science Theater En Masse: Movie Squares
Super Special 2: Sabrina's Adventure 3: The Sapphire Quest (Part Twenty)
Note: This part will be riffed by Sonic, Miyu, Benimaru, and Mai.
20. A New Problem
Sonic: Same as the old problem.
Miyu: I've already made enough problems in my short stay here. I've
ruined a part of the theater with a giant bag of sugar, and I've eaten my beret.
*sighs* I liked that beret. I can't believe that I ate it.
-1In the capital city, several officers entered the president's office. The few guards from the prison quickly saluted to the president. "Mr. President! Sabre has escaped the prison! We have been ambushed by Knuckles the Echidna and another unknown person in disguise…" The president quickly held his hand up, making the guard go silent. "Bring me the Commander immediately…" The guard looked slightly shocked, but obeyed his order. "Yes Mr. President!" They all saluted and left the office.
Benimaru: *as the President* Also, who had the bright idea to shoot at
the wall to wake Sabre up? That person hit another guard in the process, and
they died of their injuries. Oh, well, cover it up to make it look like an
accident or something.
Mai: ...morbid.
Back near the village, Sabrina and the others have arrived, walking into the palace. Christina and Tails were helping to tend the wounded villagers from Slash's Chaos curse.
Mai: ...we're still on this?
Sabrina quickly ran to Tails. "Tails! We need your help!" Tails quickly turned to her. "Sabrina! What happened? You look all shook up…" Sabrina was weak, barely able to keep on her feet. "Tails, Slash got our emeralds, he has six of them now…" Tails and Christina gasped. "What?"
Tails: *as himself, hacks*
Miyu: They let him get them. They just sat there and let him get the
stupid things. World might as well end right now.
Sabrina tried to sense for emeralds, but she was too weak. "I can't sense the last emerald anywhere…" Christina could feel a chaotic energy moving at a slow pace. "Sabrina, I can feel the emerald's energy…it's in the forest!"
Sonic: It's always the forest, isn't it?
Mai: It's not like the action is anywhere else.
Sabrina quickly perked up, also starting to feel the radiant energy. "Hey you're right! But…we won't be strong enough if Slash comes around again, we need your help, Sonic and Speedy are badly hurt and can't fight…"
Benimaru: And what have those two done in this entire fic series so
Miyu: Well, Tails has done a few things... in the first fic only.
Christina, um... she kind of sat around and looked pretty, I guess.
Tails and Christina thought for a moment, then got an idea. Tails quickly ran out of the room and came out with Sakura. "Sakura, we need you to watch over the village while we help Sabrina find the last chaos emerald."
Mai: Yes, let's make the thirteen year old princess watch over a
village that is slowly recovering from a magic based plague. Yes, nothing
will go wrong at all.
Sonic: Well, if they turn into zombies, they can probably learn the
"Thriller" dance.
Benimaru: That would make this bland fic entertaining, so that's not
going to happen.
Sakura felt nervous and scared. "I guess so…I'm just afraid you will get killed…" Christina walked to her. "Don't worry Sakura,
Miyu: *as Christina* We're main characters! We can't die!
Mai: Applying the main character title to Christina is a bit too
generous, Miyu.
Miyu: Oh. That's also correct.
it won't be very long, then this battle will finally be over…" Sakura felt better and smiled: "Thanks mom, I'll do my best." Christina smiled and walked back to the others. They all walked out of the palace, and scattered across the forest.
Sonic: It's going to get worse, isn't it?
Miyu: Yes.
Back in the forest, Sabre was sitting in a large tree, too much in pain to keep walking, due to the injury in his foot left from the sharks. He was able to stop the bleeding, but he lost so much blood he was feeling lightheaded.
Sonic: Uh... I'm pretty sure that that's nowhere near good.
Mai: In any other situation, someone would be screaming about going to
the hospital. However, he's a fugitive at the moment.
Benimaru: Isn't Aleena a nurse? She'd probably take care of his injuries,
Sabre suddenly heard a loud clanging sound, then a light rustle. He looked below to see a small squirrel, tumbling out of what looks like an abandoned building. The little rodent scurried away, very quickly.
Mai: Don't even look at me. Just focus on my brother and make all the squirrel jokes at him.
The building looked somehow familiar to Sabre. He jumped down, groaning a bit in pain, and slowly walked towards the wreckage. There was a large hole in the walls of the metallic structure. Sabre slowly stepped inside, looking around at the familiar machines and objects. "This place looks…so familiar…" He said quietly in the dark room. In the shadows, he was unaware of a small pair of glowing red eyes, watching his every move.
Cassy, Benimaru: Kusanagi?
Kyo K.: Stop it, damn it.
The eyes hissed silently, catching Sabre's attention.
Miyu: The eyes hissed? They have mouths and voice boxes now?
The hedgehog quickly turned around, watching the eyes. The unknown creature kept hissing, becoming louder and louder each second. There was a sudden clanging behind him, Sabre quickly turned around, seeing a second pair of eyes in the shadows. He started seeing more and more appear right before his eyes. Suddenly Sabre was lunged at by one of the creatures, knocking him down. Sabre quickly gets back up, unhurt. "Who are you?" He waits for a response, but he can hear nothing but hisses and snarls. Another creature lunges at him, Sabre ducks, avoiding the attack. Suddenly there is a shriek coming form the entrance of the building. Aleena is standing there, surrounded by the creatures, which looked like snakes, and only as high as her waist. Sabre gasped. "Aleena!" The cat quickly leaped over the creatures, losing her balance in the land, but was luckily caught by Sabre.
Sonic: Yeah, gotta make the cat lose her balance.
Cassy: Yeah, I know, right?
"Sabre! A heard a sound and…" Sabre quickly responded. "I know, the same things happened to me." Aleena looked at the glowing eyes. "Agh! What are those things?" Sabre backed away with her. " I don't know, but let's find out!" He reached out and swiped one of the creature, realizing his hand went right through it. What!" He looked at the creature, it multiplied into two. "No…" The two creatures lunched at him, pinning him down with dozens more of them. The force of the tackle knocked the yellow chaos emerald out of his hand, it was thrown into what looked like a power core. Aleena gasped. "Sabre!" The creatures suddenly flew out in all directions, then regrouping and moving towards the power core. Sabre slowly got up, feeling weakened, noticing the emerald is gone. "The emerald! Where is it?" Aleena pointed. "It went in there, and the creatures are going after it!" Suddenly there was a blinding flash that lasted for a few seconds before retreating back into the core, but the core was no longer there. In it's place there was a giant, absorbing the chaos emerald's energy. On the monster's back was the symbol of Dr. Eggman. Sabre gasped. "No! Now I know what they are! Those are one of Dr. Eggman's genetic projects, the Nanoworms! They're supposed to absorb the energy of chaos emeralds and transform into Nanobots and reek havoc among the cities! We got to stop them!"
Benimaru: And we're just learning about these things... why?
Mai: Because... random plot.
Miyu: Also, it's "wreak", not "reek". That just made it sound like they
have an incredibly pungent smell.
Sonic: Hey, why not? Bad body odor could be a weapon. Skunks do it.
Aleena hid behind him. "How can we? They destroyed the power core, we can't use the computers to find the drawbacks!"
Miyu: Come on. Everyone's brain is the equivalent of a pot of instant
mashed potatoes. The drawback is probably something idiotic like simple
Sonic: Too bad we don't know what the time of day is, so we're never
gonna know.
The giant Nanobot suddenly roared loudly, shaking the entire forest. This caused both Sabre and Aleena to lose their balance and fall, also causing some trees around them to start falling. One of the huge cedar trees was falling right on them. "Watch out!" Sabre quickly pushed Aleena out of the way of the tree, but was not quick enough to get himself out of the way. The tree crashed down onto him. "SABRE!" Aleena quickly ran over, trying to move the giant trunk, but the tree never budged. "No!"
Mai: *unfazed* He's alive. Did you really think that a main character was going to be killed off?
The giant Nanobot was walking away, directly towards Paradise City. There was a sudden movement coming from under the giant tree. "Huh?" Aleena cautiously backed away. Sabre slowly was lifting the tree over him, moving it to the side, limping as he slowly crawled out. "Sabre!" The hedgehog coughed, feeling crushed by the tree, slowly getting to his feet, panting for air. Aleena quickly ran to him and stared in wonder. "Impossible! How could you do that?" Sabre regained his breath. "Dr. Eggman…he genetically enhanced my strength and endurance with the chaos emeralds…"
Miyu: I'm sorry, what?! In the first fic, Eggman took the
Emeralds and immediately tried to power the Eclipse Cannon! When, where, and
how did he get the time to randomly power Sabre up?!
Benimaru: He probably threw them at Sabre's head and called it a day.
Aleena could still feel the rumble coming from the Nanobot stomping towards the large city. "We have to stop that Nanobot!" Sabre started walking in the destruction, piles of fallen trees and earth. "Then we will! Come on!" He started running towards the city. "It has the chaos emerald, so we have to stop it before Slash sees it!" They both started running toward the city…
Sonic: Too late, they're all dead.
Mai: *flatly* Whoo-hoo. *claps twice*
Sabrina and the others are just arriving in Paradise city, when they suddenly hear a rumble. Sabrina stopped walking. "What's that rumble?"
Miyu: *adjusts glasses* Unfortunately, it wasn't a hole that suddenly opened up below them and swallowed everyone and this absolutely ridiculous story whole.
Everyone else looked around. Tails saw a giant dark figure and gasped. "Ahh! Over there!" Everyone gasped at what they were seeing.
Benimaru: I wish I was looking at the end of this circus.
At the same time Slash ran past them, not bothering to fight them. Sabrina watched as he ran away. "That was Slash!" Tails noticed something. "Sabrina look! That monster is following Slash! It must be a minion of his or something!" Sabrina nodded. "You might be right Tails, let's follow him!" Everyone nodded and started running after Slash…
Mai: ...and they all met their doom. *gets up* I'm done.
Jayleen: I'm sorry, James, but the roster has reset again.
Mai: Oh, no.
Jayleen: And unfortunately, you're all under the mercy of the random
Benimaru, Mai: Oh, no!
Sonic: Oof. That random select already hates you two. Can you imagine
if it selected both of you to deal with the next chapter? I mean, it's already
happened once.
Benimaru: I swear, if you jinx this...
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