EYO Tech Forum FAQ

1, Which version of BIOS fix which version of M571 motherboard's 2nd IDE channel hard drive spin down problem?

The latest BIOS fixed the second channel IDE spin down problem. There are two PCB versions of M571 motherboard, namely the V3.2A and V7. Please download the correct BIOS version.

More information can be found at Cain Nelson's web site.

2,What to consider when upgrading motherboard BIOS? (contributed by Cain Nelson)

Hi everyone,

I have been reading down the posts and have seen that some people are having problems when flashing thier bios, specifically on the M571. I have an v7.0 board and have flashed my bios over ten times (I don't exactly remember how many times) during my spin down woes and I have never had a problem. So I thought that I might post some info on the topic and a few general words of advice - some of which you may already know, some of which you may not.

1. Make sure that you have the correct bios for your board version (obviously). Although the name is the same for the 3.2 and the v7.0, the boards have different I/O chips therefore flashing with the wrong file could render your board useless.

2. It is not necessary to flash your bios just so you can have the latest version. If your board if working fine, leave it alone.

3. It is ALWAYS a good idea to boot to "clean" dos when flashing your bios. Nothing should be loaded into memory such as extended memory managers or anything of the type. I would recommend dos 5 or earlier, but you can also use 6.2x if you press F5 when "starting msdos" comes up to bypass

4. Clearing cmos is always a good idea - before and after - although I have never found it necessary.

TO THOSE OF YOU who have dead boards, you can try "Hot Swapping" if you have a spare board lying around. It will need to be pentium/586 as most of the 486 boards I have seen had smaller bios sockets.
NOTE: Do not try this unless you are living on the edge. :)
"Hotswapping" involves booting into dos on your spare board, removing the existing bios from that board, replacing it with your dead 571 bios (all while the computer is still on), and then reflashing your m571 bios. Then of course chuck it back in the old board. It should work, but again I stress this is a last resort. It might be better to call around some computer stores and see if anyone can do it for you.
IMPORTANT - Patience is a virtue in these matters. If you decide to do this, be VERY careful when removing the bios from it's socket, because if you bend the pins too much they may snap off, and then.....

For more info on this and other related bios matters, you can visit http://www.ping.be/bios/ and visit the FAQ's section.

My regards to everyone,

Cain Nelson

3, What are the un-published jumper settings for M571 motherboard? such as 83MHz bus. (contributed by Steve Bolnik) (More info provided by Franc Zabkar)

The manual which came with my M571 V.70A (PM9100), Bios release 3/5/1999S, includes settings for 83MHz. They are: A:1-2, B:1-2, C:2-3, D:2-3.

***************************** Following info is provided by Franc Zabkar *****************************

Bad news.

There are no useful undocumented frequencies for the PC Chips M571
motherboard (V70A). At best, one can overclock the PCI bus using
jumper JP5-D.

This motherboard uses a clock synthesizer chip from C-Media
    PLL chip CMA8865-(27)
    http://www.cmedia.com.tw/pdf/cma8865-27.pdf (data sheet)
    mailto:support@cmedia.com.tw (support)

JP5 selects the CPU External Clock and the PCI bus clock.

     Jumper D selects the ratio of external clock to PCI clock.

      Jumper D1-2 selects synchronous CLK/2 for PCI clock
      Jumper D2-3 selects asynchronous CLK x 2/5 for PCI clock

     For example, 83MHz x 2/5 = 33MHz PCI clock
                  83MHz /2    = 41.5MHZ PCI clock

                  75MHz x 2/5 = 30MHZ PCI clock
                  75MHz /2    = 37.5MHZ PCI clock

                  66MHz /2    = 33MHZ PCI clock

     This is the clock frequency table from the C-Media data sheet:

                                  PCICLK  PCICLK    48MHz    24MHz
     SEL2  SEL1  SEL0  CPU,SDRAM  BSEL=1  BSEL=0     FDD      USB
      0     0     0     50.0       1/2     2/5       48       24
      0     0     1     60.0       1/2     2/5       48       24
      0     1     0     66.8       1/2     2/5       48       24
      0     1     1     REF/2      REF/4  REF 2/5    REF/2    REF/4
      1     0     0     55.0       1/2     2/5       48       24
      1     0     1     75.0       1/2     2/5       48       24
      1     1     0     83.3       1/2     2/5       48       24
      1     1     1    Tristate  Tristate Tristate Tristate  Tristate

      REF = 14.31818 MHz

     Jumpers JP5 (A,B,C,D) are related to SEL0,1,2 and BSEL as

      BSEL = JP5-D
      SEL0 = JP5-C
      SEL1 = JP5-B
      SEL2 = JP5-A

     A logic 0 for SEL in the table equates to JP5 in the 2-3
     position. The 1-2 position selects logic 1.

A final cautionary note. The SiS 5597/5598 data sheet states that "the
SiS chip is designed to support Pentium CPU host interface at
75/66.667/60/55/50MHz". This implies that a frequency of 83MHz
overclocks the chipset.

4, About M571 on board sound, what and how? My joystick does not work, why?

See http://www.cmedia.com.tw/e_t_faq.htm#cmi8330 question 10. You can download updated driver files from:
(Please see instructions on the C-Media site concerning the update procedure.)

You can also download the complete updated installation from PCChips at

5, Does the M571 provide support for Hard Drives over 8.4 Gig?(by Cain Nelson)

Information from Amptron:
v3.2 & 3.2A - Provides support with bios date 01/06/99 (or later)
v7.0A - Provides support with bios date 01/09/98 (or later)
See http://www.amptron.com/html/bios.html#pm9100

I have received confirmation from PCChips regarding this, although they did not mention what BIOS revision date provides this support, so I would be inclined to follow the info from Amptron.

6, More undocumented settings for M571, the core voltage (version V7.0A). Also additional info for M577(by Franc Zabkar)

PC Chips M571 undocumented voltage settings - Part 1

AFAIK, no-one has posted info on non-standard voltage settings for the
PCchips M571 motherboard.

I recently spent some time reverse engineering a current version of this
board and came up with the results below.

Please note that these results are theoretical calculations based on the
published specs of the various devices and on the values observed on the
various resistors. I made no actual voltage measurements since doing so
requires a proper load. Also note that the m/b designers have apparently
allowed for a voltage drop of 70mV between the regulator output and the
CPU socket. Hence the "V at CPU" figure is the one you should be trying
to set.

Some instructions call for a certain resistor at a certain jumper
location. In these cases remove all voltage jumpers and install a
"resistive jumper" on the relevant pins as shown. The gold connector
pins can be obtained by breaking apart an ordinary two-pin PCB jumper
(or by melting away the plastic with a soldering iron?). The bridging
link can be cut and trimmed with sidecutters. Alternatively, use a Reset
or LED connector from an old PC case.

  voltage    gold pins
  header         ||
                 ||     __________
  O  O  O  O  O<>==<>---|resistor|----|      cover resistor and
    JP6           |     |--------|    | <--- pins with heatshrink
  O  O  O  O  O<>==<>-----------------|      tubing

V at CPU   V at regulator    What to do

2.19       2.26              all jumpers out
2.29       2.36              120K resistor at 2V8 jumper location
2.40       2.47              47K resistor at 2V8 jumper location
2.51       2.58              22K resistor at 2V8 jumper location
2.60       2.67              12K resistor at 2V8 jumper location
2.69       2.76              4.7K resistor at 2V8 jumper location
2.79       2.86              install 2V8 jumper
2.90       2.97              install 2V9 jumper
2.99       3.06              3.9K resistor at 3V2 jumper location
3.09       3.16              1.8K resistor at 3V2 jumper location
3.20       3.27              install 3V2 jumper
3.30       3.37              install 3V3 jumper
3.40       3.47              1K resistor at 3V5 jumper location
3.51       3.58              install 3V5 jumper
3.58       3.65              install 2V9 & 3V3 jumpers
3.69       3.76              install 2V8, 2V9, 3V2 jumpers
3.84       3.91              install 3V5 & 3V2 jumpers
3.88       3.95              install 3V5 & 3V3 jumpers
4.00       4.07              install 3V5, 3V3, 2V9 jumpers

More accurate voltage selections are possible by fine tuning the
resistor values. Also a better approximation for the 3.8V setting can be
achieved using a combination of one jumper and one resistor. If anyone
needs this to be recalculated, please let me know.

If anyone is interested, my calculations will be described in Part 2. I
would be grateful if someone could go over them.
PC Chips M571 undocumented voltage settings - Part 2

My previous post tabulated my calculated CPU core voltage settings for
the PCchips M571 m/b. I would now like to present the details of my
calculations. Hopefully someone may be able to suggest a better way to
achieve certain voltage settings.

The following schematic diagram shows the relevant section of the
on-board power supply (reverse engineered):

                                 6K04    9K53    20K0 Resistor
                             12K4    8K20    15K8      values

                             2V2 3V5 3V3 3V2 2V9 2V8  Jumper ID
    From  _____  _____       
    Load  |    \/    |14     R88 R89 R90 R91 R92 R93  Circuit ref
     |    |          |--------|---|---|---|---|---|
     |   1| |\Error  | Vref   |   |   |   |   |   |
Vout |----|-| \_Amp  | +5V    |   O   O   O   O   O  JP6
      ____|_| /      |        |   O   O   O   O   O  Jumpers
    V |  2| |/       |        |   |   |   |   |   |
      |   |          |       |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-|
      |   | KA7500B  |       | | | | | | | | | | | | Resistors
      |   |__________|       |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-|
      |                       |---|---|---|---|---|
                        R79  |-|
                        10K2 | |

The Samsung KA7500B (=TL494) is a PWM regulator. The error amp senses
the output voltage and compares it with a setpoint derived from an
internal 5.0V reference and an external potential divider.

Various undocumented voltages can be obtained by:

(1) using multiple jumpers
(2) using a resistor in place of a jumper
(3) a combination of jumper and resistor

In the following diagram R1 represents one of R89,R90,R91,R92,R93.
R2 is the resistor that must be added to achieve a particular voltage.

    +5V ref
       |   |
      |-| |-|
12K4  | | | | R1
      |-| |-|
       |   |   ______
       |   O---| R2 |----|
       |       |----|    |    R = R1 + R2
       |   O-------------|
       |   |
10K2  | |

The following formulae determine values for V and R (=R1+R2).

Vout =  ------------------
(volt)         12.4/10.2
         1  +  ----------
               1 + 12.4/R

R (kohm) = ----------------
            ---------  - 1
             5/V - 1

Example calculation:

A CPU core voltage of 2.5V is desired. Allow for 0.07V voltage drop from
regulator to CPU (as in original design). Solving the second equation
for V=2.57 gives R = 43.4K ohm. We can approximate this resistance by
placing a 22K resistor in the 2V8 jumper position, ie 20K + 22K = 42K.
Solving the first equation for R=42 gives 2.58V, ie 2.51V at the CPU.

The following table lists the voltages that are available for the
various multiple jumper combinations (0=no jumper, 1=jumper installed).

Jumpers       nominal V     V - 0.07
3V5-2V8     (at regulator) (at CPU socket)

00000          2.26          2.19
OOOO1          2.86          2.79 
OOO1O          2.97          2.9 
OO1OO          3.27          3.2 
OOO11          3.32          3.25 
O1OOO          3.37          3.3 
OO1O1          3.53          3.46 
1OOOO          3.58          3.51 
OO11O          3.59          3.52 
O1OO1          3.6           3.53 
O1O1O          3.65          3.58 
OO111          3.76          3.69 
1OOO1          3.76          3.69 
O11OO          3.79          3.72 
1OO1O          3.8           3.73 
O1O11          3.82          3.75 
1O1OO          3.91          3.84 
O11O1          3.92          3.85 
1OO11          3.93          3.86 
O111O          3.95          3.88 
11OOO          3.95          3.88 
1O1O1          4.02          3.95 
1O11O          4.04          3.97 
11OO1          4.05          3.98 
O1111          4.06          3.99 
11O1O          4.07          4 
1O111          4.13          4.06 
111OO          4.14          4.07 
11O11          4.15          4.08 
111O1          4.21          4.14 
1111O          4.23          4.16 
11111          4.28          4.21 

The following program was used to print the previous table. It may be
useful for analysing similar configurations on other boards.

 FOR i = 1 TO &H1F
 r = 1 / 12.4
 jump$ = "OOOOO"

 IF (i AND &H1) = &H1 THEN r = r + 1 / 6.04 : MID$(jump$, 1) = "1"
 IF (i AND &H2) = &H2 THEN r = r + 1 / 8.2  : MID$(jump$, 2) = "1"
 IF (i AND &H4) = &H4 THEN r = r + 1 / 9.53 : MID$(jump$, 3) = "1"
 IF (i AND &H8) = &H8 THEN r = r + 1 / 15.8 : MID$(jump$, 4) = "1"
 IF (i AND &H10) = &H10 THEN r = r + 1 / 20 : MID$(jump$, 5) = "1"

 r = 1 / r
 v = 5 / (r / 10.2 + 1)
 v = CINT(v * 100) / 100
 PRINT jump$, v, v - .07
I notice that some motherboards encode the CPU core voltage jumpers in
simple binary format. I suspect that in these cases the motherboard's
power supply uses a D/A converter. Such a design makes it easy to fill
in the undocumented voltage settings.

The following example lists all the possible core voltages for a
PC-Chips M577 motherboard. 

 Core      Jumper JP6
Voltage    D  C  B  A

          MSB      LSB
2.0        0  0  0  0
2.1        0  0  0  1
2.2        0  0  1  0
2.3        0  0  1  1
2.4 ------ 0  1  0  0  (0100 = binary 4, for AMD K6-III)
2.5        0  1  0  1
2.6        0  1  1  0
2.7        0  1  1  1
2.8        1  0  0  0
2.9        1  0  0  1
3.0        1  0  1  0
3.1        1  0  1  1
3.2        1  1  0  0
3.3        1  1  0  1
3.4        1  1  1  0
3.5        1  1  1  1

1 = jumper installed
0 = jumper not installed

7, M571 on-board VGA tech stuff (from SiS 5597/5598 data sheet)(by Franc Zabkar)

The attached data was extracted from the TX Pro-II data sheet (SiS
5597/5598). There are references to 1280x1024 resolutions not
mentioned in the manual. However, I don't know whether the supplied
drivers are able to take advantage of these.

Useful links for TX Pro-II chipset (SiS 5597/5598):
 http://www.sis.com.tw/ftp/Databook/5597/9798ds20.exe (data sheet)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/faq/faq.htm (SiS FAQs)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/faq/faqcore.htm (FAQs)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/faq/faqvga.htm (VGA FAQs)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/ftp/Drivers/Multimed/jedi/597v113.exe (VGA TSR)

 The SiS 5597/5598 data sheet states that "the SiS chip is designed to
 support Pentium CPU host interface at 75/66.667/60/55/50MHz". This
 implies that a frequency of 83MHz overclocks the chipset.

Resolutions supported by on-board VGA

Resolution   1 MB       1.5 MB     2 MB      2.5 MB    3MB       3.5 MB    4 MB

640x480x8    *          *          *         *         *         *         *
640x480x16   *          *          *         *         *         *         *
640x480x24   *          *          *         *         *         *         *
800x600x4    *          *          *         *         *         *         *
800x600x8    *          *          *         *         *         *         *
800x600x16   *          *          *         *         *         *         *
800x600x24              *          *         *         *         *         *
1024x768x4   *          *          *         *         *         *         *
1024x768x8   *          *          *         *         *         *         *
1024x768x16             *          *         *         *         *         *
1024x768x24                                  *         *         *         *
1280x1024x4  *          *          *         *         *         *         *
1280x1024x8             *          *         *         *         *         *
1280x1024x16                                           *         *         *

Standard VGA Modes

MODE         TYPE       DISPLAY    COLOURS   ALPHA     BUFFER    BOX       MAX.
                        SIZE       SHADES    FORMAT    START     SIZE      PAGES

0            A/N        320x200    16        40x25     B800      8x8       8
0*           A/N        320x350    16        40x25     B800      8x14      8
0+           A/N        360x400    16        40x25     B800      9x16      8
1            A/N        320x200    16        40x25     B800      8x8       8
1*           A/N        320x350    16        40x25     B800      8x14      8
1+           A/N        360x400    16        40x25     B800      9x16      8
2            A/N        640x200    16        80x25     B800      8x8       8
2*           A/N        640x350    16        80x25     B800      8x14      8
2+           A/N        720x400    16        80x25     B800      9x16      8
3            A/N        640x200    16        80x25     B800      8x8       8
3*           A/N        640x350    16        80x25     B800      8x14      8
3+           A/N        720x400    16        80x25     B800      9x16      8
4            APA        320x200    4         40x25     B800      8x8       1
5            APA        320x200    4         40x25     B800      8x8       1
6            APA        640x200    2         80x25     B800      8x8       1
7            A/N        720x350    4         80x25     B000      9x14      8
7+           A/N        720x400    4         80x25     B000      9x16      8
0D           APA        320x200    16        40x25     A000      8x8       8
0E           APA        640x200    16        80x25     A000      8x8       4
0F           APA        640x350    2         80x25     B000      8x14      2
10           APA        640x350    16        80x25     A000      8x14      2
11           APA        640x480    2         80x30     A000      8x16      1
12           APA        640x480    16        80x30     A000      8x16      1
13           APA        320x200    256       40x25     A000      8x8       1

NOTE:        1. A/N: Alpha/Numeric
             2. APA: All Point Addressable (Graphics)

             SIZE       SHADES     RATE.                FREQ.

0            320x200    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
0*           320x350    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
0+           360x400    16         70        31.5 K    28.3 M
1            320x200    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
1*           320x350    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
1+           360x400    16         70        31.5 K    28.3 M
2            640x200    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
2*           640x350    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
2+           720x400    16         70        31.5 K    28.3 M
3            640x200    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
3*           640x350    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
3+           720x400    16         70        31.5 K    28.3 M
4            320x200    4          70        31.5 K    25.1 M
5            320x200    4          70        31.5 K    25.1 M
6            640x200    2          70        31.5 K    25.1 M
7*           720x350    4          70        31.5 K    28.3 M
7+           720x400    4          70        31.5 K    28.3 M
0D           320x200    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
0E           640x200    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
0F           640x350    2          70        31.5 K    25.1 M
10           640x350    16         70        31.5 K    25.1 M
11           640x480    2          60        31.5 K    25.1 M
12           640x480    16         60        31.5 K    25.1 M
13           320x200    256        70        31.5 K    25.1 M

NOTE:        i - interlaced mode
             n - noninterlaced mode

Enhanced Video Modes

MODE         TYPE       DISPLAY    COLORS    ALPHA     BUFFER    BOX       MAX.
                        SIZE       SHADES    FORMAT    START     SIZE      PAGES

22           A/N        1056x352   16        132x44    B800      8x8       2
23           A/N        1056x350   16        132x25    B800      8x14      4
24           A/N        1056x364   16        132x28    B800      8x13      4
25           APA        640x480    16        80x60     A000      8x8       1
26           A/N        720x480    16        80x60     B800      9x8       3
29           APA        800x600    16        100x37    A000      8x16      1
2A           A/N        800x600    16        100x40    B800      8x15      4
2D           APA        640x350    256       80x25     A000      8x14      1
2E           APA        640x480    256       80x30     A000      8x16      1
2F           APA        640x400    256       80x25     A000      8x16      1
30           APA        800x600    256       100x37    A000      8x16      1
37           APA        1024x768   16        128x48    A000      8x16      1
38           APA        1024x768   256       128x48    A000      8x16      1
39           APA        1280x1024  16        160x64    A000      8x16      1
3A           APA        1280x1024  256       160x64    A000      8x16      1
40           APA        320x200    32K       40x25     A000      8x8       1
41           APA        320x200    64K       40x25     A000      8x8       1
42           APA        320x200    16.8M     40x25     A000      8x8       1
43           APA        640x480    32K       80x30     A000      8x16      1
44           APA        640x480    64K       80x30     A000      8x16      1
45           APA        640x480    16.8M     80x30     A000      8x16      1
46           APA        800x600    32K       100x37    A000      8x16      1
47           APA        800x600    64K       100x37    A000      8x16      1
48           APA        800x600    16.8M     100x37    A000      8x16      1
49           APA        1024x768   32K       128x48    A000      8x16      1
4A           APA        1024x768   64K       128x48    A000      8x16      1
4B           APA        1024x768   16.8M     128x48    A000      8x16      1
4C           APA        1280x1024  32K       160x64    A000      8x16      1
4D           APA        1280x1024  64K       160x64    A000      8x16      1

NOTE:        1. A/N: Alpha/Numeric
             2. APA: All Point Addressable (Graphics)

             SIZE        SHADES    RATE.                FREQ.

22           1056x352   16         70        30.5 K    40.0 M
23           1056x350   16         70        30.5 K    40.0 M
24           1056x364   16         70        30.5 K    40.0 M
25           640x480    16         60        31.5 K    25.1 M
26           720x480    16         60        31.5 K    25.1 M
29           800x600    16         56        35.1 K    30.0 M
29*          800x600    16         60        37.9 K    40.0 M
29+          800x600    16         72        48.0 K    50.0 M
29#          800x600    16         75        46.8 K    50.0 M
29##         800x600    16         85        53.7 K    56.3 M
2A           800x600    16         56        35.1 K    36.0 M
2D           640x350    256        70        31.5 K    25.1 M
2E           640x480    256        60        31.5 K    25.1 M
2E*          640x480    256        72        37.9 K    31.5 M
2E+          640x480    256        75        37.5 K    31.5 M
2E++         640x480    256        85        43.4 K    36.0 M
2F           640x400    256        70        31.5 K    25.1 M
30           800x600    256        56        35.1 K    36.0 M
30*          800x600    256        60        37.9 K    40.0 M
30+          800x600    256        72        48.0 K    50.0 M
30#          800x600    256        75        46.8 K    50.0 M
30##         800x600    256        85        53.7 K    56.3 M
37i          1024x768   16         87        35.5 K    44.9 M
37n          1024x768   16         60        48.4 K    65.0 M
37n+         1024x768   16         70        56.5 K    75.0 M
37n#         1024x768   16         75        60.2 K    80.0 M
37n##        1024x768   16         85        68.7 K    94.5 M
38i          1024x768   256        87        35.5 K    44.9 M
38n          1024x768   256        60        48.4 K    65.0 M
38n+         1024x768   256        70        56.5 K    75.0 M
38n#         1024x768   256        75        60.2 K    80.0 M
38n##        1024x768   256        85        68.7 K    94.5 M
39i          1280x1024  16         87        48.8 K    80.0 M
39n          1280x1024  16         60        65.0 K    110.0 M
39n+         1280x1024  16         75        80.0 K    135.0 M
3Ai          1280x1024  256        87        48.8 K    80.0 M
3An          1280x1024  256        60        65.0 K    110.0 M
3An+         1280x1024  256        75        80.0 K    135.0 M
40           320x200    32K        70        31.5 K    25.1 M
41           320x200    64K        70        31.5 K    25.1 M
42           320x200    16.8M      70        31.5 K    25.1 M
43           640x480    32K        60        31.5 K    25.1 M
43*          640x480    32K        72        37.9 K    31.5 M
43+          640x480    32K        75        37.5 K    31.5 M
43++         640x480    32K        85        43.4 K    36.0 M
44           640x480    64K        60        31.5 K    25.1 M
44*          640x480    64K        72        37.9 K    31.5 M
44+          640x480    64K        75        37.5 K    31.5 M
44++         640x480    64K        85        43.4 K    36.0 M
45           640x480    16.8M      60        31.5 K    25.1 M
45*          640x480    16.8M      72        37.9 K    31.5 M
45+          640x480    16.8M      75        37.5 K    31.5 M
45++         640x480    16.8M      85        43.4 K    36.0 M
46           800x600    32K        56        35.1 K    36.0 M
46*          800x600    32K        60        37.9 K    40.0 M
46+          800x600    32K        72        48.0 K    50.0 M
46#          800x600    32K        75        46.8 K    50.0 M
46##         800x600    32K        85        53.7 K    56.3 M
47           800x600    64K        56        35.1 K    36.0 M
47*          800x600    64K        60        37.9 K    40.0 M
47+          800x600    64K        72        48.0 K    50.0 M
47#          800x600    64K        75        46.8 K    50.0 M
47##         800x600    64K        85        53.7 K    56.3 M
48           800x600    16.8M      56        35.1 K    36.0 M
48*          800x600    16.8M      60        37.9 K    40.0 M
48+          800x600    16.8M      72        48.0 K    50.0 M
48#          800x600    16.8M      75        46.8 K    50.0 M
48##         800x600    16.8M      85        53.7 K    56.3 M
49i          1024x768   32K        87        35.5 K    44.9 M
49n          1024x768   32K        60        48.4 K    65.0 M
49n+         1024x768   32K        70        56.5 K    75.0 M
49n#         1024x768   32K        75        60.2 K    80.0 M
49n##        1024x768   32K        85        68.7 K    94.5 M
4Ai          1024x768   64K        87        35.5 K    44.9 M
4An          1024x768   64K        60        48.4 K    65.0 M
4An+         1024x768   64K        70        56.5 K    75.0 M
4An#         1024x768   64K        75        60.2 K    80.0 M
4An##        1024x768   64K        85        68.7 K    94.5 M
4Bi          1024x768   16.8M      87        35.5 K    44.9 M
4Bn          1024x768   16.8M      60        48.4 K    65.0 M
4Bn+         1024x768   16.8M      70        56.5 K    75.0 M
4Bn#         1024x768   16.8M      75        60.2 K    80.0 M
4Bn##        1024x768   16.8M      85        68.7 K    94.5 M
4Ci          1280x1024  32K        89        48.8 K    80.0 M
4Di          1280x1024  64K        89        48.8 K    80.0 M

NOTE:        i - interlaced mode
             n - noninterlaced mode

Due to limitations in memory bandwidth, the following video modes are
not supported in 1MB configuration:

modes 45*, 45+, 46+, 46#, 47+, and 47#.

8, M571 - technical URLs(by (by Franc Zabkar)

Manufacturer's website:
 http://www.pcchips.com/m571.html  (specification)
 http://www.pcchips.com/m571man.html (M571 manual)
 http://www.pcchips.com/m571jp.html (jumpers)
 http://www.pcchips.com/m571b32.html (v3.2 BIOS)
 http://www.pcchips.com/m571b70.html (v7.0 BIOS)
 http://www.pcchips.com/m571vga.html (onboard VGA driver)
 http://www.pcchips.com/ht1869dr.html (Sound-PRO HT1869V+ drivers)
 http://www.pcchips.com/txp2ide.html (onboard IDE driver)
 http://www.pcchips.com/photo/m571/m571_1.gif (motherboard image)
 http://www.pcchips.com/qa.html (PC Chips FAQs)
 mailto:bill@mail.pcchips.com.tw (support)

Australian PC Chips distributor:

Capacitors G-Luxon SM 105 deg C:

 I notice that the capacitors used in the switching power supply are
 standard types. Preferred capacitors would be low ESR types, eg the
 LM or HM series.

Sound chip Sound Pro HT1869V+ = CMI8330A:
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/pdf/8330-spec.pdf (data sheet)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/doc8330.htm (HRTF 3D Positional Audio)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/c30dos12.zip (DOS/Win31 drivers)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/30w95v64.zip (Win95 drivers)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/30w98v64.zip (Win98 drivers)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/c30ntdrv.zip (Win NT 4.0 non-PnP)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/c30ntpnp.zip (WNT 4.0 PnP/Full-duplex)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/c30wdm35.zip (Win2000 beta3(WDM))
 http://www.opensound.com (Linux drivers)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/8330/30os2v10.zip (OS/2 drivers)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/e-rnote.htm (release notes)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/e_t_drv.htm (driver updates)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/e_t_twp.htm (technical white paper)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/pdf/e_c3d_tech.pdf (HRTF 3D Positional
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/abb4sch.gif (CMI8330 Sound Chip Application
 http://www.crl.co.uk/wcr/datashee/ds-3daud.htm (CRL 3D Audio)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/e_t_faq.htm (Sound FAQs)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/e_t_faq.htm#cmi8330 (CMI8330 FAQs)
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/e_t_tr.htm (Technical Responses)
 mailto:support@cmedia.com.tw (support)

Sound test results at Rockpark
 http://www.rockpark.com/soundcards/1869.htm (ESS chip, not CMI chip!)

 Note that the sound chip is actually a C-Media Electronics design
 whose only similarity to the ES1869 (from ESS Technology) is in the
 package style. Curiously, while the CMI8330A is rated very badly by
 Rockpark, the performance of the ES1869 is quite acceptable. Hmmm.

PLL chip CMA8865-(27):
 http://www.cmedia.com.tw/pdf/cma8865-27.pdf (data sheet)
 mailto:support@cmedia.com.tw (support)

Power supply FETs and diodes:
 PHD45N03LT  TrenchMOS FET

 PBYR1025D   diode


I/O chip IT8770F = IT8661F (PC98 Super I/O without KBC&RTC):
 http://www.ite.com.tw/desktop/it8661f.pdf (data sheet)

 Is this chip an OEM version of the IT8661F? ITE told me that the
 IT8770 and IT8661 are identical. So why the part number change?
 Are there any known problems with the IT8661? Does the IT8770 have
 bug fixes or performance enhancements?

 Can the UARTs support DTE speeds of 230400bps and above?

RS232C line drivers/receivers GD75232:
 http://www-s.ti.com/sc/psheets/slls206c/slls206c.pdf (data sheet)

TX Pro-II chipset SiS 5597/5598:
 http://www.sis.com.tw/ftp/Databook/5597/9798ds20.exe (data sheet)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/faq/faq.htm (SiS FAQs)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/faq/faqcore.htm (FAQs)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/faq/faqvga.htm (VGA FAQs)
 http://www.sis.com.tw/ftp/Drivers/Multimed/jedi/597v113.exe (VGA TSR)

 The SiS 5597/5598 data sheet states that "the SiS chip is designed to
 support Pentium CPU host interface at 75/66.667/60/55/50MHz". This
 implies that a frequency of 83MHz overclocks the chipset.

Power supply PWM regulator KA7500B = TL494:

   (data sheet)

Cache Tag RAM UT61256J-12A:
 http://www.utron.com.tw/sram.htm (product overview)

Cache Data RAM MT63V6464Q-5:
 http://www.mtmosel.com (no data sheet on website)

Linear regulator HT1085 = LT1085 (?):
 LT1085 is rated at 3A.

 http://www.linear.com/pdf/lt1083adj.pdf (data sheet)
 http://www.linear.com/ds_graphics/1083im1.jpg (typical circuit)
 http://www.linear.com/pdf/sn1083a.pdf (data sheet changes)

BIOS flash PROM AE29F1008-15 (1 Mbit 128K x 8, manufacturer ASD):

 http://www.amd.com/products/nvd/techdocs/22336.pdf (Am29F010B data)
 http://www.amd.com/products/nvd/techdocs/22181.pdf (Am29F010A data)
 http://www.winbond.com/sheet/w29ee011.pdf (W29EE011 data sheet)
 http://www.atmel.com/atmel/acrobat/doc0394.pdf (AT29C010A data)
  (AT29C010A image and pinout)

9, More M571 tech stuff (V70A)(by Franc Zabkar)

My technical notes and thoughts:

(1)  The SiS 5597/5598 chipset can only cache up to 128MB of DRAM.
     Adding more memory may slow down your system in some cases.

(2)  CMOS RAM size is 256 bytes.
     Original 286 ATs had 64 bytes.
     Later extended CMOS chipsets had 128 bytes.

     Use these QBASIC programs to backup and restore CMOS RAM data:

   This program saves the CMOS data to a file named CMOS.SAV

     open "CMOS.SAV" for output as #1
      for i = &h0e to &hff
      out &h70,i
      a% = inp(&h71)
      print #1, a%
      next i
     close 1

   This program restores the CMOS data from the file CMOS.SAV

     open "CMOS.SAV" for input as #1
      for i = &h0e to &hff
      input #1,a%
      out &h70,i
      out &h71,a%
      next i
     close 1

(3)  If internal VGA is enabled, then DRAM must be installed in Bank 0
     (SIMM 1&2 or DIMM1). (as stated in motherboard manual)

     The VGA Frequency (BIOS setup) should be chosen as follows:
      55MHz for Fast Page Mode DRAM
      65MHz for EDO DRAM
      SDRAM synchronised with system clock

(4)  Hold down the "Home" key for more than 5 seconds before powering
     on the system, if using SDRAM of 2T CAS latency. (see manual)

(5)  CMOS RAM must be cleared after flashing the BIOS. (see manual)

(6)  The ATX power connector (PWR2) does not use the 3.3V power supply
     outputs. This voltage is generated on-board.

(7)  J3 connector layout

     1 keylock 5
     |-----------|   - -     -
    |o  o  o  o  o|o|o|o|o|o|o|
    |----------|--| | | | | | |
    |o  o  o  o| o o|o|o|o|o|o|
     |        |      + +     +
     |--------|      T H R T S
    1 speaker  4     B D E B T
                     L D S S B
                     E   E W Y
                     D   T 

(8) The version number is located on the mainboard right corner, near
    the keyboard connector.

10, More M571 power supply notes(by Franc Zabkar)

(1) The CPU I/O voltage regulator

The adjustable linear voltage regulator (H1085) is able to supply a
maximum of 3 Amps to the RAM and to the CPU. For dual voltage CPUs
(P55C), this regulator supplies the I/O voltage. For single voltage
CPUs (P54C) it supplies both the I/O and core voltages. I wonder if 3
Amps is sufficient in this case?

Here is the relevant circuit:

                             |--o CPU core jumper JP8-3
     in |-------| out        |--o to cache RAM
+5V o---| H1085 |---|--------|--o to SDRAM voltage jumper JP4
        |---|---|   |        |--o to CPU I/O 
        adj |      |-|
            |      | | 120 ohm
            |      |-| R56
                   | | 215 ohm

The output voltage is actually 3.49V, not 3.3V. (I measured 3.46V)

The relevant formula is:

 Vout = 1.25 (1 + 215/120)

(2) The core voltage regulator

This is a switching power supply consisting of a PWM control IC
(KA7500B), a TrenchMOS FET chopper (Q9), a diode (Q8), and an LC
circuit comprising inductor L20 and capacitors EC27, EC32, and EC24.

My reservation about this circuit is that the capacitors are standard
types (G-Luxon 105 deg SM series). The LM or HM types have much lower
ESR (equivalent series resistance) and would be better choices for
this switchmode power supply.

Here is a rough circuit diagram:

           ferrite                       L20
           beads             FET         coil
            L18             |---|        =====        to JP8
 +5V o--|--[]-[]--|---------|Q9 |----|---/\/\/---|--o core jumper
      +_|_      +_|_        |-|-|   _|_        +_|_       
 EC18  ___       ___ EC22     |     / \  Q8     ___ EC27
 EC35   | 4000uF  |  1500uF   |    /-|-\ diode   |  EC32 3500uF
 EC36  _|_       _|_          |     _|_         _|_ EC24
 EC21   =         =        ___|___   =           =
                          |       |

(3) Block diagram

       |------------| 3.49V          |--o to SDRAM voltage JP4
+5V o--| I/O V Reg  |--------|-------|--o to cache RAM
       |------------|        |       |--o to CPU I/O 
                            | |
                          3 O O
                     JP8  2 O-O---------o to CPU core
                     A&B  1 O O
       |------------|        |
+5V o--| Core V Reg |--------|

Note that jumpers JP8-A and JP8-B must be in identical positions, ie
both in the 1-2 position or both in the 2-3 position. Any other scheme
causes both regulator outputs to be connected together. I cannot
predict the result of such an error, but I believe damage is possible.

Note also that the manual stipulates that, in single voltage mode the
core voltage must be set to the 3.5V position, ie the highest setting.
I believe this is necessary to reduce stress on the core voltage
regulator. Switchmode supplies do not like to see a no-load condition.

Personally, in a single voltage system, I would like to see the core
voltage regulator supplying the power since it is more efficient than
the linear I/O voltage regulator. It is also capable of much higher
current output. This solution necessitates some desoldering, and
requires some care with voltage selection.

(4) How to measure the CPU core and I/O voltages.

With CPU installed, the core voltage regulator output is measured at
JP8 pin1. The I/O voltage regulator output is found at JP8-3.

If experimenting with undocumented voltages, and in the absence of a
CPU, remove the JP8 jumpers and connect a 2.2 ohm, 10Watt resistor
(~1-1.5 amp dummy load) between JP8-1 and a suitable ground, eg pin 3
of the fan power connector JP2.

Take care. The resistor will get hot.

                            | |
                          3 O O
                     JP8  2 O O      ____      fan power ground
                     A&B  1 O O-----|____|---O J2-3
                            |_|     2.2ohm
                             |      10 Watt
       |------------|        |      resistor
+5V o--| Core V Reg |--------|

11, More questions wanted

Contribution of new questions and perhaps answers wanted, please post to Tech Forum or email me at: nsu@compware.com.au