PCB5.0E-2016 vs. PCB5.0E-2018 vs. PCB5.0E-2019 vs. PCB5.0E-2020 Board Differences 2020/01/02 by Ami Sapphire Last Updated: 2020/01/16 2020 [0116] Added year 2020 variant differences [0117] Added year 2018 variant differences -- Format: 2016 -> 2018 -> 2019 -> 2020 -- Component differences Near three resistors in top left corner SN74HC14N -> CD4069UBE -> CD4069BE -> SN74HC14N Near PLCC32 socket (39 flash series socket) SN74LS06N -> HD74HC05P -> SN74HC06N -> HD74HC05P Added on bottom of the board at MC34063A pins 4 and 5 on 2018/2019 boards 33pf or 100nf ceramic capacitor (possible PCB redesign mistake; removed on 2020 variants) -- Relocated components Component above top CD4015BE nearest the 32-pin ZIF socket 1N5819 Schottky barrier rectifier -> S8550 transistor -> S8550 transistor -> S9014 transistor Note: the rectifier has been relocated to x and the S8550 transistor was originally y. -- Printed text differences Name on lower area of board PCB5.0E-2016 -> PCB5.0E-2018 -> PCB5.0E-2019 -> PCB5.0E-2020 Text above J5 Open=3V3 -> Open=3V6 -> Open=3V6 -> Open=3V6 Text between USB port and DC jack 9-12V -> DC: 9-12V -> DC: 9V -> DC: 9V