2023/08/30: Server Upgrade - Stage 3.2
Stage 3.2 - the (actual) hard drive RAID storage replacement - has finally been done. Storage upgraded from 2TB -> 6TB.
Personal Sites
Tech Stuff
The Tech Page!
It is unfinished. Some links do not work. The ones that do have html in its path. It is also in overhaul mode.
Sailor Moon Subtitles and Fonts Downloads~
Part of a request from younger Sis that wanted better video sources. Found those, but the subs in question had typos and other issues that even younger Sis and her friends noticed... hence this project now existing.
Skeleton Page of Files and Documents
This page lists previously unlisted files and directories that have been sitting on the server over the years. That, and stuff previously only listed on my Twitter account. The server in its original form was December 2005, but some files predate it by a few years.
FTP Archives Section~
FTP archives. Consists of the following:
ftp.abit.com.tw (archive.org and solaris17 forms) and solaris17 supplemental files (archive.org's secondary mirror of
this Internet Archive page and solaris17's much older secondary mirror of
this server;
Forum Post)
former ftp.compaq.com (and its supplemental SoftPaqs from HP's FTP server) [former ftp.compaq.com is a secondary mirror of
this Internet Archive page]
download.intel.com [secondary mirror of
this Internet Archive page]
former ftp.microsoft.com server; last archive date is February 3, 2015 [secondary mirror of
this Internet Archive page]
ftp.fic.com.tw (local archive from October 2015) [Now archived at
the Internet Archive!]
firstweb.promise.com (local archive from January 29 and 31, 2021)
some old Turtle Beach leftover files, mainly sound card drivers and manuals; however, they were from someone else's archive I cannot remember where
Intel Legacy Files Archive
Intel is removing more of their old stuff again! This archive exists to (attempt to) catalog their vintage BIOSes, documentation, drivers, and utilities starting from the early 1990s. This is far from complete, and has some redundant files everywhere.
Roland SCD-15/SCB-55 Data Disk Images
Complete archive of data disk images containing Setup (3x disks), MIDI (1x disk), and Do-Re-Mix (1x disk). Originally supposed to be released in late March 2013, but I completely forgot (hence the zip file date discrepancy), then the site was unstable throughout until the router was replaced in December 2013.
Creative Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold Data CD and Disk Images
Archive of data images containing drivers (floppy), software (CD), install (floppy), and config manager (floppy) in English. Originally supposed to be released in early April 2013, but I completely forgot (hence the zip file date discrepancy), then the site was unstable throughout until the router was replaced in December 2013. [Update 2018/10/11: Since late May 2018, two OEM game releases from the AWE64 Gold package - Eradicator and Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds have been added to this directory!]
Crazy Drake (DOS) [20180812 Repack]
Repack of the Crazy Drake DOS release. Strange release, as it's an eGames release, but it likely stems from a scene release that has a timestamp of January 17, 1997.
Best of Windows Entertainment Pack (1997 Kellogg's Promo Disk Image)
This particular disk was found in mid-1999 and used extensively throughout the years. Even got the IHC header issue before I knew of proper disk storage. The disk was originally dumped in 2009/08/11 through rawwrite, and the original disk no longer works. Original OEM header for this disk is an MS-DOS 5.0 header, which is fixed. Any files that have had access date stamps are gone as well. Original release is May 23, 2018 (dump as-is), second release is October 10, 2018 (restored disk header and cleared file accessed dates and attributes), and final release is October 15, 2021 (final cleanup, missed file attribute data), as the October 10, 2018 file has differed by three bytes. This is fixed. As a result, my own image is now bit-by-bit identical to the known (and clean) WinWorld dump.
Lotus Write Release 2.0 Retail
The state of these disks are unfortunate. Write-enabled, used in Windows 95 and 98FE, one file was actually written to Disk 3 in January 1999... Disks were dumped in 2012/06/19 through rawwrite. Owned by the IHC issue. Original OEM header, if any, is unknown, so it is stripped out on these disk images. Any files that have had access date stamps are gone, and the data stored on Disk 3 is zeroed out using a hex editor. Original final release is May 23, 2018, second release is October 10, 2018, and final release is October 11, 2018 to confirm and fix the image for Disk 3 by using the hex byte F6 in place of hex address 00 where the old data was.
Monopoly Deluxe v1.0 (DOS Version)
Got these floppy disks from a now defunct retro game store in Canada over five years ago. These were owned by the IHC issue as well, but this time, it was not my doing. :) So, the OEM header is stripped as usual. Also, an original file was deleted on Disk 2, but I restored it using my old 486 machine and the UNDELETE command. Any access date stamps are gone (it was in 1996). Current release is October 10, 2018. There is also a patch to this version of the game:
Monopoly Deluxe v1.0 to v1.5 Patch (DOS Version) This is the original ZIP archive and filename of the patch.
Plextor Optical Drives - Drivers, Firmware, and Software
Since the old Japanese Plextor site pretty much died around 2021 (and the other Plextor sites were revamped for their SSD line), this section exists to archive as much as possible, mainly from the optical drive firmware side. Work actually started on June 9, 2021 and was pretty much stalled... until I stumbled upon the files on my main laptop again on June 6, 2022 (ironically because of a compatibility issue with an external USB enclosure and a Plextor PX-760A; planned to downgrade the drive's firmware as a test). Some more Plextor firmware also existed on a 1TB drive from an earlier archival attempt, and as a result, further work was done to sort out what firmware files went to which drive and to retrieve more firmware ROMs from the Internet. First run was June 9, 2021, and the second run was started on June 6, 2022 and completed on June 8, 2022. A third run on June 12, 2022 uncovered two optical units, one of them being a Japanese-only unit.
Old Tech and Web Stuff