Derivative System Submission Procedures
Last updated on November 11, 1999
Welcome to the Submission Procedures for Microsoft® Derivative Systems! This document provides the information you need to assemble your Test Submission. Please make sure that you read and understand the WHQL Derivative System Program Rules before assembling your test submission. When your hardware passes the Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) log review, you will receive a Test Report which includes technical feedback on any problems found by the WHQL tests. When your hardware passes the WHQL tests you will receive the following:
- Inclusion of your product on the the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).
- The right to display the "Designed for Microsoft® Windows NT and Windows 98®" logo or the "Designed for Microsoft® Windows 98®" logo. Additional logos that will be available when Windows 2000 is released are listed on the WHQL Process Page:
WHQL will contact you when your Test Submission is received. Allow 3 business days for Derivative Submissions to be processed. If you have technical questions about the Derivative System program, see our page on the WHQL Derivative System Program, or send e-mail to If you send a Test Submission to WHQL and DO NOT receive confirmation e-mail, please contact with the keyword STATUS REQUEST in your Subject line. Include the type of equipment, date shipped, and how to contact you in the message. Customers can also check the Submission Status page at for the most current Submission related information.
Microsoft Windows Logo License and WHQL Testing Agreements
Complete and sign the "Designed for Microsoft Windows" Logo License
Agreement and WHQL Testing Agreement. If your company has already completed these
agreements, only "Exhibit A" of the Testing Agreement needs to be completed and included with your Test Submission.
Note: The following WHQL legal agreements,
previously available through the Microsoft FAX Service, can now be downloaded from the WHQL web site
- Microsoft Windows Logo License Agreement (Windows Logo Agreement.tif)
- WHQL Testing Agreement (Testing Agreement.tif)
- "Exhibit A" of the Testing Agreement (Exhibit A.tif)
Verify Components are Logo'd and Acceptable for Derivative Systems
For Derivative System Submissions, WHQL requires that the device / driver combinations used in the system are logo'd and designated correctly on the HCL. Note that only those components listed under Acceptable Variations for Derivative Systems can differ from those in the Base System .
- Derivative Systems submitted for logo testing must contain only components that are logo'd under the PC 99 Windows Logo Program and designated as PC 99 devices on the HCL.
- Derivative Servers (SDG 2.0) submitted for logo testing must contain components that are designated as PC 98, PC 99, SDG 1.0 or SDG 2.0 devices on the HCL.
Ensure Compliance with the Base System
OEMs making Derivative System submissions must observe the following rules:
- The system must meet all WHQL logo requirements.
- The Derivative System must contain the required hardware, software and firmware that is listed on the Base System's Base System Configuration. Exceptions to this rule are described in Acceptable Variations for Derivative Systems.
- The system must be of production quality and design. BIOS and motherboard
versions must be production level and identical to those listed on the Base System Configuration.
- The Derivative System can use processors of the same family as in the Base System , up to the speed listed on the Base System Definition.
- The Derivative System can only be logo'd for Operating Systems that are included in the Base System Configuration which they are based on.
Choose a category for your submission:
Note: This category must be the same as the category of the Base System.
PC 99: Mini-Note, Mobile, Office, Consumer, Entertainment, or Workstation.
Server (SDG 2.0): Basic Server, SOHO Server, or Enterprise Server
Test the System
Test the Derivative System in your lab and create log wrap-ups for each required operating system, as described in System Submission Procedures, Step 4: Test the System.
You are requred to run the following programs and provide test logs:
- The Logo'd Components Test from HCT 9.5
- The BIOS/firmware version tool provided by the originator of the Base System
- The Configuration Analysis tool which is available from the WHQL Test Kits page
Note: These tests are used to confirm that required drivers and hardware, BIOS versions and firmware versions are the same in the Derivative System as in the Base System. If this test shows changes to the Derivative System that are not listed under "Acceptable Variations for Derivative Systems", the Derivative System is ineligible for the Derivative System Program.
Create electronic submission file (Systemsub.dat)
For instructions, see System Submission Procedures, Step 6: Create electronic submission file (Systemsub.dat).
The following items must be included for ALL Derivative System submissions:
- Submission Disks. Provide the HCT 9.5 log sets for all required operating systems. You only need to run the Logo'd Components Test. When you return results for the testing run after only running the Logo'd Components Test, Test Manager will show an error: "Error 7439". This error can be ignored.
- Systemsub.dat file. Include with one set of the HCT logs or on a separate and clearly labeled disk.
- Legal Agreements. Completed and signed: WHQL Testing Agreement, Logo License Agreement and Exhibit A.
- Configuration Logs. The following logs should be included on a floppy diskette or CD-ROM clearly labeled "Configuration":
- Log files for the BIOS and Firmware versions. The BIOS/Firmware version tool is provided by the originator of the Base System.
- Log files for the system configuration. The Configuration Analysis tool is available from the WHQL Test Kits page.
- Shipping device driver files: (Unless available in the operating system setup media.)
- PCI bridge driver
- Storage controller drivers
- Audio drivers
- Video drivers
- Modem drivers
- Mouse, pen device or touchpad drivers
- One (1) pre-install disk image must be submitted for each Operating System tested. These pre-install images must be loaded on hard drives that use the same interface type as as the hard drives in the Base System, or burned onto CD-ROMs. For Windows 2000, include a disk image with the pre-install of the highest configuration that will be used by Derivative Systems (see the Derivative System FAQ for more details).
- Before you make your submission to WHQL, be sure that your drivers comply with the following submission requirements:
- All drivers should be ready to install. No self-extracting archives, no ZIP files, and no ARJ files. The only exception to this rule is if a self-extracting archive also performs driver installation.
- If the operating system requires a driver in order to be able to complete installation, then that driver (usually a SCSI controller) should be placed on a floppy diskette or CD.
- Driver directories should be kept to eight character maximum and no more than four directories deep.
- If drivers are stored in subdirectories on the CD, then the directories should be organized in either a DRIVER/os/type/manufacturer format or a DRIVER/type/manufacturer/os format.
- Fees:
Test submissions sent to WHQL USA must have payment sent to another address. Follow the directions in the USA Payment Form.doc when making your payment. The USA Payment Form can be downloaded from the Test Kits page.
Ship the Submission
Send submission packages to the following authorized Microsoft test locations:
Follow the directions in the USA Payment Form.doc when making your payment. The USA Payment Form can be downloaded from the Test Kits page. The fee for Derivative System Submissions is $500.
Fee: The processing fee is per system for the initial test run whether the system passes or fails, and for each retest.
Note: payment is sent to a different address than the test submission.