HCT 9.5 Systems Testing Overview
Last updated on November 15, 1999

Welcome to the 1999-2000 Windows Logo Program for Hardware! These pages contain the most current system testing documentation, including the HCT Testing Errata, available on the WHQL website.

Test procedures for Audio Devices, Analog Modems, Networking Devices and Storage Devices are available to download from the WHQL Test Kits page: http://www.microsoft.com/hwtest/testkits/default.htm

The Hardware Compatibility Test (HCT) kits correspond to the PC 99 System Design Guide and the Hardware Design Guide Version 2.0 for Microsoft Windows NT® Server. Manufacturers must read the Design Guides, implement the principals, and pass testing, in order to receive a listing on the HCL. For questions relating to the Design Guides and the implementation of the principles please see the Microsoft developer website at http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev.

The requirements in the System or Server Design Guides provide a framework for the WHQL-administered tests that support the Windows Logo Program for Hardware. The Hardware Compatibility Tests (HCT) are used to verify compliance with the Design Guides, as well as WHQL requirements and general compatibility with Microsoft operating systems. To see a list of specific features that will become part of the logo compliance testing timeline visit http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/winlogo.

The HCT kit supports the Intel® x86 uniprocessor and symmetric multiprocessor (SMP). For a list of other processors that have been tested by WHQL, please see System Submission Procedures.

By running the tests, you can identify and isolate problems with the Windows operating systems and, at the same time, you can help us find possible incompatibilities between Windows and your hardware system.

Microsoft maintains a Windows Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). After your Intel x86-based uniprocessor system passes the HCT, and you return your passing test results to us, Microsoft can then include your system in updates of the Windows HCL.

Note: Systems submitted to WHQL for testing must be identical to one of the configurations of that system that will be sold. Systems sent to WHQL must be complete and fully functional.

Getting Started

You must have the current HCT testing CD-ROM to perform the System tests.
Click here to order the current HCT test CD-ROM

You must have the HCTCD and install the appropriate Microsoft Windows operating system on your test system(s) to start HCT testing.

To begin HCT testing:

Follow these steps to install the HCT and configure it for the type of testing you will be doing:

  1. Insert the HCT CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
  2. Click the Start button, then Run
  3. In the Run dialog, type the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive, then:

    For example: if your CD-ROM drive is "D:", you would install the HCTs by typing "D:\hct\hwtest.exe" in the Run dialog.

    The "Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs" dialog will appear. Select "System, Server, NIC, Storage, Audio, Modem Tests".
  4. You will be prompted to reboot the test system. After you reboot, the Tester Type dialog will appear.
  5. The Tester Type dialog appears, and asks you to "Select the type of hardware you are testing for this submission". Select one of the choices from the drop down to configure Test Manager for the type of testing you will do:
    Selection in Tester TypeNotes:
    Desktop Workstation or Mobile Computer System (PC99)Used for PC 99 System Submissions
    Network Interface Card 
    Modem Device Certification - (PCI Device) 
    Server Testing (SDG 2.0)Used for PC 99 Servers
    Server Testing - Client Master Setup for the Server TestUsed to configure the client master for the Client-Server Test
    Microsoft Cluster ServerUsed for Cluster Server Testing
    SCSI Hard Disk Drive 
    IDE Hard Disk Drive 
    Audio Adapter 
    RAID System 
    RAID Adapter 
    RAID JBOD Device 
    Fibre Channel Hard Drive 
    Fibre Channel Adapter 
    Media Changer 
    RAID Cluster Device 
    Other Storage 
    Desktop Workstation or Mobile Computer System (Windows 2000 Compatible Upgrade)After the final release of Windows 2000, this option can be used to upgrade PC 98 systems with "Windows 2000 compatible" status on the HCL to the full Windows 2000 logo. The RTM version of Windows 2000 must be used. See the WHQL process page for more information: http://www.microsoft.com/hwtest/process
    Server Testing (Windows 2000 Compatible Upgrade)After the final release of Windows 2000, this option can be used to upgrade servers with "Windows 2000 compatible" status on the HCL to the full Windows 2000 logo. The RTM version of Windows 2000 Server must be used. See the WHQL process page for more information: http://www.microsoft.com/hwtest/process
    Modem Device Certification - (PC Card Device) 
    Modem Device Certification - (CardBus Device) 
    Modem Device Certification - (USB Device) 
    Modem Device Certification - (AC97 Device) 
    Modem Device Certification - (External COM Device) 
  6. After you select the type of hardware you are testing, the "All Testing Hardware/Drivers Installed" message box will appear with the following message:

    Please make sure all hardware and drivers necessary for testing are installed prior to testing start. If you add hardware/drivers after testing starts, you will be required to delete ALL test logs and restart all testing.

    Click OK if hardware/drivers ARE installed, or click Cancel to exit and finish installing hardware/drivers

  7. Before you start a full system testing run, ensure that your test system passes the Driver Verifier test. This is important because if you need to replace any drivers on the system, you will need to do this before you run other tests, otherwise you will lose any test logs that have been collected so far (see Release Notes for System Testers).

For system qualification testing, select the System tree, add the tests to the Run list, and click START. For server testing, you must also run the Server test located in the server test tree. You can refer to these HCT documents for instructions on running selected tests.

Notes for Running Test Manager

Release Notes for System Testers

The 9.5 HCT CD is specifically designed for Windows NT® 4.0 with Service Pack 6 and Windows 98 Second Edition testing. Even if you are pre-installing Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or 4 you will be required to do a complete test run with Service Pack 6. Windows 98 Gold can still be tested with HCTCD 9.5 but the Wake on Ring and Wake on LAN tests will not work. Failures of these tests when run under Windows 98 Gold are acceptable.

The HCT 9.5 CD will install a special pool tag enabled feature for Windows NT 4.0 that will cause the system to halt (or blue screen) if drivers are discovered that do not properly allocate memory. All systems should be connected to a debugger or use the crashdump feature of Windows NT® to determine the faulty driver. Fixes to the driver may be required before a submission can be made. See the Pool Tag Testing information to help identify the responsible driver.

The HCT 9.5 CD will install a driver verifier for Windows 2000 that will cause the system to halt (or blue screen) if drivers are discovered that are not properly designed for Windows 2000. The Driver Verifier is a series of checks added to the Windows 2000 kernel to help readily expose errors in kernel mode drivers. Remember that when you're programming in kernel mode, you don't have the protection mechanisms that prevent errant code from inadvertently corrupting memory that doesn't belong to you. Moreover, memory corruption often is not immediately exposed, making it difficult to determine the source of the problem. And let us not forget the complex rules that drivers must follow to safely interact with other drivers and operating system components. For more information, see Using Driver Verifier to Expose Driver Errors

The HCT 9.5 Test Kit has a new feature that will not allow the following changes during HCT testing:

  1. Adding new devices
  2. Removing devices
  3. Installing new device drivers
  4. Disabling devices

If any of these changes are made in the middle of a testing run with the HCT Preview Pack, you will have to start HCT testing over. Ensure that your system is configured porperly for testing before you start HCT testing, as described in Preparing a System for Testing and System Submission Procedures.

In order for your system(s) to be fully supported by Microsoft Technical Support (MTS), they must be logo'd and listed on the Windows Hardware Compatibility List. If your system(s) are not listed on the HCL and MTS discovers that a problem is hardware related, then they can not give our mutual customers full support. Microsoft reserves the right to reject otherwise passing test results for a system if other incompatibilities are discovered in WHQL test labs.

Hardware Needed for Testing:

To run the HCT 9.5 Test Kit for system submissions, you will need the following hardware:

  1. Because the PCI Latency test is a logo requirement, systems and servers will be required to run the Systems HCT Kit with one Foxfire II PCI test card on the PCI bus at all times. Additional Foxfire II PCI test cards may be required, depending on the number of PCI slots in the Test System. See Running the Pre-OS Tests for details. Mobile systems without PCI slots will not be required to run these tests.
  2. One Serial Loopback Connector is required for each serial (COM) port on the Test System.
  3. One Audio Loopback Cable is required for the Full Duplex test.
  4. For a list of other hardware that must be installed prior to HCT testing, see Specific Testing Requirements
  5. For a list of hardware required for the USB manual test, see the USB Manual Test.

What's New in The HCT 9.5 Kits

Windows 95 and 98

New - No new tests



Windows NT 4.0

New - No new tests


Removed - No removed tests

Windows 2000
