Mystery Science Theater En Masse

Crazy Train Obscure References
For Episodes 6-8


Episode 6 - Closing Time

(Part One)

"I'm not going to sit idly by and watch you sport with that Shinto cunt," Mature had snapped, snatching up her coat and angrily thrusting her arms into the sleeves. "I'd sooner sleep with Rugal again.
Axl: So she
is Adel and Rose's mom!

Reference to a fan theory that Mature's the mother of those two, hence Axl's outburst.


(Part Two)

Rory: *raps* It was all a dream!

Reference to the Notorious B.I.G. song, "Juicy".


Vice reddened deeper. "Shut up, Yagami. You don't hear me bitch when you're beating off over Kusanagi," she snapped.
Mai: Indeed. Many a fanfic happened to be written about that, despite what some sour and snobby people think...

Mai... is performing a "Take That" to the afterword of "A Cruel Angel's Thesis". To a lesser extent, she might also be snarking at a shoehorned author's note in that fic's 24th chapter.


Episode 8 - legolas/legolas by laura

Axl: Almost reminds me of a certain scene where a certain rape victim got her clothes back.

Axl's referencing the rape scene from "A Story of Destined Love". (Curiously, he wasn't present for that riffing, but it probably implies that he got the info from Rory, who did read the first two fics and riffed the third.)


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